
Long Time Member
I Launched the Condor in to Orbit yesterday Mid-Morning & started Searching for the Gold!

Everything went OK for a couple hours except not locating any Sheds!

I did locate a few PISSCUTTER Bulls that were still Packin!

Ya,a little early still!

Finally seen what appeared to be a small Chalk Shed & was losing Altitude to take a closer look!

I knew I was close but not this close!

I Lowered the PERTY BIRDIE in to the top of a Big Ole Yellow Pine Tree!

Took a while to pinpoint the Condor!

Decided I only had one option!

Go back home & get my 066 Magnum Stihl Chain Saw!

When I returned with my Saw I noticed a little Sign on the Back side of the Big Tree claiming it to be a 'Wildlife Tree"!

I didn't dare cut the Tree!

It's too close to the Road!

Any Suggestions?

Should I act like a Bundy and do as I please on Public Ground?

And just cut the Tree down anyway?

Or what You Think?

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-13-14 AT 07:38AM (MST)[p]What's the big deal? climb up and get it.
Take your saw up and cut the branch or top the condor is on.
Not the 066 a pack saw.
You cut the whole tree down? the perty birdie will be killed on impact. :(
This should help you Bess,
If this wont do the job gimmy a call, I'v got a few Turkey loads for the ol 12 gauge that should knock the basin buzzard right out of the top of that tree. I wouldnt worry about hurting the tree with the spurs, after all i'd bet that little sign is nailed to the tree with ...um Nails.
Eel's PERTY BIRDIE Recovery Service at your call.

I have a drone recovery helicopter. For a small fee of course. Let me know and I'll work you into my schedule.

It's pretty busy this time of year.:)

if your as dumb as a bundy go ahead and cut the tree down, sigh and all. but binging raised on the rezz, I am sure you will do what my woodcutter buddies do, put the sigh on some other tree and cut away!!
You know back in the day with my grandma (more of a man then my pops) she would use a ladder to get to the top of trees to get pine cones to get the nuts out. A ladder might be the answer unless the tree huggers are around they might not like that idea more then the idea of cutting the thing down.
>You know back in the day
>with my grandma (more of
>a man then my pops)
>she would use a ladder
>to get to the top
>of trees to get pine
>cones to get the nuts
>out. A ladder might be
>the answer unless the tree
>huggers are around they might
>not like that idea more
>then the idea of cutting
>the thing down.

You got a 90' Extension Ladder Layin around I can Borrow?

No Luck today other than Bad!

Elkuns Favorite Forest Service Chick was following me around like White on Rice!

Tried to convince Her there was some Illegal Wheeler Activity out South but She wasn't buyin it!

I think after she noticed my 066 Magnum in the back & No Wood Cuttin Permit I made her Nervous!

And for you Boys above that think it's just a little ole PISSCUTTER of a Tree!

It's Limbless for quite a ways up & so big around Ain't nobody going up it without some Professional Climbing Gear!

I know where some StickFlippers have left their Screw In Foot pegs in some other Trees!

Think I'm gonna go Borrow them & see if I can up high enough to get to the Limbs!

The Limbs on this tree are anywhere from a foot to a foot & a half in diameter!

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
That does sound like a grown up tree.
So how big is the bar on the 066? You maybe need a big boys saw. :)
Go out at night, the Forest Service Lady, ain't likely to be around?
Those tree climbing things the stick flickers use work OK. Just put them on the back side, that big of a tree. Heck spend all day at it.
Do you use a camera? some pics would entertain. :7
she was looking at your oo6 mag, that's bad, her and her, well lets just say., friend has a 005 mag, and it don't cut no fire wood!!! go back after dark, forest service is scared of the skinwalkers.
It's a Poor Pic!

Cheap Ass Cell Phone!


[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
1/4 stick should do it, once down; burn stump and tree end, she will think lighting . how have you lasted this long shed hunt ing?? ( and no , the 1/4 stick is cash only}
LAST EDITED ON Apr-14-14 AT 09:19PM (MST)[p]No Brainer. Get ya a can of gas! light the tree on fire. Just before the flames reach the Cali Condor call the Fire Dept. Trying to put the fire out they will use their water cannons and blow the condor out of the tree.
It will glide safely back to the ground. Tell them your name is Roy you live in Texas you will fight their JP court system to the end and if you go to jail you will rot in their jail cell till the maggots carry you out through the key hole before you pay them one penny for damages. Rutnbuck
Hey elkun?

You Think Myton City would miss their Fire/Ladder Truck for just one night?

I've gotta get that Bird back in to service by this weekend!

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
how much whiskey you got? (myton firedept = 3 cases bud. but skinwalker trespass fee' that's the trick,,,,,
22 mag.. shoot limb right at the tree..back up a bit incase you miss the limb. Then it wont be airborn, but hit the tree...have seen alot oh mistletoe shot out like this.
Bess, you need to get the right kind of dog to go up and get it for you.

Try a re-tree-ver! :)


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I'm thinking a few well placed shots with a rifle might jar that thing loose or break the branch. Make up some sort of silencer for the muzzle so the sheriff doesn't come help you. :)

ya aint got any lineman friends? looks like a fatty at the base but somebody could throw on a pair of hooks and climb on up that beast and retrieve it.
The 066 Magnum may not be the Weapon of Choice!

I've got the USFS watchin me like the DWR is watchin elkun!(Not Good!:D)

I've got to GIT-R-DONE,I mean Down!:D

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
Kill 2 stones with one bird; year's worth of fire wood and your birdy back, CUT IT DOWN!!!!!! It seems clear of other trees.

PS: can i borrow it this summer? Want to check out the neighbors wife when she's sunbathing, sans clothes, this summer.
>Kill 2 stones with one bird;
> year's worth of fire
>wood and your birdy back,
>CUT IT DOWN!!!!!! It
>seems clear of other trees.
>PS: can i borrow it this
>summer? Want to check
>out the neighbors wife when
>she's sunbathing, sans clothes, this


No You Can Not Borrow it!

It's gonna be busy doing Overhead Inspections as soon as the Weather gets a little Warmer!:D

(((If I ever get the SOB Back/Down!)))

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!

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