I canceled


Long Time Member
I just canceled my Sports Illistrated subscription after reading this crap.

Going, Going Green
By Alexander Wolff

The next time a ball game gets rained out during the September stretch run, you can curse the momentary worthlessness of those tickets in your pocket. Or you can wonder why it got rained out -- and ask yourself why practice had to be called off last summer on a day when there wasn't a cloud in the sky; and why that Gulf Coast wharf where you used to reel in mackerel and flounder no longer exists; and why it's been more than one winter since you pulled those titanium skis out of the garage.

Global warming is not coming; it is here. Greenhouse gases -- most notably carbon dioxide produced by burning coal, oil and gas -- are trapping solar heat that once escaped from the Earth's atmosphere. As temperatures around the globe increase, oceans are warming, fields are drying up, snow is melting, more rain is falling, and sea levels are rising.

All of which is changing the way we play and the sports we watch. Evidence is everywhere of a future hurtling toward us faster than scientists forecasted even a few years ago. Searing heat is turning that rite of passage of Texas high school football, the August two-a-day, into a one-at-night, while at the game's highest level the Miami Dolphins, once famous for sweating players into shape, have thrown in the soggy towel and built a climate-controlled practice bubble. Even the baseball bat as we know it is in peril, and final scores and outcomes of plays may be altered too.

Because of the melting of glaciers and polar ice, and because water expands as it warms, oceans are rising. Researchers expect an increase of up to a meter by 2100, enough to drown wetlands. In the last year and a half, scientists have noticed that once indestructible ice sheets on Greenland and Antarctica have begun to creep toward the sea. If we continue to spew greenhouse gases as we are, the Earth could become five degrees warmer this century. The last time Earth was that warm, three million years ago, sea level stood 80 feet higher than it does now. Scientists don't foresee such a rise for centuries, but they agree that a damaging change in sea level will occur by 2100.

Global warming is also leading to more dramatic swings in the weather in some areas. Since the early 20th century, the amount of rain dropped in the biggest 1% of storms each year has risen 20%. A warming planet doesn't create hurricanes, but it does make them stronger and last longer. Tropical storms become more powerful over a warmer Gulf, turning a category 4 storm, for example, into a category 5, like Katrina, which transformed the symbol of sports in New Orleans, the Superdome, into an image of epic disaster. In addition to more intense storms, higher seas, and droughts and floods, ocean flow patterns could change, leading to the extinction of marine species. Warmer temperatures could devastate agricultural economies around the globe, and diseases such as malaria now confined to the tropics would spread to other regions.

Unlike many other pressing environmental concerns -- pollution, water shortages, overpopulation, deforestation -- global warming is by definition global. Every organism on the planet is already feeling its impact.

"There are many important environmental battles to be fought," says Bill McKibben, the Vermont-based writer, activist and passionate cross-country skier. "But if we lose this one -- which we're doing -- none of the others matter. It's crunch time."
ya how dare they try to educate the public!!!;-) Just cause the entire scientific community has agreed that this is real why should it bother us?


When in doubt, floor it.

Diplomacy is the art of saying "nice doggy" until you find a big stick.
what a bunch of garbage. SI has been going liberal for a long time though. Rick Reily is the worst of the bunch. I haven't had a subscription in years.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
>ya how dare they try to
>educate the public!!!;-) Just
>cause the entire scientific community
>has agreed that this is
>real why should it bother

Problem is conscensus/agreemnt aint science bro. Besides it aint the entire scientific comunity. Just the ones with their hand out or the ones to affraid to speak the truth for fear of being crucified by the media. And it aint education if it aint the TRUTH!!!!!
Top notch global weather scientists say it is nothing more than a cyclical weather change. In 1975 the alarmist extremists were saying we were in for another Ice Age!

I kinda doubt that Gore can use this crap as a stepping stone to the Whitehouse. Let's talk about it in 10 or 20 years.
The end is coming, the end is coming!

>>ya how dare they try to
>>educate the public!!!;-) Just
>>cause the entire scientific community
>>has agreed that this is
>>real why should it bother
>Problem is conscensus/agreemnt aint science bro.
>Besides it aint the entire
>scientific comunity. Just the ones
>with their hand out or
>the ones to affraid to
>speak the truth for fear
>of being crucified by the
>media. And it aint education
>if it aint the TRUTH!!!!!

You pretty much nailed it!

SO if it's raining too much, how do they explain the drought in East Africa? oh, I get it, the global warming demons are pulling all the water from over there and dumping it on Baseball games here, gotcha

:( Somebody didn't like bouncing betty :(

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