I'm the barbarian??


Very Active Member
"I can't thing of a more horrifying death than to be chased down and eviscerated by a pack of wolves. By contrast, one shot from my rifle and I have a freezer full of hormone free lean venison for my family. But, I'm barbaric???"

Not to mention my license, tax, and donation dollars in management and habitat. Just venting.
64, You're definitely not alone on this. I can't hardly stand read the stuff the other side puts out of us "Killers". Some put us in the same categorical region as child molesters!!

The duplicity of these wolf advocacy groups astounds me. They are responsible for an untold amount of suffering with absolutely no benefit to our native wildlife. Yet they hold hunters in contempt. How do they sustain any credibility? Oh yeah, its nature's way, or is it?
How do they maintain credibility?

We've got a LOT of kids who have seen Bambi too often and WAY too many Barney the Dinosaur episodes. They believe it; it's ALL they see.

I teach a lot of Hunter Ed classes (Idaho). You'd think I'd see those who love guns and understand the outdoors. True....but an awfully lot of the "other side" is there, too. They have been taught (school, Animal Planet, Discovery Channel) to truly LOVE wolves. They believe that only the sick and injured are eaten and that it helps the overall health of the population. Heaven forbid, they know HOW a wolf kills. Remember, those are the kids in Idaho....in HUNTER EDUCATION.

In big cities, that is EVERY kid. We (hunters) have got to raise the educational and IQ levels of the next generation. We probably need to do some national advertising (marketing/brainwashing is working well for the other side). The NRA works hard for guns.....maybe we need some kind of NHA (National Hunting Association) to advertise as strongly.....whatever the source, we need to teach the truth, because the younger generations are not now being taught the facts.....

(Even when I bring in a F&G officer to the class....their favorite topic is how wonderful wolves are....EVERY time.)

Within the shadows, go quietly.
Just remember the anti's argument is based purely on emotion not biological fact and they have no basis for a sound debate. As long as you point that out it's easy to out debate any anti hunter. Humans are animals just as the wolves are animals. People who believe they have created a synthetic world for themselves and removed themselves from the food chain are only lying to themselves and are disrespecting life itself. That is what is wrong.

There are groups that have learned there is much money to be made by playing upon these emotions and they keep these people worked up to make money off them.

It is the ethical hunter who truly knows the value of life and respects and understands it for what it is. Don't apologize or try to justify being part of the food chain. Let others know they are the ones in the wrong for not actively participating in the cycle of life.
And Polar bears really do drink coke.
Don't worry if they slide into a bunch of penguins they will play nice.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
GB22, I don't know how the F&G is in Idaho, but here in Cali,alot of the Fish and Game are anti hunters. That's a possibility there, maybe those officers were told to respond that way? We've got a long row to hoe, hope we can inform the next generation, or this hunting thing is going to go to the wayside. Thanks, Brownie.
Most of our rank & file guys are really pretty good....and they know their stuff. HOWEVER, they have definitely been told to speak well of the wolves (all predators) and the bosses are VERY politically correct. (It's not universal, but it almost is.) I'm in Idaho....it can't be better other places...we've got to TEACH....for the most part, we are not doing so.

If SFW (or other groups) want to do some REAL GOOD, they should work on educating the next generation....more than on obtaining more special tags for whomever.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
I grew up my whole life in Vegas and still live here. I was around hunting, fishing, and the outdoors every chance we could get away from this place. Bambi was my favorite movie growing up. I remember sitting there with a toy gun shooting the deer and rabbits the whole show. I lost a lot of girlfriends in Oct. because hunting with family was more important to me. I think when the kids are growing up other things become more important to them and it gets in the way of hunting season. Thier jobs get in the way of taking the family outdoors. Its also hard work to take kids hunting and fishing at a young age when it is easier for this way of life to set in for them before tv and video games take over. I dont remember killing any big bucks when I was tagging along with any of my family when I was younger, but they always got something and it always kept me interested!

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