HuntinDupe slowly take notes


Very Active Member
HuntinDupe...last year when I was at the Hilton Conference room in Jerusalem listening to the former long-time Chief of Israel security give an two hour update....I didn't see you there...When I was in Jordan for four months and many of the people I was working with were displaced guess is you were sitting at your keyboard....when I make it my business to appease my very curious nature by asking questions with REAL people in the real world working and living internationally for 15 guess is you were thinking for a clever come back to 202 and thinking your key board and screen is your link to all knowledge. When I was in Jerusalem watching the way it all worked and didn't work. Watching Palestinian kids argue and scream at each other while playing quick to push and shove. Having a Palestinian cab driver tell me ?I wish the Jews were in charge of everything, we all would have jobs, it would be clean and safe, and all of our politicians are crazy whores.? Walking through the sectioned city and knowing easily when you went from the clean organized Jewish Quarter to the Arab Quarter seeing the trash heaps and graffiti. Working 90% of the last three years of my life hearing the call to prayer five times a day. Talking to a 45 year old Palestinian man with 10 kids under 15 telling me he hadn't a job for 20 years thinking maybe having ten kids is not such a good idea if you don't have a job. So don't imply I don't have a clue. It is my business to have a clue?my life counts on it. Thats the problem with liberals it is all theory without experiencing the real grit of the world. And with that half cocked arrogance you tell all (and God knows your the worst?here at least) how you have it all figured out.

Olmert is under tons of political pressure to say good things. Sort of like your boy Obama?.looks good?.sounds good?..must be good. Like I said above the KEY is ?Population Dynamics? of the region. You have to look below the surface to see what is really going on. At best this is a stall. A behind the scenes political chess match. Am I being negative I guess so. I won't sell out logic and common sense tempered with personal experience to get on the yippy skippy wagon. The Israelis have gone down the road of apologists that you and you liberal buddies have forced our Military in. They have to follow our lead. The same Israelis who were completely outnumbered and against incredible odds kicked the crap out of the Arabs in the six day war and countless other attempts to destroy them. Now have their list of apologies ready before throwing a stone.

Every concession the Jews make is seen as a sign of weakness. When the Jews conceded Gaza, oh this will bring unity to all. The Jews had flower greenhouses, farming, clean and organized, what was once a barren wasteland turned into a land of milk and honey and the first thing the Palestinians did was tear stuff up and sell it for scrap and uses Gaza for their favourite rocket launching spot. We see concessions as understanding and fairness they see it as proof positive their pressure is working and eventually they will have all.

That is the way they think. I know how much as you would love to think everyone in the world thinks just the same it simply is not true. That is important so let me repeat it as you has misread much of what I have written in the past I know if it goes beyond a bumper sticker of headline and a paragraph skim your mind goes overload. Many people in the world have FUNDEMENTALY different ways of looking at things and processing that information and deciding their course of action. Liberals live to the Land of Oz with the naive impression if we are nice enough all will be good. You know your messiahs Obama?s proposed new chant ?we are the world? Do I wish the rest of the world had the same moral values, compass of right and wrong that some Americans do, yes, but they don't. It simply is not. I base much of this conclusion with tens of thousands of person to person international contacts to warzones.

A curious issue I think with the issue at hand is normally in history group of people that hate each other as much as they do and have an impassable issue there is an all out war until one side gives in and is just happy the other side stopped killing them and breaking their stuff. The bad blood is cleared, they both end up knowing who pulls the shots. Things eventually things heal and life goes on. The International community has kept it staggering along for 50 years. Do I suggest they ?just fight it out?, no of course not but a curious observation.

Money that has been pumped into the Palestinians on an epic scale. Arafat, likely you see him as a freedom fighter I see him as a terrorist in the first degree who stole so much money, all Palenstions should have their own personal helicopters and diamond tiaras. But instead they live in squalor. Just like the liberal politicians in the US the extremists that are running the show, don't fool yourself they are, do not want it to be resolved?then they are no longer needed.

So Dupe you might impress your little liberal minions but you are a fraud and don't even know it. That is the sad part I don't think you are an evil guy and probably be the first guy to volunteer to help a friend move. You ?mean well?, that is the liberal trap you are stuck in. But when it comes to anything other than the food pellets fed to you by the mainstream media so far it appears to me you don't have a clue other than a bunch of mindless liberal pinball chatter.

As a footnote I want to make clear my fellow conservatives who use the internet and other sources no ill feeling or implication. We have allot to overcome with the for the most part totally biased media. You have great advantage you are approaching the issue from the right starting blocks and if some of the information is skewed through whatever media you will still be on track for the most part. But is you are starting from the liberal starting blocks?.that tree almost always bears sour fruit.

Dupe let me save the time for your response?you have become too predictable.

Wow, you sure do like to hear yourself talk I gave up halfway through all your babble but I still know everything you wrote was wrong? are you saying we should give up hope? If is saves just one child it is worth it. Your mean and negative what a loser.
AW, you are a STUD! Thank you.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-15-08 AT 12:33PM (MST)[p] Well written even though for all we know you're an 18 year old student with the gift of gab. Pro is ready to kiss you though, hope you're over 18.

I don't claim to have all the answers as you do I just thought the PM of Israel making this statement was a little good news in an area of the world without much. you're campaign to make this personal tells more about you than your 5 pages of self important ego building claims to fame. if you're James Bond and have the inside information us low life pee ons aren't privey to then why didn't you tell Bush to stop sending money and Condi Rice over there it's useless? don't tell me it's all for show. on the internet you never know who you're talking to, I'm a dirt farming rancher and don't claim to have CIA connections, you're some guy who blew into town 22 post ago and launched an immediate personal attack campaign, I really don't care who you are or if you're full of crap or for real, you lack class.

For sake of argument lets say you're right and it's hopeless, so forget about Israel /Palisine there's nothing we can do they'll fight forever and we should just accept it. that's the spirit, trying is the first step to failure.

So what makes our wars in the rest of the region so promising? we have to walk away from the source of our trouble in the region but we can fix it everywhere else with a well placed war in Iraq. this makes a lot of sense, Palistine is hopeless but we can fix the rest of it, well written or not crap is crap, you may just be a right wing Obama.
For many years now I have had the ooportunity to talk face to face with individuals from every walk of life. I have seen good in all. I have also seen the worst in all. The very lowest form of oxygen thieving scum on the face of the planet. I have been able to after all of these years, and many hours of training to detect when someone is lying, being deceptive, colorful, truthful so on and so forth.
It is my belief that the left politician is for the most part a criminal to some degree. I also believe tha same about the hard right. When you take either side of the aisle the "hard side." tehre is something beside.
Bugler, not sure I follow you but I detect a LE background. If so same here. If you are implying I am lying or embeilishing your wrong. But fair enough I might think the same thing.

Yes for all anybody knows I am a lonely housewife, or pimply teenager who is trying to find meaning here. Think what you want. Honesty is a driving force in my life. I came to this site on reccomendation from a buddy on another site...hunting is huge passion....came to make friends and fiqure the western state point stradegy...and just have another way to stay connected from where I am and the states. My hunting passion is second only to my passion as an American. Saw the Political forum and just can't resist.

Dupe, your question is a good one but as you might have noticed I don't just throw out a 30 word expalantion and right now don't have the time or energy to answer the question properly. Yes I have lots of ideas I really don't have time to go into depth here. Really takes a much longer explanation that could ever be here.

The middleast is like a crappy old car. Always in need of repair, runs for while, the tranny goes out, you fix it, runs for while, the engine blows, lots of flat tires. On and will never be a shiny and reliable hotrod....or even a steady four door sedan.....but your stuck with it like it or not so you just try and keep it from blowing up.
Sorry, had to leave in a hurry and was not able to finish i accidentally hit the post button instead of just logging out. I am LE. 17 years and military as well. Not implying anything i wholeheartedly agree just wasnt able to finish what I was saying.
The biggest problem and you hit it on the head is what I term the dumbing down of America. Your thread was awesome and nails it in alot of ways. Apathy, political correctness and a myriad of other problems are bringin this country to its knees.

The Israelis, whom I have trained with are experts in the use of their military might. They should not stand by and be killed off and they won't anymore. The only thing holding them back in my opinion is the US because we know that either our energy supply would quite possibly crumble and an all out world war would ensue because of it. We are allies with them and will be involved should they exercise sovereign defense. Alot of people here in this country believe that we should extol such things as pleasantries towards nations who despise us in order to create that warm and fuzzy feeling. They do not understand that it does not matter with these nations. The only way to reach someone is to speak their language. And when that language is one of military action, in the end that is what they will only understand.

I do get tired of being or "having to be" politically correct. If someone does not like the truth too bad. get over it. Had a judge recently removed here because he told a driver they were being stupid. Well were they? yep. Crybaby's If you're stupid you're stupid drive on and don't be stupid again right? I could sit here all day and type crap down but it seems useless. Anyways. Been on and off this site over the years.
Where you from Adventure?
As far as I'm concerned if you could move the oil out of the middle east the rest of the world would be better off if the planet absorbed it and everyone in it. you don't have to tell me it's a mess, but we can't make it go away so how do we live with them.

Peace between Israel and Palistine is a first priority if things are to improve, my whole point in this thread was to say the Israeli PM was hopeful, I'm humble enough to assume he's better informed than I am.

I noticed you haven't picked up on the question of how Iraq will bring peace and stability to the region but Palistine and Israel will never see peace. thats a gross contradiction of logic in my book. I see Palistine having much more to gain by peace with the US and Israel than an oil rich friend to Iran would have. Myself I don't ever see peace in the region, but I see Palistine and Israel geting along as the first and most important step if it ever is to happen, forgive me for a little optimism.
dude and optimism go together like muslims and jews. Is there a more negative doom and gloomer than dude? I so NO!


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
There are lots of experts on the middle east, but if you are, you not one I would listen to, A real radical right wing fundamentalist, I could tell that by your first post,Some of us live down here in the real American world, we give much more to the government than we take, its where people work, build things, grow things, make things, try to make America a better place for others, and to watch the far right through there selfishness and stupidity pull the stunts like they have since Bush came to power makes me sick, only bacause I love this country also, I love to hunt and would like others to have that pleasure, But to see what the far right is doing to the middle class workers, to see Republican bills come up to sell 30% percent of our public lands, To see land health declining because we don't have money and have a huge debt, listen to them cry drill everything, and not say a word about conservation, to watch the big fires burn habitat because we don't have the money to be proactive, ect, ect, I kind of like McCain but after listening to you I may go downstairs and write out a check to Obama
Pro why don't you field the question about Iraq's place in peace in the middle east? I'm tired of asking it and not one of you neocon noitalls will touch it. enlighten me, or is your wisdom only put to use on personal attacks? I almost think you're full of crap.

Who am I kidding, I know you're full of crap.
>As far as I'm concerned if
>you could move the oil
>out of the middle east
>the rest of the world
>would be better off if
>the planet absorbed it and
>everyone in it. you don't
>have to tell me it's
>a mess, but we can't
>make it go away so
>how do we live with

Hdude I'll tell you exactly how we live with them and that's by kicking their asses whenever they need it. It's no different than parenting today. When my kids get out of line I spank their asses just like my dad did to me. Too many parents these days think spankings are cruel and discipline with "time outs" or some other lame punishment. Obama wants to "talk" to these rogue nations and say stuff like "Now Mr. Leader please don't develop nuclear weapons anymore. If you do we will have to come and talk to you again and next time we might put some sanctions on you and have the rest of the world say shame on you" Sure no one wants war but my dad did not want to spank me and I don't want to spank my kids either. Sometimes though you have to send a message that says F**k with us and your gonna pay. I am very surprised that Israel hasn't already struck Iran. I think if us and Israel coordinated well, we both could fly over Iran and dump some heavy bombing on them people and they would say "Oh Chit they aren't whistling dixie" We wouldn't even have to put one troop on the ground. We then could say to the Palestinians that if they don't sit down shut up and get a life, that the same fate would befall them. Will these scenarios ever play out? Doubtful because the rest of the world who doesn't do a damn thing to contribute in any conflict will say "Now Now you shouldn't have done that" This whole world is pathetic but it is human nature to be survivalists and eventually when someones utter survival is at hand something will be done. I truly believe that Israels days (years) are numbered. As soon as some rogue nation or terrorists group gets a nuke or two, then Israel is in deep chit. I believe it will be a situation that could have been prevented, but the dumbing down of America will have given these countries/groups the means by which to aquire nukes and when all is said and done and Israel is history, the liberal idiots will all say it was GWB's fault. Hide and watch.
Oh God leave it to Crack Piper to turn this thread into "Bush's fault, Bush's fault". Christ man do you blame your period on GWB too! What a pansy.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-15-08 AT 07:13PM (MST)[p]Unfortunately, Bobcatbess doesn't get dragged into these political debates. So it leaves the responsibility to the rest of us to give a nickname to the new guy.

Obviously "Adventurewriter" is a smart guy that can't sell his drivel anywhere else so he is doing drive bys on any forum he can find.

Anybody want to venture a nickname for this hero? 2.02? PRO? Ransom? NOC?

I vote for: DUHDITTO!

No Caforkedhorn, read, I said the far right are to blame for a lot, they mostly used Bush and then left him, like a good one night stand, haven't you left him too?
Oh the agony Piper sorry your life was hell during the first six years of Bush most americans were living fat. BTW how's your period? Bloody? Blame it on Bush!
Having been to Iraq as part of the intial liberation force, I feel I earned the right to say that Iraq, when stablized soon, will be a large positive force in the middle east. I do not believe we should have invaded under apparently false pretenses (I still don't believe there were no WMD because of things I saw - but I can't explain that so don't ask cause I don't know), but I do feel that the region will be better off in the long run. Unlike the media reports, the common Iraqi does not dislike us that much.

Dupe I am humbled. Yes, I did not properly pay homage to the altar of 4,000 plus posts. And who am I to defy the all knowing and powerful Oz?..Silence!!!!! Problem is it took about a half and hour of banging around this site to figure out you are absent minded Professor Marvel whose balloon has been blown off course and landed in Oz. That crystal ball you gaze into and ?see things? is just a piece of glass. It didn't take long to figure out the man behind the curtain was a fraud. But really you have had the way home all along?it is easy to do. Just close your eyes and click your heels together three times and say ?202 is right?click click click ?202 is right? It really is that easy.

If you truly are a rancher and I have my doubts you should be the first person who knows what a hard days work is overcoming struggles setting goals working hard?.that is what conservative values are all about. Ranchers and farmers are some of the finest people I have ever met. Rancher?wacky liberal?.doesn't compute but more about that later.

Dupe I know your gonna cry foul?what about Iraq?well it is way to complex and frankly I don't feel like going into it and many of my thoughts are not privy to public discussion. But I have WAY more understanding than you ever will.

Bugler, good to meet you already know you are on track so I don't have to tell you. You have an unfair advantage in any debate? are right. I am from the west but overseas now. Will be coming back for bow season in about a month which will be a welcome break. The magic of an alpine meadow sound like just what the doctor ordered. Throw in a few bugles and I'm in heaven. Political correctness is the biggest enemy. Our first amendment rights have turned into a joke. My guess you are in a position you don't dare to so say anything that could be sexist, racist, homophonic, insensitive, saying anything critical about anything except evil Christians of course those hate mongers are fair game. That is why this is so refreshing for me here?after swallowing razor blades for 20 years to tell a few liberal what I really think. Thank you for that Dupe. I could write volumes on this subject (I know that is hard to believe) as it is such could write a book on this issue. It is the biggest enemy and our founding father would be spinning in their graves.

ChlorideRus (I'm not quite sure what that is but got a feeling it should only be used with proper ventilation) I am a little spooked. Don?t call your big brother in to beat me up. Come on dude I will be good?not. Dang dude I will have to give you credit you do have me figured out. After that first article I got in the high school paper I swore it was ?Beltway or Bust? stars in my eyes, my conservative manifesto clutched tight to my chest. The Land of Conservative Nirvana where mean republicans eat children and figure out ways to rule the world. But soon my lives dream was shattered and as a broken man I pathetically cruise the net hoping someone will give me some attention. But please I BEG OF YOU?.you have found my soft underbelly and a source of all my conservative anger?.do not tease me with a me with a nickname?someone once called me fictionwriter and the bitter pain is still too deep ?..really that would be too much to bear after all I had to overcome?.

CAforkedhorn don't have time to address all you wrote but good to hear good ole fashioned sense in much of what you say?..I got a feeling you would be a good guy to go huntin or fishin with?.and a great dad who will actually have your kids prepared for life.

Pro...have seen a few other posts and you seem to have a good head on your shoulders....but what I said to is alot easier being n the right....almost unfair....were right

And last but surely not least Little Piper?..your a chick right???? Really, ever see Westside Story? ?Come on Dupe you ever think I can be a Jet???? Scram..Piper we don't take girls here now go down at the corner and watch for Officer 202?.we gonna rumble later with those dirty greasy conservatives and I gotta be on my game?.now Scram!!!!!!!
Duhditto - sorry to see you got your panties in a bunch, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, you are out of high school aren't you? now go write us an adventure story about people that work and pay their bills OK
LAST EDITED ON Jul-16-08 AT 09:09PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jul-16-08 AT 06:54?PM (MST)


Why are you wasting your obvious talents on a bunch of less intelligent folk?

Could it be? No one with any intellect gives a crap about what you say! You stole your Laptop with wi-fi from your previous employer and are now transmitting from an undisclosed location in Bolivia?

I'm almost nervous about posting this. You?ll write a f?n book on how stupid I am.

Actually, I am under cover with the EPA. My job is to ferret out poisonous drivel like you post.

Have you ever been a 'Timberline Warden' in New Mexico???

Duhditto, that works.

Duhditto the more you talk the less I care what you say. no doubt 202 was the " friend " who told you about this site, he thought he was bringing a ringer in to shut us liberals down and teach us a lesson, what ever. you may be a good writer I'll give you that but you're as full of crap as 202 you just spin a better yarn.

By the number of threads whining about liberals, Obama and anything else not Republican't I can tell this is going to be a real drag around here until November when you retreat to lick your wounds. even 202 used to debate some, now he's getting as sorry as you are, no debate just right to personal crap.

Yes I'm a 3rd generation farmer/rancher and I consider myself a moderate, but I know some liberal ones. republican'ts are no friend to ag , I don't care what your pamphlet says.
Lil?Piper writes ?Duhditto sorry you got your panties in a bunch??.that's a zinger I just don't have a comeback for ?..OUCH!!!! You know how to hurt. Okay maybe I will write a story about people who work hard and pay their taxes. And Piper my little buddy, how about ?Conservatives in America Our Last Hope.?

Huffer (it's a play on the ChlorideRush thing?common street term look it up) you're the clever one gotta keep an eye on you. How did you know about the Bolivia operation?I knew the mysterious man with the dark glasses in Bogata was up to something?.you EPA dark op?s guys make the Gestapo look like cub scouts with attitudes. I can see that a midnight trip down a river in a dugout canoe to a waiting Cessna might be in order now that I have been compromised?(note to self: kill native paddler to make a clean break) a little plastic surgery in Mexico City and I can be back to my dastardly ways?

But really Huffer?I think you have had a moment of clarity and don't even know it. You wrote "I'm almost nervous about posting this. You?ll write a f?n book on how stupid I am.
I would never think someone could write a book on how stupid I am as you wrote?really it is the first step. I am here to help. Don?t get in a tizzy you said it.

But seriously guys, as I said to Dupe earlier, he is in a trap and does not even know it. Don't think I am just some mean guy with a way with words, I know that would be a simple safe box to put me in. Like I said to Dupe earlier many liberals are good hearted just deeply misguided. Liberalism is a delusion and unfortunately you have fallen into the trap?.but it is a clever trap how can thinking all these nice things can be wrong?not the kind of trap that snatches your leg in springing steel?.but seduces you through flowery sayings and shallow thinking.

Dupe your two hour bandwagon ride the other night for Ventura shows you are a little lost and deeply want find some light in all of this. At least it shows you care. Like I said before I don't think you are an evil guy just deeply misguided. If you are a rancher (still have doubts) I don't know how politics affects your rice bowl, subsidies, AG markets and such and it might be a reason you lean the way you do. We all look at politics many different ways. In a broad sense and how it will directly affect us. We are all guilty of it but is nothing to feel guilty for remember that thing they talked about in Civics class individual rights. I say drill now!!!....just as long as its not the Sage Mesa I have been saving deer points for 10 years. It affects all of us and you. The danger is if we vote for somebody on one issue we are voting for them on all thier issues tand that is why I do alot of of teeth grinding in the voting booth.

Are the Republicans perfect?.not by a LOOOOOOOONNNNNG shot. The political system is broken?...but it is a giant monster that can't be tamed right now and voting for a Bob Barr might make you feel better but it is a vote for Obama for sure.

You have to look at it and see the better of the two and McCain is it by a long shot. If he gets smart and brings Romney on board I will have somebody to really and strongly believe in believe in. McCain?s thoughts on Illegal Invaders which in my book is the THE biggest threat to our way of life will have me dragging my feet into the voting booth for sure. Obama is dangerous beyond belief. But a deeper issue that concerns me more than him is a large part of America has become so clueless they believe in this Charlatan.

Dupe you asked for a debate?.remember when I made the post ?Obama Most Dangerous Politician ever? and asked you to address it point by point?.maybe I will repost it and give you a chance to disassemble me point by point to show the world what a fool I am. No time limit and the test is open book. Just say the word and I will?if not you can quietly bow out here in this aging thread.

But I have been a little hard on you guys and can hear you crying Uncle in your posts and will give you a break?and just for the record?believe me or not I have no idea who 202 is other than a solid conservative voice here. Go 202!!!!! I came here looking to make hunting friends and was honestly surprised there was a political format. Why would I hide it?? It did'nt appear to me 202 needed any help and seemed to give you guys a pretty good whippin on his own. But be careful, I don't untie the one arm still tied behind my back.
Wholy crap, I don't want to argue with someone who writes a novel in every post. I dozed off somewhere in there but I think I got it summarized. "I'm always right, you'll always be wrong, I'm the greatest, never before has the world seen such greatness and that's even with me holding back"

I guess my question is, in light of your wisdom and greatness how is it you are you letting the dems take over congress and the whitehouse? you're to important to the future of this nation to be hanging around a place like MM teaching morons like us the truth. I'll watch for you on Meet The Press this Sunday.
Dude, republicans are no friend to ag because farmers have it a whole lot better than lets say contactors or miners or all other buisiness owners. Every farmer that I know is constantly whining how broke they are when they have as many luxeries as most CEO's have.

I have a small construction company ok, now I have to register all my trailers farmers don't.

I have to pay overtime after 40 hrs, farmers pay overtime after 60 hrs.

I have air quality watching me like a hawk so I don't creat any dust so I have to spend more money on water trucks for "DUST CONTROL" but just on the other side of the road a farmer is disking his field creating dust so thick you can't cut it with a knife.

A farmer can take up both lanes of the road with his equipment with no permits. I can't, I have to get a special moving permit.

I dont get a special licence plate that is cheaper to register for my vehicles farmers do.

If I lose money on a job the goverment say's "OH WELL" farmers lose money they get compinsation. Hell they even get paid not to farm in order to drive up demand.

Farmers say "WE FEED AMERICA" thats why they get special treatment.....Well what about the miner who mined the ore to make your tractor? What about the contractor who made your road so you can drive your tactor or transport your goods out. How come they don't get special treatment aren't they part of the equation for feeding America.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-17-08 AT 02:36PM (MST)[p]If I grew a garden or raised a few beef, would it allow me to all the benefits? If so I to would be a Dumbacrap.
It's better than that, at least in Oregon ag pays no overtime, it doesn't matter how many hours you work.

The bottom line is even with all those perks most producers were going broke, with todays input cost even now the margins aren't what people think they are. there are too many restrictions on some other industries no doubt but a cheap and stabile food supply has been the governments goal and they've done well at it. watch for food to become more expensive, major corps like Con Agra are buying up huge farms and they're not in it for the lifestyle. they don't qualify for subsidies and they won't need them, they'll set the price in time unlike small time operators like me who ask what will you pay me. wait and see, you're going tom wish it could go back to the good ol days, it's just a matter of time.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-17-08 AT 04:31PM (MST)[p]I don't know what kind of margins your talking about but if I make 5.5% profit for the whole year I'm happy as hell but for the most part I make about 2% profit and this year even less.

Just because I chose the line of work I'm in and fail or go broke, I don't think tax payers are responsible for my misfortunes. My input cost is no cheaper and I don't get any breaks. I either make it or find a bridge to sleep under.

It's not all about stable food supplies. This country is like an engine: You have to have a piston, with that piston you gotta have a crank shaft. You gotta have a cam shaft with the cam shaft you gotta have intake valves and exhaust valves ETC....

My point is the farmer is no more important as the trucking company who ships the goods to market.

The farmer is no more important as rock &gravel outfitt who makes aggraget for the roads so the trucking co. can get the farmers goods to market

The farmer is no more important as the contractor who builds the roads so the trucking co. can get the farmers goods to market.

The farmer is no more important as the grocery store so they can sell the farmers goods.

And the cycle goes on and on but only the farmer gets the breaks.

A while back I bought an ATV and the dealer ask if I was a farmer. I ask why and he said" If you are you don't have to pay any sales tax because you can say you bought it for the farm"

I told him I have a garden and a pig... He just laughed at me and said "this only applies to real farmers".
I too am a contractor (electrical)and I just wired an 8000 sq ft mansion for a farmer who was always bitchin that he's not making money. Well I might not be the sharpest tool in the shed but I know if I wasn't making money I certainly wouldn't be building a mansion. The funny thing too is how politically correct it is for farmers to hire illegals. So, farmers get all these perks, get cheap labor, tax breaks, etc. and they still make no money and the government subsidises them. I call BS!!! Hdude you said you got about 7 or 8 thousand from the government, I just wonder how much you made on top of that? It makes no sense to me how our tax dollars go to subsidize farmers but yet our groceries continue to rise. Sounds to me like a classic case of the government fix all. Government gets involved and it ends up costing more. Hdude I am not blaming you for taking the money at all, I would do the same thing. My point is that you make light of the 7 or 8 thousand you received like you really would have been fine without it. I wonder how many other farmers would have made it too.
The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.....always has been......always will be....

LOL JB I real happy where I'm at and what I'm doing..... but then again being dumb might be a blessing after all.

You gotta cut JB some slack. If you had been stripped of your vowel ... you would be pissed too!

Todays ag programs due to current commodity prices are more to keep FSA, NRCS and other program employees employed than to help producers.

Ag is treated different because it is different, ag and commercial fishermen are the only industries who don't even have to pay estimated taxes I'm aware of. our income is so unpredictable you couldn't even take a good guess. the government isn't so kind to us with all these perks for no reason, they want us to stay in business and they want us to over produce.

I'd be much better off if the programs went away and the government stayed out of it, the token amount I get means little but the amount some areas get keeps my competition from going broke. the end result is the best and cheapest food in the world for you, have a few shortages because my competition is knocked out of the game and I clean house. you're better off as it is trust me.
>Todays ag programs due to current
>commodity prices are more to
>keep FSA, NRCS and other
>program employees employed than to
>help producers.
> Ag is treated different because
>it is different, ag and
>commercial fishermen are the only
>industries who don't even have
>to pay estimated taxes I'm
>aware of. our income is
>so unpredictable you couldn't even
>take a good guess. the
>government isn't so kind to
>us with all these perks
>for no reason, they want
>us to stay in business
>and they want us to
>over produce.
> I'd be much better off
>if the programs went away
>and the government stayed out
>of it, the token amount
>I get means little but
>the amount some areas get
>keeps my competition from going
>broke. the end result is
>the best and cheapest food
>in the world for you,
>have a few shortages because
>my competition is knocked out
>of the game and I
>clean house. you're better off
>as it is trust me.

"our income is so unpredictable" and your point is...that everyone else's is? You havn't been around the construction business before have you?

"the token amount I get" 7 to 8 thousand is a token amount? I wish I could say that was a token amount. How many others out there think that is a "token amount"?
The only token amount I get is,,,,,,,,,,,,,zero. Well I do get deductions for being married and having kids, but that is it!
Dude, you aint gonna change my mind and I aint gonna change your mind, hell If every body thought the same way in this country we'd be like androids or something. Thats what makes this country so great you can think what you want without fear of dying.
So what makes farmers so special that the government "wants" them to stay in business and if you think construction income is AT ALL steady then you must be hittin' the crack pipe. If it wasn't for contractors, you farmers wouldn't have a building to f**k your sheep in. :p
You are a true mouth breather, a stabile food supply comes first and foremost to any nation and producing it is a long term undertaking.

Look at the way Europe treats it's ag, top priority and the producers have more pull than any other lobby, why? because those people have been hungry, and I don't mean the king of hungry like when your boss at Burger King wouldn't let you snack out of the fry cooker.
Dude I am not saying that food shouldn't be our first priority. What I am saying is the government needs to find better ways to help the industry rather than just dish out money. You said it yourself, that you got a measley 7 or 8 thousand. I am sure if you did not receive that money, that you would continue right on farming. The government needs to allow oil drilling and refineries to be built, which would lower your costs, stop welfare and other government hand outs, which would lower your costs (less taxes) and lift environmental restrictions, also reducing your costs. I am sure there are a ton of other things the government could do to lower your costs, but instead the stupid libs continue to instill this "handout" form of government, and yet the cost at the grocery store continues to rise. You know I am right. Get the government and all these bullship programs out of your business, and your costs will go down, thereby increasing your profit.

Piper, how's your period?
>You are a true mouth breather,
>a stabile food supply comes
>first and foremost to any
>nation and producing it is
>a long term undertaking.
> Look at the way Europe
>treats it's ag, top priority
>and the producers have more
>pull than any other lobby,
>why? because those people have
>been hungry, and I don't
>mean the king of hungry
>like when your boss at
>Burger King wouldn't let you
>snack out of the fry

Typical of a liberal scocialist using Europe as his benchmark.

This is who we are arguing with guys...........a marxist scocialist left wing liberal nut!!!

"dude, nothing we can say will make us like as childish/silly as the rants you post. We HAVE posted the parts, you chose to ignore them. We get it, you like soldiers that sell out their fellow soldiers for political gain, and you hate or hold in contempt those that take a stand. We get that you manage to see NOTHING but bad in Republicans, and nothing put pure and honorable intentions from fellow limp wristed libs. We got it already, now move on."
(PRO July 3, 2008)
Over your head again, Europe's farmers have power because they control the food, the American farmer due to government programs to insure over production keep the farmer too broke to be independent. I'm giving a reason not a plan.

Myself I'd be much better off with NO government programs what so ever, let the weak fall and I'll get a better price when a commodity comes up short. I'm 3rd generation at this and I know more about the ag biz than you'll ever know and I'm here to tell you the ag programs at least until now have been to YOUR benifit not mine. we may have turned a corner to where manipulation won't work due to increased world wealth and demand for more food, I think and I hope you're going to learn how for granted you took a cheap stabile food supply. I've had my eye on a Pahvant elk tag for a while now, one more year like this and I just might take some of your grocery bill and snag one. it's all good.

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