is the earth drunk?...



Well after this earthquake Christmas night that caused a tsunami and kill over 23,000 people, the scientists are saying the earth moved a little of it's axis and we lost some time...

In the Bible the book of Isaiah chpt, 24 it talks about in the last days the earth will stagger like a drunkard.....Wow.....are we getting close to that day the book is talking about..?...
Does that mean that I will have time for an extra cup of coffee in the mornings before work? Don't worry about dying my friend just live every day like it was your last! There have been many times that I staggered on new years eve, hmmm now I wonder maybe it wasn't me and it was the earth puttin on the brakes, guess i'll find out in another 3 days!...Greg

If you'll read Revelations you will know that we are not in the last days.

Manny, I saw this post a while back, and was not sure how to respond... but I will not be silent and sit on my hands... This is not just about the Tsunami.
If you are a Christian, and I mean an active Christian I urge you to use the tool that is the internet to look into it yourself. I used to be one of the guys who just sat back and chuckled at the "kooks", but there IS an OVERWHELMING PREPONDERANCE OF EVIDENCE to consider, and I mean OVERWHELMING. That evidence is at our fingertips now. Things are happening in the Middle East and around the world FAST!!! You may or may not agree with all that is out there, but there is too much evidence to deny that somthing BIG is on its way, and some say very soon.

If you are not a Christian, I urge you to consider the promises of Jesus. With no knowledge of the Bible and prophecy, what is going on right now probably wont make any sense, or will just scare the crap out of you.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-05 AT 09:17AM (MST)[p]I have a hardtime believing all these prophecys, revaltions and predicions. For everyone that seems correct, there are 100 that are wrong. I have a strong scientific background and I have to see things to believe them. Even if the world was coming to an end, what can you do to stop it, nothing, so just live life to it's fullest and you will have no regrets.

Rut, What about after???. Regardless of when the end will come,(and nobody knows for sure when that will be) aren't you just a little curious about "What comes after death"?. I'm not trying to convert you to anything. I'm just curious what you think happens after life ends...
LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-05 AT 10:44AM (MST)[p]Rut- You are right rut about living life to its fullest, and to take no thought for tomorrow... funny, thats almost exactly what is said in the Bible about why Jesus came... :) All of us have the complete freedom to think what we will. I am no better or different than any one else, and I am not the judge of anyone.

Again, look at the evidence for yourself. Nothings much of a secret anymore.
I'm not saying I don't believe in heaven and hell. I believe if you live a good life (don't intentionally harm others) you will be rewarded by going to heaven. What I am saying is why worry about something that may or not happen in your lifetime, if you have absolutely no way to prevent it from happening? So live your life now, sure you need to plan and take precautions for tomorrow, but don't sit in your house staring at the sky wondering if today will be "the day".

Rut- This is a very rich subject, heres a taste of what the Bible says on that topic... I have no affiliation with this web page, its one of thousands of Christian websites you can find this information, but it does quote some of the Bible verses that came to mind. Pay particular attention to John 14 v.6 about the ways to get to heaven. No candy coating there.

Remember, Im just a messenger. :)
By believing in his existence and living a life free of sin (again intentional sin, no one is perfect), I believe that I have taken Jesus into my life and I will be rewarded by going to heaven.

I heard where you were going all they had was warm, flat, Pabst Blue Ribbon!

I have to make some corrections on my first post here, after hearing a scientist again on the subject, he said " the earth wobbled on it's axis (Spelling?)..In my understanding Isaiah 24, explains this, but also he said that from the wave itself the earth's rotation was sped up, thus shorter days, not much but Jesus said in the last days I will shorten the days for his elect's sake...Mathew 24 verse 22 down......
LAST EDITED ON Jan-08-05 AT 06:59PM (MST)[p]That is in the back of the book. Again one matching event doesent really pique my interest, but a whole bunch of them at once really makes me wonder.

Rut- Im not a great Christian apologist, and dont pretend to be...this will my last post on this thread. But know if I didn't care, wasnt sure of myself, or didnt think this was very important, I'd would have just keep my mouth shut... so in that case, Im glad God convicted me so much to say what Ive said already. I know what I believe, and I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You may want to refer to the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth (perrenialtops on the best sellers list :) ), in reference to your last post. Adios :)
You guys are killing me! Do you think the people of the times of the first crusade thought this? Ok, so they were wrong, but certiainly the people living during the second crusade had the same thinking....ok, they were wrong too!

If you, I or anyone else that portrays themselves Christian thinks they know when Jesus is coming, then they truly are a hypocrite! The book says that no one will know. It will happen like a thief in the night!

Love your neighbor, be a good person and live they way Jesus directed. All will be ok!
>You guys are killing me!
>Do you think the people
>of the times of the
>first crusade thought this?
>Ok, so they were wrong,
>but certiainly the people living
>during the second crusade had
>the same thinking....ok, they were
>wrong too!
>If you, I or anyone else
>that portrays themselves Christian thinks
>they know when Jesus is
>coming, then they truly are
>a hypocrite! The book
>says that no one will
>know. It will happen
>like a thief in the
>Love your neighbor, be a good
>person and live they way
>Jesus directed. All will
>be ok!

O.K since it's been a while since you last read it for yourself, here it is in black & white........

24:27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

24:32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:

24:33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.

24:34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.

24:35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.

24:36 (But of that day and hour!) knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

24:37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

24:38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,

24:39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

24:40 Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

Main Entry: hyp?o?crite
Pronunciation: 'hi-p&-"krit
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English ypocrite, from Old French, from Late Latin hypocrita, from Greek hypokritEs actor, hypocrite, from hypokrinesthai
: a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion
- hypocrite adjective

If you truely believe the end of times is here, you just might want to get off the internet.

>If you truely believe the end
>of times is here, you
>just might want to get
>off the internet.

not sure what that means...?......
>Manny, Why do you repeat everything??

do you mean like this, ?.. cause I'm answering that persons question...?...
Could you please tell me which book you are refering to your chapters and verses? I checked Revelations and it only goes up to 22!...?
>Could you please tell me which
>book you are refering to
>your chapters and verses?
>I checked Revelations and it
>only goes up to 22!...?

sorry that chapter is in the book of Matthew...
Thanks Manny!

This doesn't change my point of view. I read it thorougly and nowhere does it say you will know when the end is near! The earth has suffered many floods, famines, and other horrible catastrophies! I also do not consider the terrible tsunami in Asia is such as the "days of Noah"(Matthew 24:37-39)

When I used the word hypocrite,I wasn't necessarily directing it toward you! History proves time and again that after horrible disasters, holy wars and plague, that these were not the "End Times".

Yes, it's good to be prepared and content in your soul with Jesus, but to me, it's better not to preach that the sky is falling.
>>If you truely believe the end
>>of times is here, you
>>just might want to get
>>off the internet.

>not sure what that means...?......

Thanks for confirming what I already knew.

Why don't you just get to the point instaed of trying to make yourself look like you kool..?..
>Thanks Manny!
>This doesn't change my point of
>view. I read it
>thorougly and nowhere does it
>say you will know when
>the end is near!
>The earth has suffered many
>floods, famines, and other horrible
>catastrophies! I also do
>not consider the terrible tsunami
>in Asia is such as
>the "days of Noah"(Matthew 24:37-39)
>When I used the word hypocrite,I
>wasn't necessarily directing it toward
>you! History proves time
>and again that after horrible
>disasters, holy wars and plague,
>that these were not the
>"End Times".
>Yes, it's good to be prepared
>and content in your soul
>with Jesus, but to me,
>it's better not to preach
>that the sky is falling.

nor, it doesn't do anybody any good hiding their head in the sand.....
LAST EDITED ON Jan-16-05 AT 07:45PM (MST)[p]>>Thanks Manny!
>>This doesn't change my point of
>>view. I read it
>>thorougly and nowhere does it
>>say you will know when
>>the end is near!
>>The earth has suffered many
>>floods, famines, and other horrible
>>catastrophies! I also do
>>not consider the terrible tsunami
>>in Asia is such as
>>the "days of Noah"(Matthew 24:37-39)
>>When I used the word hypocrite,I
>>wasn't necessarily directing it toward
>>you! History proves time
>>and again that after horrible
>>disasters, holy wars and plague,
>>that these were not the
>>"End Times".
>>Yes, it's good to be prepared
>>and content in your soul
>>with Jesus, but to me,
>>it's better not to preach
>>that the sky is falling.
>nor, it doesn't do anybody any
>good hiding their head in
>the sand.....

...uh Manny, is my head in the sand? If you think so, please explain.
>Why don't you just get to
>the point instaed of trying
>to make yourself look like
>you kool..?..


Trying to make myself look cool is the fartherst thing from mind, but a better question is what are you trying to do? Do you really think the earth is in its final days? If so, please explain final days, are we talking days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries? Or perhaps you just dont know when the end is, just like the rest of us and just like the Bible states, you shall not know the hour nor the day. I took the original intent of this post to understand that you think this ride is OVER, kaput, finished done and the sky is falling. So no manny, Im not trying to look cool, but hoping to maybe keep you from looking like a fool. Thats what my comment about getting off the internet was about.

Geez I'm impressed with all of ya!
I got kicked out of Sunday school..shameful! I'm sorry now.

Well if I look like a fool, then I'm in good company, Jesus said, "he'll take the foolish things of the world to confound the wise"......

What you don't understand is that there's been much more then just the tsunami that has happened and happening, that is fulfilling bible prophecy...the EC in Europe, Israel getting ready to build their temple again, the red heifer, the building of the Sanhedrin which are looking for a king at this moment, and most importantly the bible says the generation that see's Israel become a nation again will see the return of the Lord...Israel became a nation again in 1948...don't have time now to write down the scripture reference's but I will if needs be, but you can save yourself allot of time by reading the book " late great planet earth, by Hal Lindsey, it's a little out dated but has great bible reference in it....

The bible talks about Ten vergins 5 were ready and 5 were not!....if I'm wrong, then no foul....but if your wrong, then your foul....I've been studieing this stuff since 1978, and allot has been fullfilled since then, one scripture ref say's "when you see these things come to pass then know that he's (Christ) is at the door".......I know I look like a wakco to many but we knew this would happen in these day...snuff said for now......

Both you and I have been visiting this site since it hit the net, so we know by now that we have no ill feelings towards eachother and I dont want this to start them. You went through a really rough time the accident your brother in law suffered and I know that inside you took the blame for it and beat yourself up pretty good over it as well. You shared your problems and emotions with us about it. You then turned to the scriptures for comfort and solace. You seem to have found it. Thats great Manny, I too have convictions, but I dont think that a Mule Deer hunting board is the place for me to try to win converts. I guess this is the campfire and wecan talk about everything here. Its no more right or wrong to discuss if we would want to sleep with Shania Twain VS Fatih Hill than if we discuss the second coming of Christ. We as Americans tend to take our religious beliefs to be a very private and taboo thing. For no other reason than there are so many different beliefs that what you may believe and think is right is stepping on the toes of another Christian. So instead we just keep our beliefs to ourselves and try no to offend our other brothers in Christ. You can page through the scriptures and find dozens of examples of the second coming that have been fulfilled already. And you can find hundreds more that are yet to come. I too believe the end is near, but I also believe what is written in the Book and we are going to have to endure UNIMAGINABLE attrocities. Wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Who's right or wrong or foul is not of importance, being ready for the Advent is. Are you ready?

Kool.....nuff said, never intended the conversation to go this far, I thought it would be an interesting conversation concerning the science of the tsunami...but it started and now its ended....and yes I've prepared myself and my heart to meet the Lord...

(P.S) I was a Christian long before my Bro-in-law was shot, and I've been ordained and have a Church in my responsibility, after the incident with my Bro-in-law it just showed me how short life can be and how quickly we can be facing thee almighty God........Later Manny......
Dakota, Manny, I think A mule deer forum is a great place to discuss Christianity...Especially around the campfire..Dakota, I respect your views but I don't really care if someone is offended because I'm a Christian..There are lots of brilliant people on this site and if they want to keep their beliefs to themselves that's great too. I love Christ and want anyone and everyone to love him too. This was a good conversation with a good ending...Boy, This site has come a long ways in the four to five years I've been visiting it..
well maybe one more:1st Thes; Chpt. 5

1 But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that aught be written unto you. 2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. 3 When they are saying, Peace and safety, then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall in no wise escape. 4 But ye, brethren, are
not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief: 5 for ye are all sons of light, and sons of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness;

6 so then let us not sleep, as do the rest, but let us watch and be sober. 7 For they that sleep, sleep in the night: and they that are drunken are drunken in the night. 8 But let us, since we are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for a helmet, the hope of salvation. 9 For God appointed us not into wrath, but unto the obtaining of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, 10 who died for us, that, whether
we wake or sleep, we should live together with him. 11 Wherefore exhort one another, and build each other up, even as also ye
Kingfish and PH,

You'll notice I DID NOT say that religious topics should not be spoken of here, matter of fact I stated that if it was OK to talk about sleeping with Fatih Hill then it should be OK to discuss religion too. My general statement (which I still stand by) is that Americans in genereal hold religious beliefs close to the cuff. We are not like nations in the Middle East that stop 5 times a day reguardless of company, face east and kneel and pray. But I do agree, this has been a great conversation with a good outcome. Carry on gentleman.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-20-05 AT 06:34PM (MST)[p]A bumper sticker I saw today pretty much sums it up for me.

>AT 06:34?PM (MST)

>A bumper sticker I saw today
>pretty much sums it up
>for me.

Which said>>>>??????<<<<<<<< come on man don't leave me hanging.....LOL......
I dont know about the world being drunk, but I sure am.

dakotakiddy- Why do you think that you have to act like you know everything and that you are always right? You think you are some big bad tough guy that lives in no-mans land and endour sub zero temps that you are big bad mikey? You must not be anything but a sheep chaser. You say we arent in the last days? And why not?

I dont know what your problem is other than the fact that you stated you were drunk when you posted what you did. No where in any of my posts do I say that I am bigger and badder than anybody else, nor did I mention sub zero temps or that I live in a no mans land. Now if you wish to discuss this further I would love to once you sober up and figure out that you didnt have a clue of what you are talking about once again.

Good job guys for taking a stand for Christ. I'm on your side although I am sometimes a fallen Christian. Keep up the good work. fatrooster.

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