It's started


Very Active Member
Seems the Trump protestors are out in force tonight in Salt Lake. I'm sure plenty of people would love to protest the protestors, but it's late, and we have jobs.
I'm down to go downtown at night and tell them all to get a job and to remind them that they there safe space and free college isnt going to happen. Anyone else want to go.
This just smacks me funny that (some?, most?, all? of) the folks who are protesting don't have to worry about getting to bed and into work the next day.

Most of us could only mount a 2 hour protest because we don't get off until 5-7-8 or so and need to be in bed by 10. I suppose we could protest on Saturday or Sunday but we're either hunting or with our families. Now that I think of it, a protest of the protesters just isn't worth my time....which is better and more enjoyable spent elsewhere!

Hey all you 'celebrities" out there, get packing. You won't be missed even a tiny bit.

>This is the, "everyone gets a
>ribbon/trophy generation"....see what happens.


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