Is Your Job Affected By This CV Positive Or Negative?


I'll start:

I work for a large Colloidal Silver manufacturer and we are swamped!
We are working 7 days a week, 10 hour shifts with no end in sight.
Giant orders from Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, Vitamin Shop, GNC, and many many private label companies and we cannot make and package it fast enough.

Money is nice, but I want my life back and need to get my bassboat on the water!!
I am associated with a couple of businesses. Agriculture (y) , hospitality(n), retail(y), and construction is a mixed bag with only "critical" projects proceeding.
Not much has changed with my specific business. I will probably be effected in a few months. My wife's work has started layoffs.

Several other companies here have started layoffs. I have seen ups and downs for years. I have never seen the layoffs hit this fast.
No change for me. I am a Instrument tech in a sugar factory. Our concern is farmers lost 30 percent of their crops. That had a huge effect.
Business as usual. I work for the worlds largest Telecommunications contractor company there is.
Seems 911 services, cell service and CATV are “essential” so far thank goodness.
The better half has seen minimal hours reduced.
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Decent retirement checks cover most living expenses. Living off two freezers worth of frozen foods, plus a closet full of commodities has helped. I've been able to share flour, sugar, some canned goods since grocery trucks only delivering 40% of orders on some items. (I had to drive 30 miles to fuel work truck and purchase a battery so I picked up bread & milk) Stores locally are limiting amounts on some items. My wife is a High School teacher; no work for at least 30 days. I have a service- related job that is non-essential (Bookmobile operator). 19-hr./wk probably reduced to about 10/hrs. or less. So we are self-quarantined. Blessing that we had just moved into a fixer-upper home, so gives us time to do sheet rock, trim, painting, flooring (with some help) I joked that our dinette set is a 4x4 card table w/folding chairs, and our living room furniture is two campfire chairs!. Travel/shopping and costs related reduced about 50+% & have actually been able to increase savings momentarily. I pray that some of what is happening will not be the "new norm", and that most of us will be able to "see this through".
I'll start:

I work for a large Colloidal Silver manufacturer and we are swamped!
We are working 7 days a week, 10 hour shifts with no end in sight.
Giant orders from Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, Vitamin Shop, GNC, and many many private label companies and we cannot make and package it fast enough.

Money is nice, but I want my life back and need to get my bassboat on the water!!
Dairy farmer I would probably have to work even if I was dying from this stuff. Cows must be feed and milked. I don't know why the shores don't have milk. There's a surplus of dairy products in the US. So it must be shipping problems.
I’m a construction worker. We haven’t slowed down. We are making a deliberate effort to be safer. A few places I go will check my temperature with one of those laser thermometers and I’ve always been 95-96°. I don’t know how the Construction Industry could stop for a month. Most people in construction don’t get paid if they don’t work and they’re all broke.
With the Corona Virus Scare!

And Crude Oil down as Low as 21.00 a Barrel!

The Whoreders!


Things Ain't gonna Be Real Perty around here!
I work in Construction and also manage a building in SF. My construction portion of work is stopped as it is not considered essential but managing a building is considered essential as I have to check the systems to see if they are working correctly.

Talked to the Cops this morning as they stopped me when I got out of my truck to ask me what I was doing.
After telling them I asked about the state of the city. They told me they are being told to keep their emergency lights on all night as it deters the bad guys. They see the lights and assume it is for them and they run. But no shortage of bad guys is the word from them today.
Can't say I am seeing a lot of homeless as last Thursday I did not see on homeless the whole time I was in the city. I cannot remember the last time that happened. Weird

I think I have already had it and also my wife and daughter. We were all sick in December and had all of the systems. They are coming out with a test in a week or so to test people who think they had it so they can use their blood to develop an antibody to formulate a cure. Hope I am right and I am done with this crap and can go back to work.
Everyone stay safe.....
No change for other than adjusting the time I am office.they are putting a no mandatory overtime in effect. But you can pretty much work all the hours you want. It will slow production.
ElkA$$ Called it I was sitting here with my feet up looking out the window and a contractors pickup went by. I noticed the signage on the door... Mr. BACKUP! Apparently there started to flush old socks down the john In my neck of the woods. Plumbers should stay busy to keep things flowing...
I own a auto repair. We are still open but it is real slow. A lot of my appointments are not showing up. We typically book a week out or more. Now I can take emergency work in the same day. I own my building so it doesn't take much work to cover my expenses. We plan to stay open. My wife is in outside sales for Sherwin Williams paint. She has been told to stay home. So far she is able to work from home, hard to say how long that will last. We had to cancel our trip to Hawaii the first week of April. That sucks : (
Probably a 15% decrease in productivity. I'm promoting on-line services across the states, so perhaps it'll rebound back.
Our work continues unabated at the border wall and our other projects for state and local governments are still moving forward so for now at least we remain busy.
The rest of our area (Las Vegas) is hurting!
Not me, I'm retired but I did drive by the sawmill I worked at today. They employ about 150 people. They were going wide open. Trucks lined up to get a load of lumber. Nothing shuts that place down. This is California so Governor Newsome might have to send in the National Guard to shut him down. He doesn't believe in putting his workers on unemployment. I almost miss working there.
A little bit. The national laboratory where I work is now off-limits to all but "essential" personnel. I guess this means I'm not essential, but I'm still expected to manage my people and make good on our deliverables. Doing the best I can through telework, which is doable but not nearly as efficient. Fortunately for me, it otherwise pays the same.
My work is retail, but fortunately about 90% is done on-line. The other 10% being in-person sales, which is shut down completely for now. Hopefully the on-line will increase a little and make up for it.

My son is not faring as well. He's a medical engineer at an orthopedic device manufacturer. With virtually all elective surgeries shut down world wide, they all got sent home last week. Unpaid leave. As a start-up company, I have to wonder if they'll survive this, esp if it lasts for months.
It was.. but back to work (voluntary)..
Semiconductor manufacturing..I will give it a few days..if I stay home it's paid..
Wife and I are both self employed....I'm a Realtor and she has a salon with 18 women renting booths. Some have decided not to work and some still are. Real estate is still going fine for me. My wife has had the majority of her clients cancel for this week and next. We always budget so we've always got money to fall back on if now.
I bought some Carnival and American Airline Also, bought a bit of Virgin Galactic stock with hopes that it "sky rockets" :)
I’m a construction worker. We haven’t slowed down. We are making a deliberate effort to be safer. A few places I go will check my temperature with one of those laser thermometers and I’ve always been 95-96°. I don’t know how the Construction Industry could stop for a month. Most people in construction don’t get paid if they don’t work and they’re all broke.
Normal body temp is 98.6 *... You may need a test! kidding...

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