How are the deer herds doing in the Beahlah region



Blessed for past twelve years to Hunt Izee country on private ground. Deer herds all but gone - a direct result of little to no preditor control. Cat kills everywhere past few years.
Elk are ok.

Looking to move on and curious if the deer herds have huntable numbers in Beahlah/Drewsey area.
I too have hunted private land in Izee. I live in NE Oregon and have been watching the deer all winter. Its been a fairly easy winter for them on the winter ranges. I hope it will be a better year than it was last year!

I don't think you will ever find better deer hunting in Oregon than where you have been. Just an opinion.
Agreed its a good area. Deer are taking a beating there. Looking to hunt elsewhere change of scenery- Landowner wants us to give them a break for few seasons. Friend of friend killed a smoker buck archery near van last year. Fluke or are there decent deer in area.
I live in the central part of the state and the game has had an easy winter, we had a couple rough weeks but they'll be fine, weather wise that is.

My usual deer area is north of Izee but the same unit and the deer numbers have dropped to the pathetic level. I suspect cats, the game commision says poor habitat and too many horses. I can see the horses being a problem but there have been lots of horses for years, the habitat looks fine in my opinion and we haven't had a real bad winter since '93 so I still say cats.

One thing I keep finding all over eastern Oregon for the last 10 years that bothers me is dead fawns, not killed they just layed down and died. I've found at least a dozen including one on the John Day last weeek while chuckar hunting. it looks like a healthy fawn just went to sleep and never woke up, I've tried to get a gamey to take a look and they just say " things die " . that's true and it might be an ok answer if deer weren't to the point they should be on the ESA.

In my opinion there should be no deer season in eastern Oregon until the numbers come back, partly to increase populations and partly to take the money from ODFW so they'd have an interest in bringing them back. I've lived here my whole life and I can tell you I never thought I'd see the day the deer numbers were this pathetic.
Excellent points HD I live in Susanville and the wild horse issue is alive and well here for sure. They have the ranges in the eastern part of our county ate to nothing.

I'd be all for a three + year break for the deer for the reasons you outlined. More areas and states could afford to do the same. Hunters then could get involved in habitat improvement projects. Hunt lions for a change. i like to care for a half dozen guzzlers in my area clean, fix etc. F/G wont do it!
I agree with not hunting for a couple of years BUT we still have to adress the root of the problem.
Yesterday here in the John Day Valley, a friend of mine saw a cat in the hay feilds between Prairie City and John Day. Middle of the day.
In my opinion cats are ther # 1 problem, but with our law and our weak kneed game commission a loss of revenue is the only way I can see to get their attention. problem is most of us have accepted a deer tag is good for one camping spot and don't really questioon why we don't see a deer, we keep paying them and they keep letting us .
In my opinion, I think everyone needs to do their part in the off season and kiil a cat, or five! I have had enough of the mis management(odfw) and stupid laws that Portland passes(ie. no dogs). Cats are varmits in my book and we shouldnt need a tag. Kill them all. I live in a small town in middle of nowhere and we now have them being spotted in the elementary playground....kill them all! Its only a matter of time til they start snatching children. Sorry, had to vent.
hunkered down fawns died because there mother was killed by a mountain lion.
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