Is Anybody else Getting Spywear on the Puter



I have been recently getting some spywear on my puter and with all the pop ups that I get from this Forum my roomate thinks it might be from here?? Anybody else having this problem :S

"Are you a vegitarian, If not then Shut UP!" :D
You may have picked it up in an email. Have you opened any emails from questionable people or places?
Is that where you get a quick flash of a pop-up on a black background saying something about "killing"? We've been getting that too. However, we have an anti spyware program and it is still happening. Anyone have any idea what this is? Or how to get rid of it? Is it dangerous? Thanks, Devlin
Not sure what spyware is...but I downloaded the Google toolbar and it has a pop up blocker on there that blocks just about all pop ups. I used to come home and have to close like twenty windows from those d a m n pop ups, now I can't remember when I got the last one

It's great for searching too!
it's viagratarian,therefore I speak
I don know bout your puter but when I spend alot of time at the porn sites ther seems to be alot of these dam things show up,have you been in the porn sites lately?Iwould like to look at Moosies porn site but he found out I was too young and won't let me.

Well OC, after hanging out with some of the hound doggers on this forum, you're probably fortunate if a computer virus was all you came down with ;-)
Hey OutdoorsChick,

You sure it ain't ParanoiaWare you picked up on your puter and not Spyware?? ;-)

Spyware is what me 'n Kev wear when we come window peakin' at your house every Tuesday and Thursday night!!

I think your puter has Paranoiaware!!

Either way you "ware" it well dear!! :)

good one A-Hole

Later Yall!!!!
well we just rescored the bull my cousin killed,he is definatly gona be in the top five of all time killed in oregon,at first we miss masured,the bull scores 398-5/8 net b&c.
there was a bigger bull with him im going after that bull next year if my doe hunt dusnt getting a 1,000,000,000 candl power cordless spotlight,just in case i need it for the doe hunt.i no that bigger bull will be in the sam place next year,i no i will get him even if i hav to get the cordless out.

Later Yall,oldoregon.

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