
Long Time Member

The Annual 2016 Pheasant Season Kicks off this Morning!

As Always My Son Helped Set Some Birds out so you Guys of Got something to Shoot at!

Small Game Predators Keep Our Birds almost Extinct here in NE Utah!

Just wondering what kind of success/non-success you Guys Had & what part of the State You were Hunting?

Please Shoot all Field Lions,Coons,Coyotes and Skunks while in the Field!

And Good Luck & Be Safe out there!

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
I think the birds of prey are doing just as much or more damage than the four-legged predators. Have you payed attention and counted these things lately. There's dang near one on every pole and tree out there.

If reincarnation is real, I hope I never come back as a rabbit. Everything wants to kill you if you're a rabbit.
Rumor is bess is a rabbit?

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
I've shot a couple thousand ducks and geese over the years.

I've never shot a pheasant.

Probably because they're good to eat. :D
In utah county i shot 16 out of 20. Oh ya 16 clays out of 20. Did actually see 4 guys shoot at a pheasant and miss. It was a long way away from us but my highly trained eye,along with my elephant like memory says YES it was a pheasant. It was the only one we saw. Went to my buddies house in palmyra and watched his neighbor mow 23 achers of corn stubble and not one bird came out. Then went to cabelas,had lunch and bought a new coyote call. Best pheasant hunt in 3 years.
>I think the birds of prey
>are doing just as much
>or more damage than the
>four-legged predators. Have you payed
>attention and counted these things
>lately. There's dang near one
>on every pole and tree
>out there.
>If reincarnation is real, I hope
>I never come back as
>a rabbit. Everything wants to
>kill you if you're a

Yes Bob!

Last Time I Mentioned Birds of Prey doing Damage I had a few MM'ers I didn't know were Wolf Lovers all over me!

But that's OK!

Eagles,Hawks & Owls Ain't Nearly as Endangered as they Claim!

Then For GAWDS SAKES don't Shoot an Egg Eatin Magpie!

They're Protected Too!

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
Took the pup out for a bit she figured she would have better luck sitting by the bird house. This was taken opening morning. We never made it out. Birds are scarce.



Had a great time but have the advantage of being able to hunt a club where a few days before birds were released. It's not like the old days but still fun. My 6 yo came for his first time and there were guys that shot and lost a bird. One of the dogs in our group was pointing and my 6 yo ran up picked up the bird and would not put it down. It's his pheasant. He carried it most of the day and it's now in the freezer and I'll probably have to mount it
Sucks for you Utah guys. We have one of the best populations for at least the last 7 years.




Going to be a lot of fun until January 1st this year.

We use to have Pheasants behind my house here in St.George twenty years ago. To many skunks and cats. We still have Quail. I do my best to thin out the skunks and Raccoons.
Decided to load the fam up and head the South Dakota part of the State to hunt birds this year. Turned out to be an amazing 3 days of chasing wild roosters. Even knocked down a few sharpies and chickens.

The whole crew after a good push!

This was my daughters first hunt after finishing her Utah Hunter Safety last week. I think she is hooked!

All the kids got lots of shooting and smiles

I think prairie chickens are just damn neat.

My boys did plenty of damage!

I'm pretty sure this ones going in a frame!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-09-16 AT 06:31AM (MST)[p]It was a good time in Sanpete county

The photo didn't post the first time.

Great pictures Cody!
Smiles galore!

"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
Utah still has TONS AND TONS of upland bird opportunities. They just are not pheasants! :)

Hit the hills, they are covered in chukars.
>Decided to load the fam up
>and head the South Dakota
>part of the State to
>hunt birds this year.
>Turned out to be an
>amazing 3 days of chasing
>wild roosters. Even knocked
>down a few sharpies and
>The whole crew after a good

>This was my daughters first hunt
>after finishing her Utah Hunter
>Safety last week. I
>think she is hooked!

>All the kids got lots of
>shooting and smiles

>I think prairie chickens are just
>damn neat.

>My boys did plenty of damage!

>I'm pretty sure this ones going
>in a frame!

Looks like a great hunt Cody ! Need to get up there sometime with my kids !
Cool picture love to see kids in the outdoors with their family


"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
I was just kidding......Killed hundreds growing up around the Klamath Area....thanks for the photos....upland birds have a hard time surviving around here at 7,000 miss pheasant hunting...
That's pretty awesome, Cody. Remember how many were in the valley growing up? I need to do this trip. I miss the old rooster valley days.

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