
Long Time Member
Apparently they are denying merchant accounts to companies that sell guns.
Do not use their products:

Quickbooks, Quicken, Turbo Tax....

We need to take a stand.
I will try to find out contact information, so we can send letters.

NOTICE: We are unable to process credit card transactions at this time. Intuit Merchant Services has told us that they will NOT process anymore transactions and may put a freeze our accounts because we sell firearms related products. I was told that they are backed by Chase Banks. DO NOT conduct business with these financial institutions if you care about the Constitution of the United States, the Second Amendment or your RIGHTS as a firearms owner. We, as firearms owners, are under attack. I wonder how many of these anti-gun banks received Bail-out money from the current administration?

We are working on getting set up with a firearm friendly processor and hope to be back on line to serve you quickly. Thank You for understanding.

For those of us that are business owners and rely on Quickbooks as our accounting software, do you have a better option?
LAST EDITED ON Jan-24-13 AT 04:22PM (MST)[p]All,

I happen to work in the industry and my company will approve merchant accounts for businesses that sell guns (obviously FFA regs apply).

I haven't posted a lot on MM but I spend more time reading posts than I probably should. I'd love to help out any fellow hunters/gun advocates that are interested.

PM me if you'd like more info.


"I kinda just gave you one."

I must be missing something???

I have used quickbooks for years and it's the best accounting software available for small businesses. However, I am in complete control of my merchant services and do not use intuit for this service. Now, if you are using quickbooks for your Point of sale software I could see your dilemma but I guarantee you that you could easily find a new merchant service provider (and a better pos software). In fact, I could get you in touch with the 10 a day that try to sell me on their services.

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