I get to shoot back



Gentlemen, I have been invited to speak to a large group. I will be following a woman from peta. As part of my talk I would like to show some video or still pics of deer. My thought is to compare the deaths of animals from hunting, starving, disease and predetor attacks. The Peta woman will undoubtedly play on their emotions. I will try to counter that. If you have any pics or video of deer or elk being killed while hunting, or starving or with disease please send them to me. You will recieve full credit if I use you stuff (if you want). Also any pics or video of predation on full grown or fawn deer would be helpful. This is a good chance for us to confront the peta propaganda face to face.With your help maybe I can make a difference. Thank you.
>Gentlemen, I have been invited to
>speak to a large group.
>I will be following a
>woman from peta. As part
>of my talk I would
>like to show some video
>or still pics of deer.
>My thought is to compare
>the deaths of animals from
>hunting, starving, disease and predetor
>attacks. The Peta woman will
>undoubtedly play on their emotions.
>I will try to counter
>that. If you have any
>pics or video of deer
>or elk being killed while
>hunting, or starving or with
>disease please send them to
>me. You will recieve full
>credit if I use you
>stuff (if you want). Also
>any pics or video of
>predation on full grown or
>fawn deer would be helpful.
>This is a good chance
>for us to confront the
>peta propaganda face to face.With
>your help maybe I can
>make a difference. Thank

Show some pictures of mangy starving diseased deer from one of those over populated towns back east that dont allow hunting.

Might also show some happy youth with their first harvest.. critter or fish, huge big grins etc etc, and compare that to the other unwholesome things kids without role models are getting into these days. I think kids on average taught to hunt have a greater respect of life than kids who find their own way in life without support from parents and good role models.

how about adding some pictures of vehicles involved in deer/auto accidents also put up $ amounts of insurance paid out, deaths, injuries etc... The amount of meat donated to food banks by hunters vs by PETA. I'll bet that one isn't even funny.
Man oh man, lucky you, you get to FOLLOW a "person" (some hardly qualify) from PETA! Much better position than to preceed them I'd say.

I'm sure that you'll put together a fine speech, sorry I don't keep any emaciated photos or videos or you'd have em. Try the CWD center in Ft. Collins (?) Colorado, they might have something for you.

I don't know how you can work this in the best way, but considering your audience, I'd recommend using a phrase that we all understand the question and answer to, as a foundation to making an excellent point. This could lead into your discussion of game management, habitat loss, etc. The question would be "if a tree falls in the forest, does it make any noise?" The point you'd want to make here is that, just because we don't in person, see animals die horrible deaths from starvation, being ripped apart while still alive by wolves, coyotes, doesn't mean it don't happen. It does. And that regulated hunting only removes "excess" animals (defined as the number of animals that are above the carrying capacity of that habitat) from areas. These are animals that would otherwise die a cruel death by starvation. So, the habitat can't support them, they will in fact die a long cruel death, and hunting is the tool that allows a humane death and also be put to good use as the healthiest, leanest protien on the planet.

Good luck to you, and best wishes.
Knock em dead! (literally!) Give em my regards. haahaaaaa..



I can not provide you with any photos, but I do recall this incident that you may want to research and bring up at the meeting. About 10-15 years ago, in one of the southern states, Cleveland Amory and his animal rights group stopped a controlled hunt for deer on a Island swamp area. The reason for the hunt was that the deer exceeded the amount of forage of the land that could feed them during the upcoming winter. Fish & Game wanted 70 animals harvested via hunters, so the remaining herd could survive the upcoming winter.
Cleveland Amory, after stopping the hunt with a lawsuit, and his group attempted to trap and remove the 70 animals to another location. They only succeeded in traping ONE deer. That winter almost the intire herd died off due to a slow starvation death. I believe it was over 200 deer that died due to starvation.
This could be a powerful information tool to provide the crowd when combined with photos of deer dying or dead from starving to death. It does bring home the reason why hunting should be used as a tool for herd management to prevent slow lingering deaths of the herd. I would drive home that most of the deaths will be the intire fawn crop.


My suggestion is to do what your title says, well almost. Instead of "shoot back"... shoot her in the back.

As she walks off stage, pull out a .357 and shoot her in the back. Then calmly look at your audience and say, "Sit down, shut up and pay attention to what I have to say. When I'm done there will be time for rebuttals if any of you are dumb enough."

Or use the Eastwood line from Unforgiven. After you shoot her sorry PETA lovin' ass, look out and say, "Any other PETA lovers that don't wanna get killed better git on out the back door."

Dude, when it comes to PETA don't shoot back. SHOOT FIRST and don't miss! ;-)
Hey Starman I am not sure if it was in Trophy Hunter or Muley Crazy (I think MC) there were some still picture from a video of a mule deer buck being killed my a lion. They only had a few pictures in the mag but the video was very telling and up close. I am sure there are others on here that can tell you the exact copy. The pictures might have made it on here as well just can not remember.

You also might want to ask the crowd, Who is a vegetarian? Most will probably say they are not. Then you can bring up the point that most of the animals raised in factory farms live a pretty crappy life, and that the game killed by hunters have a free life until the end and then they die quickly. So what's worse? Buying your meat from the store, or killing it yourself. Just a thought.
Starman ,
Can I come listen to you speak , or is it a physical therapist/nutrition expert/health-nut sort of event ?

I'll e-mail you some pics if I find any , Ben
I wouldnt mind being there for support either! If you dont mind saying when and where this event is and how did the lineup of speakers happen?
I cant tell you how many times I have watched "animal shows" over the years that show how nature can be a slow a methodical killer (disease, predation, starvation, etc.). Actually, David Mech (sp?--it is pronounced meech) is a renowned wolf biologist and I know has footage of wolves killing elk and moose and it is not pretty. For the average joe who has little or no knowledge of how nature works some of that video can be a eye opener. Yes I agree to show what a swift kill from a rifle looks like compared to 8 wolves disemboweling a bull elk for 10 mintues.
AS far as the Foothills wildlife reseach facility in Fort Collins yes they do have CWD positive animals there, some in the late stages of the disease that would provide good video of what CWD does to a deer or elk. Heck i could find 1 or 2 in the foothills just driving around. IF you are in the area I could probably get you into the FWRF.
Yes, cohntr6 I agree with that!
I also urge you to stress the "Do you eat meat? question.
Wild game offers a biologically clean meat source, free of antibiotics, hormones and growth stimulants.
Stress the fact that the perception of "Trophy Hunting" is a fallacy. You know, where the hunter cuts off the rack and walks out of the woods, leaving the carcass behind.
Let them know that this is highly illegal and has been for many years.
PETA loves to lump poachers together with legal hunters.
Let us know how it goes.
you need to tell them they are killers.

If you eat meat, you kill. You either do it for yourself or by proxy. But because you eat, animals die. There isn't a meat tree where neatly celophaned pachages of steak and chicken breast bloom in the spring.

Get them to embrace the hypocrisy of eating what others kill for you while insulating yourself from the idea that you kill animals. The Peta types like to say, yah but you kill for fun!. NO, we kill because we understand the relationship between DEATH and EATING. We have embraced that WE are responsible for both sides of the equation and we take care for the animal, for our meat preperation and consumption. We, unlike the meat eating average public are in concert with reality, we kill therefore we eat.

Being a vegitarian is a legitimate thing, and it does provide those people a legitimate view that any animals being killed is wrong. I disagree but at least they are consistant. The rest though have built up a mental wall to allow themselves the benefits of protein while still denying that they are killers.

They won't give up their meat, but you can get them to give up their falacies.
I beleive Buckmasters aired some footage last year on some CWD deer. Might send them an email.

Just a thought
Thank you for all the input. My general plan now is to start with habitat loss then compare the deaths of animals from diferent causes. showing that we are very humane when compared to mother nature. I want to quote the peta wed site on hunting and adress their lies. I will use the kiabad platue in Arizona to demonstrate the efeects of a no hunting policy. I will end with all the positive things we hunters do both for the economy and for wildlife conservation. I will have 25 min. So keep the ideas comming and any sources you may have for pic or video. I will be speaking at a Junior league lunch in Las Vegas. 70 percent women.
70percent women. Hmmmm. Are you good lookin'? Nice smile?

Good luck. Looks like some good points have been made. I
commend you on your efforts. Let us know how it goes.

"I Love Animals...They're Delicious!"
I would make sure you get your text spell-checked and grammar-checked beforehand as well. They will be waiting to pounce on any mistakes!

You also might want to point out PETA's hypocrisy concerning rodent control. Take a few rats (Norwegian Brown Rats - you might have to live trap a fee beforehand) or mice and right at the end of your presentation, let them loose in the luncheon and tell them that PETA won't allow us to control their population or exterminate them as it would be inhumane. Then just sit down, eat your steak and smile!

One final thought from me;

PETA uses the same tactics people like Oprah (so I hear) uses; pictures and stories to grab at your emotions. Bringing that tactic out in the open to others might not be a bad idea in a 1:1 debate, but not here. I'd recommend your doing the exact opposite, staying away from the emotional tactics and instead just using biological facts (and stating such) and common sense, might sway the crowd more your way. Just a thought you might want to use.....whatever you do, be a class act for all of us, don't go after people's emotions to scare them into a way of thinking, that's just not right. Facts don't lie.
Penn and Teller are hilarious - and they are logical too, though a little crude! Too funny. I hadn't seen that one. Thanks Dallan.
Here's some more ammo - Too many animals and not enough food - more hunting over the last few years would have prevented this tragedy from happening. Also - wouldn't it have been more humane to take a .22 pistol and end some suffering amoung these elk? That would really tick PETA off though.
Watch the whole video. E-mail the station for more info.
Roy, that's the same one Coleville posted above. But it is very good and I recommend it to everyone. Everybody be sure and check it out!

PETA radicals are nucking futz. I can't believe that one gal uses insulin every day and yet would deny others the benefits of the same research that keeps her alive...and does NOT see herself as a hypocrite! Or that PETA goes bananas on anyone else that euthanizes an animal, but whacks over a thousand of them themsleves annually. "You can't do it, but we can!" Supporting terrorism...man the list just goes on and on.
Antis love to explain how predators ONLY take sick or injured animals and hunters only target the prime animals.
In actuality the most prime breeding bucks and bulls are targeted by predators because they are too exhausted from rutting.
They love to throw out disinformation. (lies)
Hey starman, i REALLY hope you get this. This has to do with fishing, not hunting BUT I guarantee you that this will help demerit PETA and make them look like the crazy SOB's they are. This link http://www.fishinghurts.com/pdfs/DaddyKillsAnimals.pdf, is a comic that dehumanizes fisherman, and seriously aims to mess with the minds of little kids. Trust me, after one look at this the audience will hate PETA.
I have found that a good angle to take with these people is quartering away. OK just kidding. Seriously, I have convinced many people by just saying that I like an alternative to factory beef and other meats. That really gets 'em, because they hate all that stuff too. Free Range, baby! I have also said that if everyone that eats meat had to hunt , kill and clean it...more people would be vegetarians. They love that logic. That almost makes them want to support hunting.
One of the best angles I think to take with these people is statistics of dollars of hunters and how they are the ones supporting state game agencies thru licenses, and excise taxes on our gear. Dollars spent to PETA, Defenders of wildlife, those types of groups get spent on lawyers mostly causing havoc for state game management agencies.
we had a bad winter die off here i can't go this weekend but i can the first weekend of may i'll get you some photos.
Thanks Guys, keep the stuff coming. My talk is in June.(got moved). But you have given me alot of good stuff. please keep it coming. Thanks, Starman
Are you a public speaker? If you are you already know this, but I thought I would reiterate it because it is more important than any thing you say... KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE!!!!!! You said that it is 70% women, that is good info. What does their organization stand for? What is the average median income of the group? Where do they shop? Demographic (age, race, culture.....) As you probably already know, all this is very important in how you structure your speach. Women tend to run on emotion. Good luck, run it by some none hunting friends and their wives before you go just to feel your speach out and rework if needed.

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