Inflation Reduction Act


Active Member
Talk about putting lipstick on a pig. Brandon and the Dems think changing the name of Build Back Better will fool the American voter. Spending 700 billion when we have 9.1% inflation is absurd. That is on top of 39 billion for the CHIPS Act. What idiots. I hope we have a country by November. Manchin is no better than the rest of the ruinous Dems. Oh yeah, let’s change the definition of recession.
Talk about putting lipstick on a pig. Brandon and the Dems think changing the name of Build Back Better will fool the American voter. Spending 700 billion when we have 9.1% inflation is absurd. That is on top of 39 billion for the CHIPS Act. What idiots. I hope we have a country by November. Manchin is no better than the rest of the ruinous Dems. Oh yeah, let’s change the definition of recession.

I'd rather Manchin be on our side though...
From a USA today article....No worries, it's going to cost nothing lol

They say the bill will pay for itself and further reduce the federal deficit by raising $739 billion in new revenues, primarily by creating a 15% minimum tax on corporations and by reforming prescription drug pricing.

A more detailed summary highlights billion-dollar line items:

  • “Over $60 billion” to support U.S. clean energy manufacturing, including $30 billion in incentives for wind, solar, and battery production. Plus, another $10 billion in tax credits for the construction of facilities that make electric cars and renewable energy technologies, and another $2 billion in grants to “retool” existing car factories for electric vehicles.
  • Another $60 billion to invest in low-income communities that bear a disproportionate burden of pollution, including funds to reduce pollution from factories and ports and purchase cleaner public transportation vehicles.
  • $30 billion in grants and loans to states and electric utilities to help them transition to cleaner forms of electricity.
  • $27 billion for a clean energy technology accelerator to “support deployment of technologies to reduce emissions, especially in disadvantaged communities.”
  • “More than $20 billion” in investments to support agricultural practices that reduce emissions.
The sky is green. Just what we need more fascist Obama style crony capitalism picking losers that takes more of your freedom, liberty, & makes everyone poorer. 257Tony you didn't mention the 87 billion for the 87,000 new IRS agents.

Exactly why we got Trump and will get him again
Why only 25%?
He has done every idiotic thing promised!

Short memory? Being forced to wear masks? stay at home shutting business down? Arrested for being at a public park? Take this shot or lose your job?Yeah, no, your right. Just like America’s always been :rolleyes:

Don't mean it's over. It means a hard reset is in the future.
Don't mean it's over. It means a hard reset is in the future.
I’ve always said we will never see another American revolution. Those days and that caliber of people are long gone. If it happens again it will be the French Revolution . America’s dead
I’ve always said we will never see another American revolution. Those days and that caliber of people are long gone. If it happens again it will be the French Revolution . America’s dead

Worse things have happened, and yet, here we are.

The French already had a revolution...
Congratulations to Shell Oil and their record quarterly profit of over $11,000,000,000. That's $11 Billion in one quarter!

They smashed their record profit from the last quarter of over $9,000,000,000.

They've now made profit of over $20 Billion the first half of this year alone.

Exxon and Chevron release their quarterly earnings next.
Congratulations to Shell Oil and their record quarterly profit of over $11,000,000,000. That's $11 Billion in one quarter!

They smashed their record profit from the last quarter of over $9,000,000,000.

They've now made profit of over $20 Billion the first half of this year alone.

Exxon and Chevron release their quarterly earnings next.
lol....and you only invest in vaccine companies??
Congratulations to Shell Oil and their record quarterly profit of over $11,000,000,000. That's $11 Billion in one quarter!

They smashed their record profit from the last quarter of over $9,000,000,000.

They've now made profit of over $20 Billion the first half of this year alone.

Exxon and Chevron release their quarterly earnings next.
Don't like it start your own gas company....

Sound familiar?
I did not hear you guys say a word about the oil companies when oil was bellow $20 a barrel for over 6 months and these same oil companies was loosing money.
Yep - It also would have been a good time to replenish the SPR a little over two years ago when oil went negative - $37 a barrel.
Congratulations to Shell Oil and their record quarterly profit of over $11,000,000,000. That's $11 Billion in one quarter!

They smashed their record profit from the last quarter of over $9,000,000,000.

They've now made profit of over $20 Billion the first half of this year alone.

Exxon and Chevron release their quarterly earnings next.

Luckily the Pelosis and Crenshaws I'm sure we're heavily invested, so there's that?
Short memory? Being forced to wear masks? stay at home shutting business down? Arrested for being at a public park? Take this shot or lose your job?Yeah, no, your right. Just like America’s always been :rolleyes:
Filling up skate board parks with sand. Not allowing people to surf. Shutting down schools. Emptying the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and selling the oil the the CCP (CHINA). The deep states collusion by hiding the hunter Brandon lap top story during an election. And still nothing 2 years later. FJB Trump won. :unsure:
No middle class = no one to complain about inflation. See? inflation reduction accomplished

Don’t worry. All going according to plan

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