How do you Stand?


Long Time Member
I live in a large geographically republican county that according to the Nebraskan governor will benefit the most by the TPP as it will reduce the tariff on beef exported to Japan from 38% to 9%. According to the governor the demand for Custer County beef in Japan will bolster the economies of cattle county economies.

I've been following the TPP for awhile and I'm still not sure if I'm in favor or not, definitely some positives and negatives. So where are you guys at and why?

Ironic isn't it that a black devil president has rural republicans cheering?
You should be very very careful on what you buy from Obama. It could be another form of Obamacare that sounds good and ends up biting you in the ass.
If he gave up that percentage on exported beef, what did he give up on the other end?

It's not going to make a big difference one way or the other. I we want to export anything at a profit we have to get the value of the dollar down it's killing us.

The grain and hay markets suck and the cow market is headed to chitsville. if I was a good republican I'd cry and whine and feel sorry for myself and blame it all on the spook.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
TP or TPP either way I would use it for wiping purposes only.

The TPP only serves corporations, the fluff of how it will make lives better for workers overseas is ridiculous. The players always add that language in knowing there is no teeth to it, just posturing.

Excerpt: Huff Post

On May 8, 2015, President Obama spoke at Nike in Oregon about labor rights. Irony aside, the speech was eloquent and inspiring.

"And if Vietnam, or any of the other countries in this trade agreement don't meet these requirements, they'll face meaningful consequences. ... If you're a country that wants in to this agreement, you have to meet higher standards. If you don't, you're out. If you break the rules, there are actual repercussions."

Four days later, the Senate approved language saying that all countries in any new trade agreement must meet basic standards for human trafficking. As it happens, six of the 12 TPP countries have serious problems with human trafficking. Of the six, only Malaysia failed to meet the Senate?s standard for inclusion in TPP.

Two weeks after the Senate vote, shocking press reports from Malaysia described mass graves, bodies showing signs of torture and 28 camps where refugees were held in pens for human trafficking. This was the second large-scale discovery of mass graves on the Thai-Malaysia border that month. More reports followed.

The Prime Minister of Malaysia is suspected of corruption in a $700 million investigation in the U.S. and other countries. Official corruption extends into human trafficking and jungle camps.

The USTR and Obama administration could have put meaning into the President's lofty promise at Nike. They could have said, ?Malaysia is out of TPP. When Malaysia deals effectively with human trafficking, they can dock into TPP like any other country.?

Instead, on July 27, the official U.S. government upgraded its ranking of Malaysia regarding human trafficking, without explanation or justification. Presto! Malaysia is qualified to stay in the TPP.

It is all CRAP!!! This is nothing more than Corporate America once again cutting closed door deals that screw average working Americans while filling the pocket of Corporatists.
>Trump must be a democrat then
>because he's obsessed with Obama's

I'm fascinated by the NRA's hearty endorsement of a person who supports gun bans and hypocritically denounces gun-free zones while maintaining them at his properties. The NRA has certainly compromised on its principles. If the NRA truly cared about the Second Amendment, why wouldn't they endorse a candidate that has consistently honored it? That's certainly not Trump.

Supporters of Trump's endorsement claim that "Trump changed his mind", but I wonder why Trump gets a pass. Whenever a politician "changes their mind", they usually get accused of flip-flopping. They also (falsely) claim that Trump will protect their gun rights while Hillary won't, so basically they're voting the lesser of two evils. This is what it's come to: low information voters deciding the next President. They'd rather compromise on their principles for political expediency.

I hope we get the government we deserve.
There are people who are actually defending his reversal on policy while in the same breath, claiming that other people are flip-flopping doing the same thing. This is a sure sign of cognitive dissonance.

Why people are being taken in by such an obvious play is beyond me. It's wither willful ignorance, blinded by an "anything but Hillary" mindset, or pure stupidity. Trump is not a friend to the Second Amendment, not is he friendly towards anything except himself. He's shown staggering, profound ignorance on how the Executive Office actually works, thinking that it's like a CEO where he can just do whatever he wants. It's either that, or the lowest, most base pandering I've ever witnessed during my time here on Earth.
>There are people who are actually
>defending his reversal on policy
>while in the same breath,
>claiming that other people are
>flip-flopping doing the same thing.
>This is a sure sign
>of cognitive dissonance.
>Why people are being taken in
>by such an obvious play
>is beyond me. It's wither
>willful ignorance, blinded by an
>"anything but Hillary" mindset, or
>pure stupidity. Trump is not
>a friend to the Second
>Amendment, not is he friendly
>towards anything except himself. He's
>shown staggering, profound ignorance on
>how the Executive Office actually
>works, thinking that it's like
>a CEO where he can
>just do whatever he wants.
>It's either that, or the
>lowest, most base pandering I've
>ever witnessed during my time
>here on Earth.

if trump accomplished half of what his campaign slogans profess, then he'll be a better president then any liberal president in the last 40 years...
Manny even you can't be stupid enough to think Trump can do 10% of what he promises. hell he doesn't even believe it.

Anyway, I like the old Trump better than the new one. I guess you'd have to elect him to see what's the box of chocolates.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
11bravo, You are right about having to vote for what we feel is the lessor evil of both parties. It has boiled down to giving Trump a chance to see what he is made of as opposed to electing an outright crook who can not keep track of her own lies, or a socialist liberal that will continue down the path to bankrupt this country.
The foolish voters gave Obama a try, 2 times, and look what it got us. Trump would not have to do much to surpass what Obama failed to give us, even with a 2 year majority of his party in power. I will vote for Trump as the lessor evil. Unlike the fools that voted twice for Obama, I will not vote the second time for Trump if he fails to deliver like Obama failed the first 4 years.

I know how that goes. I'm ashamed to say I voted for Bush in 2000 but I sure as hell didn't do it again in '04.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>I know how that goes.
>I'm ashamed to say I
>voted for Bush in 2000
>but I sure as hell
>didn't do it again in
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

But You Voted for your Black Little Buddy!

F'N Twice!

LAST EDITED ON May-26-16 AT 07:14PM (MST)[p] should never underestimate the far reaches of Manny's stupidity.

Bess, I voted for the 6'1" half white guy twice. Fact is he didn't take my guns or crash the economy. So what's your point?

"The foolish voters gave Obama a try, 2 times, and look what it got us."

Funny how selective memory works...
>AT 07:14?PM (MST)

> should never underestimate the far
>reaches of Manny's stupidity.
>Bess, I voted for the 6'1"
>half white guy twice. Fact
>is he didn't take my
>guns or crash the economy.
>So what's your point?
>"The foolish voters gave Obama a
>try, 2 times, and look
>what it got us."
>Funny how selective memory works...


If one of them came to take your Guns you're gonna just throw your F'N Hands in the Air & let them take em?


And Look what it got us?


FW, here is what someone else is saying about what we got under Obama.

The Obama years.
Poverty rates highest since 1960s.

Labor participation lowest since 1960s.
~93 million unemployed.

Food Stamp and welfare usage at record highs.

23% of Americans on some form of welfare.

Real Unemployment still at ~10%.

Debt doubled from $10 to $20 trillion.
Anemic GDP growth for 7 years.

1st President in US history to never have above 3% GDP.

Slowest recovery from a recession in US history.

Slowest period of wage growth in US history.

US credit rating downgraded for first time in US history.

Credit rating then downgraded a second time.

Billions wasted on 'green energy' cronyism and 'stimulus'.

Trillions pumped out through Quantitative Easing
Interest rates stagnate for 9 years.

Health Insurance rates rapidly rising.

Obamacare exchanges failing.

Nationwide school test scores worsening.

Fostered division among Americans, racial tensions at all time highs.

Fostered division in Washington, rarely working with Congress.

Used most Executive Orders and Presidential Memorandum in history.

International terrorism increased 8 fold in as many years.

A new terrorist state formed in the Middle East.

LESS democracies in the world than before Obama took office.
We've already had this Discussion!

He'll go down as taking Bin Laden Down/Out!

Other than that!

I Can't Think of all the other Good Things He's Done?

LAST EDITED ON May-27-16 AT 00:20AM (MST)[p]

Apologies Corny, this post has gotten derailed.

No problem on the derailment. As far as TPP I'm pretty much in agreement with whoever earlier stated it's more of a corporate solution to increase the profit line. I also don't necessary feel that if benefits the working guy to the level it is being promoted by my republican governor.

I do find it interesting how on this political issue the black devil has found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for the republicans in Nebraska. Republicans in my area love it and most democrats find it a showpiece for corporate greed.
I'm an isolationist that one of the things I like about Trump. but the fact is right or wrong today we live in a world economy so the horse has left the barn it's too late to shut the gate.

All any of us can do to slow it is buy American. if we had all done this in the first place the horse would still be in the barn. crying about it now is useless and childish.

Make the deal it's not going to matter.

Stay Thirsty My Friends

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