Is NV that great?



Why is it, that whenever I go out to the hills I see Utah license plates? For instance, yesterday I was out enjoying the weather, hiking around, and I run into four 4 wheelers, two people on each 4 wheeler, and none of them driving on any roads. Rding 4 wheelers up an down every ridge, running over trees, and chasing the elk out of the country.

If Nevada is so great then why dont you move here? If you are going to harass our wildlife, then buy a non-resident hunting license so that we may use your money towards our wildlife that you cant get enough of obviously. Utah is supposedly on of the best big game states in the west, why dont you stayy there and leave our deer and elko alone?

I undertand broadening your horizons and learning new country, but dont powder out every ridge in our state with your 4 wheeler. When you run into someone on foot, why dont you take your 4 wheeler somewhere else and let someone who is actually getting excercise enjoy the time out there.
Get out the video camera and get footage of these people chasing the elk. Then get footage of thier license plates on thier rigs. Then get footage of them loading up thier 4-wheelers onto thier rigs and turn them in to Fish and Game. There are big fines for harrassing wildlife. fatrooster.
Good word fatrooster. Seriously, something has to be done. The four-wheeled freaks are out of control. Every year is worse than the year before! It's not just in Nevada either. Ironically, I found a big brownie 15 feet from fourwheeler tracks just yesterday. Still, this guy was slopping through the muddy hillsides leaving huge ruts and for what? He didn't even find an easy one. When someone is destroying a sensitive piece of winter range, I get annoyed. I agree, turn these guys in if you can.
to generalize it as utah is a joke though. i see just as many idaho and wyoming nevada and colorado plates running around driving like that as i do utah people. infact i saw some plates that were from NV down in fish lake area 2 weeks ago parked my rig and blocked them in til the fish and game got there and ticketed them. its not a state thats doing it its a breed of retarded people. also i was down in arizona a few weeks ago and it looked like the little sahara sand dunes with all the tracks going everywhere it made me sick. ive been hunting for a while now in utah and im not to say that i never see anyone do it but not at the rate your saying that every says utah people do.. looks like someone just made this name up UTARDFREENV cause he only has one post and wants to rattle cages. bust the idiots for driving out on habitat regaurdless of state habitat is getting smaller and smaller leave it nice for everyone else and have a good time
I was in NV this weekend and found fat cat track all over an area that had no tracks last year.The problem is in every state not just nevada,The only way its going to stop is if the Forest service and fish and game give 50 % of the fine to the person who reported it,
During a slow economy like ours a little extra coin for turning in these ##### heads would be nice, But this is a waste of time talking about it because the fish and game and Twig pigs dont give a ##### they only want your money too,they will never inforce these laws they are too lazy,Because if it was on top of their list, they would be catching these dicks ,I think if a few people started getting their ass kicked for it they might stop..
I was also in NV this weekend. My two buddies and I hiked for hours in some area that we had observed several large bulls over the past month. It was quite frustrating when all we found was four wheeler tracks everywhere. There were a couple of NV boys that were to blame for this not Utah boys. I agree with the above comments, the problem with four wheelers and other motorized vechicles is everywhere. It is extremely unfair to sterio type the out of staters when the biggest part of the problem is from their buddies in their own back yard. It is too bad that a few of these jackasses that wont get off of their a-- and walk ruin it for the rest of us enjoying the outdoors and getting some much needed exercise.
The fish and game around where I live are all out at the sand dunes and the local lakes collecting their park fee's, they dont patrol the mountains ,I really dont think they have a clue as to whats going on in the mountains that we all think they watch. and the forest service all their trucks are parked in the parking lots at the main offices, maybe they only work during the summer, it may be up to the people to do something about it, The Gov. doesnt give a sh-t.
Amen to all the above comments. Around here, we have more than enough locals that ride to shed-hunt; not to mention the tourists. Yep, with the continuing snow/melt/mud situation their tracks all over the place. I did see one ranger in the south Spring Valley area Saturday - but he couldn't have known to follow me up the side road leading to the rig that had unloaded the 4-wheeler tracking up the country.
Honestly, what is difficult is that most of these "riders" are rather decent folks. Decent folks that we all know. If we're out in the woods and have some sort of emergency situation, I know they would help, so I'm not sure who and how much I want to tick everyone off? (That is a thought that's got to go through your mind.)
In my case, as in a couple of yours as well, most of these guys are much younger than I am, so they ought to be quite able to get off their lazy backsides and hike. Oh, but I do say some rather "unpleasant" words about all this to my dogs...
Leif T.
utahfreenv, it is obvious by your screen name that you have a beef to resolve. I am a Utah resident and I have never hunted for sheds in Nevada. I am not sure if you are familiar with the current situation in Wyoming but a shed season was implemented because the residents complained about people from out of state invading their territory during the winter and spring months. This resulted in a shed season for both residents and non-residents. Hopefully irresponsible Utah residents combined with the whining from residents will not have the same effect on shed hunting in Nevada.

I am in support of a shed season requiring anyone in the posssession of shed antlers to acquire an ethical license and perhaps even an atv endorsement on their machines aswell. Let's not start a war between shed hunters, but instead come up with some solutions.
Nevada aint any better than anywhere else. 5+ years ago it was much better than utah now thanks to the internet it sucks, You need a 4 wheeler to cover enough ground to really scoop them up. Atleast its still legal to offroad on BLM :)
I agree that there must be a solution. Maybe implementing an ATV restriction until May or so. That would keep the fourwheelers out of the mud til the ground dries out but still allow people to walk, making everyone equal and protecting wildlife and their habitat.

Obviously the problem is enforcement. No one is really supposed to be off of the roads anyway in a motorized vehicle. Very few are ever ticketed.

I'd contribute to a fund hiring a full time ATV enforcement cop in my county.

Even that wouldn't solve the problem though. I'd love to see something that would work.
FishonO You live out in one of those trailor parks by area 51 selling those alien dolls and t-shirts,Better hope the day doesnt come that I find you riding out in the hills,I keep a shovel and a bag of Lime ,you figure out the rest.
Thats some strong words Prestige, with a shovel and bag of lime. Is that harasment? That whole comment was BS!!!! Grow UP!! Your goin to start somethin you cant finish.
haha fishno has a buddy...internet muscles make everyone strong. keep flexin boys, your one to talk about growing up what would you do if you did find out where he lived.. meet him at the flag pole at lunch time? shut it and talk horns and share stuff
I dont care where he lives, and I dont want to meet him at a flag pole. Just back off the threats. I dont think its right. And you are right lets see some pics and talk horns.
I know i aint threating anyone just messing around he just sounds like a fool. I am just glad i can take my atv offroad out in nevada and dont have to worry about anything. Its worth the drive but it is getting just as picked over as utah
thats retarded why would you wanna take your atv offroading to find a horn, maybe your part of the obeseity era and cant walk? haha it actually fills like you accomplished somthing when you get off and walk to find them. hiking and being out in the mountains with my friends is more important to me and finding a horn is just a bonus. This horn hunting is getting riduculous from people like you. how do you think people fill when they work there ass off to get back in there spots and its all ran over with four wheeler tracks??
I work my a$$ off all week come the the weekend i like to kick back on the wheeler and cover some ground. After about 2 hours of hiking i have had enough and i like to spend all day picking up horns so i choose to to ride the ATV sometimes I love it its fun and there is nothing wrong with that IMO. STAY OUT OF NEVADA IF YOU DONT LIKE IT
every one that shed hunts needs to take care of these idiots like this the old fashioned way if ya see this idiot out there just take a big peice of wood close line his ass take his boots and key to his bike then they might get a clue let me guess you worked so hard baggin food at the local walmart your just to tired to walk
Hahahaha hornkiller that's awsome. I was thinking the same thing on the whole walmart gig when I read his post. If you keep your fourwheelers on the trails made for them and just so happen to run across a horn then that's fine. But assholes don't do that. Really is it that hard to get off your wheeler walk a little? Quit bein a lazy f*%^er and hike a little. Plus it will get your mind off all the hard work you have come monday changing the price tags on all walmarts unbeatable items!
Listen this problem is nationwide, lazy fu--king white trash that think they own the forest , they think because they dont get caught that its ok to do it, everyone thinks they own the wild lands because there isnt a cop looking over their shoulder, its up to everyone to make the right choice, do you want your kids and grand kids to have to be banded from the same type of fun we all enjoy, we as sportsmans or avg. people need to think about the wildlands as our own private backyards, would your trash your own yard, I have the same amount of ownership of the mountains as anyone else, I choose to stay on roads and hike on foot, I own a four wheeler but dont use it offroad because I share the mountains with everyone else, you selfish a--holes who dont care are going to get it shut down for everyone,and when that happens yes I would kick the living sh-t out of someone going off roads, if you think Im a joke, Fishon tell me where you will be going this weekend and Ill come find you and watch what I do to you and your personel property, Im proecting my property by doing so.Ill bet most people here would do anything to protect their own property....
LAST EDITED ON Apr-01-10 AT 10:45PM (MST)[p]track that s##t up! if you dont some one else will. until they make everybody even, those who know how to hunt using quad use it! and really everybody is even on BLM land.USE THOES QUADS! May be we can come up with some sort of biker wave when we pass each other looking for sheds. kinda like the harley riders!
you would probly piss in your own drinking water if everyone else was doing it right , go ahead and ride in the hills if you guys had balls why dont you post your locations , my guess couple of chicken sh-ts
You guys are really going to try to glorify and justify ripping up the countryside on your ATV looking for sheds? It's people like you that make me absolutely embarrassed to be a hunter and outdoors-man. On the other hand, I was raised to feel empathy for people with brain damage, mental retardation and/or they with few teeth, who frequently copulate with family members, and stand a better than average chance of blowing up their trailer with a meth lab explosion, so I'm kinda stuck on this one.

Your dirty uncle should have kicked your ass instead of... well... never mind.
Funny how so many Utah people think they have to drive 3-4 hours to find sheds, when in reality there are sheds a few miles from where they live. Same goes for hunting, guys drive all over Utah to hunt, and most likely there's a 180 buck living behind thier house on the front.
I stick close to home. Mainly because I can save gas money and I can hunt all morning and still be home by noon. Nevada can kiss my butt, I'll never go over there. Same goes for Wyoming, Idaho, and Arizona (I say that because I don't think it's worth going out of state to shed hunt). I rarely drive more than and hour to shed hunt. If you do your homework and watch the winter ranges, you will be successful. I get as far away as possible from roads, trail heads, and atv country. Bucks and Bulls want peace and quiet on thier winter range, and a bunch of Bosos pushing them around is just going to run them out of the country.
My Advice:
Hunt your stinkin home range where you can get to know the range and the animal behavior. Otherwise you will just piss people off and disturb the wintering game.
Some of you guys sound like a real piece of work after about 2 lines of reading your ##### it got old and moved on to the next same thing bla bla bla. Oh well to each his own good luck to my buddies out there riding tear that ##### up and let the pansies sit here and on the internet and complain and talk big. If you are so proud of yourself for being so ethical more power to you keep it up. I can picture most of ya glassing on a ridge just looking for the perfect tree to walk over to and give a big hug and maybe just maybe you can make good sweet love to a little knot hole on it.
fishon i really hope somebody knock's your head off your fatass then we will see if you still wan't to tear it up
Fishon is just to lazy because he works late nights dancing at the gay bar , see the way he talks he cant walk for sheds , he's probly one of those trans-gender dancers ,and his feet hurt from wearing High heels all night, Fishon are you just pissed because obama's new health coverage doesnt cover sex changes. Thats why Right, Fishon dressed in drag on a four wheeler picking up horns ,god I hope I catch a picture of that to post on hear..
LAST EDITED ON Apr-03-10 AT 10:16AM (MST)[p]Wow prestige you really have it out for me the trailer park thing and the sex changes and the gay stuff thats really clever. From what I have heard you swing both ways yourself you aint got to try to pin the gay stuff on me I am straight as they get I was just saying i enjoy my time in the hills sometimes off the road just like everyone else so so be it. Peace out
Oh and I am willing to bet you are alot closer to white trash than I prestige
I have hunted with Fishon and he is a very ethical guy! We spread the sagebrush seed and thin the junipers when riding. I think as long as we are not chasing the animals in the winter what is hurting? I have went places year after year and every time I go back I cant see where I rode the year before.
The tracks are only temporary! Every time I run over a juniper I am doing the forest service and all the dedicated hunters a favor!

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