If Trump was better looking


Very Active Member
Me and my buddy had this conversation the other day and I'll bet it's not to far from the truth. We both agreed that if trump were better looking alot more people would like him. Yeah his hair is different he spray tans quite a bit. But if he looked more like Ryan Gosling i'll bet 30% of the people that don't like him would. The baits in the water nibble away boys.

"We don't have a gun problem we have prescription drug problem."
Just stating the fact that if he didn't look odd he'd be more liked. Still gotta be better than those scratch and sniff panties hillary sent you and dude.

"We don't have a gun problem we have prescription drug problem."
You gotta up your game. You suck worse than Stone at insults.

Hillary was washed up old hag who didn't deserve a vote. Trump is a terrible president and you support him. I have a clear conscience, you won't be able to justify to your children why you supported the talking Yam.

I guess if you Utards want worry about how another dude looks have at it.

Your an insurance guy you don't have a clear conscience you f#ck people daily.

"We don't have a gun problem we have prescription drug problem."
LAST EDITED ON Oct-19-17 AT 02:57PM (MST)[p]>Your an insurance guy you don't
>have a clear conscience you
>f#ck people daily.
> "We don't have a gun
>problem we have prescription drug

"you're" it's a contraction "you are".

Name an industry that can function without the ability to limit and transfer risk via an insurance product. I sleep just fine providing solutions to people' exposure to risk and how to manage that risk. Whether it is risk of catastrophic medical bills, the risk of dying and leaving your loved in a tough spot or protect assets to allow family farms to continue instead of going to the nursing home or allowing employers the ability to have sole remedy for on the job injuries and lost through workers comp plans.

Now a little simple honesty, if you are capable of it, tell me how our economy functions without insurance.


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