I'm the luckiest guy alive


Very Active Member
Today I got a hit on my credit card for $1513 from Utah. This means I either drew Desert sheep, Rocky sheep, Mtn goat, or moose. I have no idea which one but I only had 2 points for any of them. I'M FLIPPING OUT TO KNOW WHICH ONE!!! When do they post the results?
Here we go again, you gonna hire a guide?? ;-)


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I just got the same charge on my CC! In my case I know it is a goat tag. I am pumped up! Where are my maps of Utah? And...
Congrats! You are one lucky dude. Didn't you draw a Henry's tag 2 years ago with only 1 bonus point?


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD
You already admitted that you're the luckiest guy alive. What more do people expect? LOL
Keep up the good work and "git 'er dun" with whatever tag is headed your way.
PS: You really are a lucky b_____d and I'm happy for you! haha
I have 47 years of OIL applications in Utah and top points for D. Sheep, but still no CC charges for me.
Indeed you are a lucky man!
Congratulations my friend.
Log in and Keep checking your utah bonus points/ app history. Thats how I found out I drew a sheep tag last year. My points went to zero and said I had a permit.
Nope its a mountain goat tag and you are going to fall off a knife edge and land on top of a den of rattle snakes 1500 feet down in the process of chasing that goat.

I'm glad I'm not the only one hatin.

BTW marely, don't ask me for help gettin elk tags or anything anymore. We're no longer friends!
Come on now stinky.I know you love me. Besides if I based my friendship on what people have hanging on their wall....YOU would be at the very top of my hate list.
I'm not getting excited for you this time. You'll probably just pre sell the story and photos and leave us peons in the dark again.:)

Whether you get excited or not for me won't change my hunt one bit eel. Never sold a story or pics to anyone, I've donated some pics for auction to help various hunting organizations and I've posted more stories and pics on this website than probably 99% of the people on here. Hope you have a great season.....I will.
I did put in for bison but I put in for antelope island and the fee on that is around $2600 so it's not that.
Dang, you are one lucky dude!!! Hope you're able to have a fun and also as successful hunt as you did with your Henry's tag.
Congrats dude..


I figured it out,with all of the corruption in Utah you must be Don Peay's personal dentist. That is the only thing that makes sense. Couldn't resist and congrats,

Dang lostinoregon......ya figured me out. A little trade work can go a long ways.

This wait is KILLING ME!!!! I haven't slept since Monday.
Your ugly and you can't read good,


I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
Willard Peak Mountain Goat. I grew up in Brigham City so I'm excited to head back "home" for a great hunt with my brothers.
Oh yeah the .300 will be singing plenty this year. I have a rifle antelope tag and a deer tag to go along with that goat tag. I also drew a muzzy elk tag. It's going to be a busy fall!!
Youve gotta be the luckiest person I know in the draws. Whats your secret? Extortion? Kick backs? Offers for pain free dental work? JK Congrats and I hope you get a great goat.
Pain free?????????? I need a little left knee pain-free work right about NOW. I'm hurtin' from my backpack workouts!
Very cool Marley!
Some guys would gloat, but you recognize your good fortune! I solute you and hope you have great success in the old stomping grounds.
I could complain that out of 300 or so, who started out in my point pool, I am one of the last 4 with top points who still hasn't drawn a sheep permit. But that is sometimes how the chips fall. I have certainly had my own runs of good fortune recently, so it all catches up one way or another in the end!
Good luck on finding a dandy black horned fur-ball.

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