Ivory Ban for Colorado....


Long Time Member
CO is sure filling up with some dumbass people, well the whole country is I guess. :(

"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
I didn't read the article. But they do produce a few elk Ivories in Colorado. I guess they aren't as in demand as African Ivory.
That is only the beginning. They know it is easy to ban ivory as it does not effect that many hunters. Just wait until they feel they have enough support from animal loving liberals to ban your mountain lion hunting. Then they will look at banning bobcat and even coyote hunting.
Then when the deer and elk herd takes a dive due to no predator control, they will curtail that hunting also.
You are right that most of those anti gun, anti hunting A-holes are CA. transplants from the Bay area and southern area of CA. They screwed up this state with their liberal voting that raised taxes and regulations. Then upon retirement they bailed out of the state they screwed up with their liberal voting.
The conservatives in Northern CA. and the central valley are happy to see the idiots go and we will try to send more away.

>Rocky Mountain "High" Colorado.


[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
Legalize the happy grass and the dipshits will come. Just glad they are bypassing Utah for the most part on their pilgrimage from Cali to Coli.

Please keep your Komifornians there do not send them off for the rest of us to deal with. I dealt with one on my last hunt she started screaming at me in the middle of the wilderness about hunting. I looked at her and told her to get lost and when she didn't I looked at my hunting buddy and I ask him if he thought the idiot realized we were both open carrying multiple weapons. Thats about the time the color on her face went out and she apologized I told her she just needed to chill out and not act like a idiot. She left and me and my buddy sat down ate a sandwich and laughed that the idiot transplant from Kali didn't notice we were both packing are hunting rifles (hence why I said open carrying). Some times you can't fix stupid.

?If men were angels, no government would be
necessary.? John Adams
Sorry, but to preserve our way of life we intend to run as many as we can out of this state. You have to remember that we have been dealing with the liberal idiots for over 25 years and enough is enough.
You might dislike them, us Northern Kali folks have grown to strongly dislike them to the point of outright hatred. My personal though about a liberal is that they do not know their A$$ from a hole in the ground and are about as stupid as they come. That stupid relates to having "common sense" some may have education, but not a lick of common sense.

>Sorry, but to preserve our way
>of life we intend to
>run as many as we
>can out of this state.
>You have to remember that
>we have been dealing with
>the liberal idiots for over
>25 years and enough is
> You might
>dislike them, us Northern Kali
>folks have grown to strongly
>dislike them to the point
>of outright hatred. My personal
>though about a liberal is
>that they do not know
>their A$$ from a hole
>in the ground and are
>about as stupid as they
>come. That stupid relates to
>having "common sense" some may
>have education, but not a
>lick of common sense.

I have a solution move to Utah or Wyoming better hunting out this way anyways.

?If men were angels, no government would be
necessary.? John Adams
To help stem BS legislation like this and to slow these liberal bills, this fall there is a ballot issue being presented which would greatly increase the number of signatures required to get an item on the ballot slowing stupid crap like this ivory ban. I hope it passes as all the groups I am associated with are supporting this measure too.

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
>>Sorry, but to preserve our way
>>of life we intend to
>>run as many as we
>>can out of this state.
>>You have to remember that
>>we have been dealing with
>>the liberal idiots for over
>>25 years and enough is
>> You might
>>dislike them, us Northern Kali
>>folks have grown to strongly
>>dislike them to the point
>>of outright hatred. My personal
>>though about a liberal is
>>that they do not know
>>their A$$ from a hole
>>in the ground and are
>>about as stupid as they
>>come. That stupid relates to
>>having "common sense" some may
>>have education, but not a
>>lick of common sense.
>I have a solution move to
>Utah or Wyoming better hunting
>out this way anyways.
>?If men were angels, no government
>would be
>necessary.? John Adams

Too late for Coli. Once the bong became the state song, it sealed the deal. The Rastafarian dipshits will flock to Denver like the Salmon to Capistrano. John Denver was prophetic with his song of Rocky Mountain High. Too bad but I'm afraid the modern day equivalent of a common sense Mason Dixon line may run North and South between Utah and Colorado. At least your liberal implants will be chill as long as they pass the grass.

You can run, but you can't hide any more. If there is a road that goes to your State it's already being infiltrated with enlightened progressives. Too late.
I will give you an idea of how it is too late for Colorado. When CA. passed the medical marijuana bill, I had a Father with several of his adult sons move in next door to me on a 2-1/2 acre site. They were from Colorado and upon arrival all three of them obtained their medical prescription from a doctor to grow marijuana for personal use. Personal use bull$hit as you do not need 10 plants each to supply one person for a year.

Then Colorado out did CA. and passed a far more liberal bill on marijuana. Father and sons packed their bags and moved back to Colorado to grow their happy weed and make money. I wonder how many old hippies bailed out of San Francisco to move to Colorado to make their fortune.


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