Huge Wyoming 12 inch Antelope


Very Active Member
Just finished helping my buddy George from Cheyenne score his antelope. He took it last weekend at 417 yards in an area that typically has left over tags. Its 12 1/2 inches long, has 7 inches of mass on the top of both horns and grosses 75 2/8...what a pig for a 12 incher!


Freaking stumpy sucker for sure. Awesome trophy!

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
I love heavy antelope. Mass is everything when it comes to big goats. To many people look for length and will pass up a shorter, heavier goat.
That thing is a toad! (that's a good thing for animals but not for people) LOL
That buck ALMOST has it all.
Thanks for sharing 30Hart.
Congrats - that one does have the mass going on!! Always a good thing with antelope. I got one really similar to that one in 2012, also not really tall but a little over 7" on the base and 2nd measurement.
He's 12 4/8 on both horns and I thought he'd score more when I first saw him...there's a 12 4/8 incher in B&C and looks about the same as this one.
I see mass like that and i'm way interested no matter the horn length. It would be nice to have everything but if you can't, i'll take one like that and love it!

That's a dandy!


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