Huntin Fool


For those of you that are memebers. Don't renew your subscription, if you plan on it, until Novemeber. Otherwise, if you renew it in February, March or later, they will expire your subscription in Novemebr no matter what. They send you back issues, but depending on species the draw could most likely be past and that information is useless! I found out. I renewed late February and it expires in November. $100 for 9 months. I had not been a member since 2008. I would have thought I would be good through next February. It would be nice if they told me that my membership would expire in November. In my opinion I am not getting 100% of the magazine.

Anybody else have this problem? How do you feel?
My subscription expires in December so I don't have that problem. However if that's the case, that's BS. Your 12 month subscription should start from the month you join. Just my $0.02!
I have not had that problem and I suspect that if you call them, they should make it up to you. From my experience they have always been stand up guys.
my subscription has expired numerous times over the years. It runs for 12 months from my "new" renewal date. Last go round I started it in Dec so I would get all the draw info.
I'm sure it's fine if you renew every year. I'm saying if you rejoin after having a lapse of time.

thanks for the responses. I was just curious how others' subscription is working and was a little irritated when I found out. I don't think it's right. It should be 12 months from the time you renew and forget the back issues.
Call them up. They're nice folks. It's easier than posting this up on MM.
I hear ya DBD,

I did call them. They said they have had only a couple complaints about this method. They said most people are fine with it. If it were a larger complaint they would change the way they do it.

That's why I wanted to ask where there are members of the magazine to see if I am the only one or two that mis-understands their method of subcriptions. Might be helpful information for others when they renew.

I like the magazine, just thought it was an odd detail about subscriptions.

thanks for the input fellas,

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