Just for you Hdude

Why not? this polls is within it's margin of error so I'd expect it. for what it's worth Gallup is the only poll showing McCain within 4 points and some are double digit, so don't wet your pants. even the new FAUX News poll shows Obama ahead by 4 and they probably wouldn't even talk to anyone who isn't a registered republican, so go figure.
>even the new
>FAUX News poll shows Obama
>ahead by 4 and they
>probably wouldn't even talk to
>anyone who isn't a registered
>republican, so go figure.

So the inverse is that all other networks, since Fox is the only conservative network, have only talked to registered Dems. Perhaps that might explain Obama's lead?

Member: RMEF, SCI, and NRA
Good comeback Spencer, well played. :D


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But for the last 2 months the FAUX polls have said Obama is ahead, how do you account for that? other than a klan ralley I can't think of a place Obama could do worse.
>But for the last 2 months
>the FAUX polls have said
>Obama is ahead, how do
>you account for that?
>other than a klan ralley
>I can't think of a
>place Obama could do worse.
Missed Spencers point of how warped your 'logic' is, I am stunned.


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That can't be true. No way. The Oracle has spoken and he said otherwise.

Pro as usual you aren't using any logic. if you say the major networks are slanted to the left then FAUX should come up with a different result right? they didn't, so you have to assume they're all pretty close and reasonably accurate. what's illogical about that?
Well Dude, you poll lover you, Not only does gallup have them in a dead heat so does Rasmusen and your favorite liberal rag, Time magazine.

The only reason I point this out is I know just how much you love polls. You quote them as Gospel. Enjoy Dude!

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
What's wrong with polls? ALL politians watch them and they're the best indicator we have, if you'd rather just turn to Bubba and Cletus that works too but a kind of biased so don't bet on accuracy.

202 if you're going to post stuff check it out just once in a while to see if your BS will hold up.

Rasmussen 3 hours ago- Obama 47% McCain 40%

Gallup - tie

Time Magazine? I couldn't find a poll since April 8th so when was it and what were the results?
Polls dont mean squat Dude. That is why you have never seen me quote a poll. However I know how much you love them so I am simply being friendly.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
>OK, but real polls make for
>a better debate.

Well, everyone is welcome to their opinion. I personally don't see how polls have any value for individuals. I'm not going to cast my vote based on the polls. Maybe others do, but I don't. It is almost as if polls are used by media to try to change people's minds about who they are going to vote for . . . and some people must be coerced by this. That seems a clear indication of a weak mind. But watching the news media is another clear indication of a weak mind. There is so little true information content or penetrating analysis in the media these days. It is really shocking.
Polls indicate the intent or attitude of people at the time they were asked a question, it's the best information we have and pretty accurate if you average them out. you don't have to vote accordingly but I don't see where being ignorant to the direction the nation is headed by ignoring polls gains anything.

So if you don't watch or listen to the news then you're really informed. do you have a little bird that tells you what's going on? so did my grandfather but he came up with some whacky stuff.

like it or not the media about our only source of information and for the most part they do pretty well, they aren't perfect but what is. the alternative is for you move to somewhere like North Korea, Kim will tell you what you need to know, no need for polls and media he's got the facts for you all in one place. a competitive and free media is a necessary evil in a free nation, I'm thankful we have them.
All polls are biased. ALL! They all serve an agenda. ALL polls. There is no fair question. The pollsters are masters of getting the answers THEY desire by simply wording the questions right. I have absolutly no faith what so ever in a poll. I think polls are a waste of time and only represent the answers to those particular questions at that particular moment in time. That is moment. Remember that. The other thing about polls is they are always spun in favor of whom ever is touting them. For example a head line like this "40% of Americans hate apple pie" Some ignorant uninformed wretch reads that and says "wow there must be something wrong with me cause I like apple pie, I do not want to be different so I gues I will start to dislike apple pie"
All along the headline should have read " Apple pie is loved by most Americans 60% say so"
You get the drift. Polls don't mean squat!!!!

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
So FAUX News poll showing Obama ahead the last two months is biased in Obama's favor? yeah right.

Nothing is perfect and polls are no exception, but polls have proven themselve reasonably accurate. as proof look at all the polls and the election outcomes in the recent primary, for the most part they called it prety good. the proof is in the pudding, the major polls are usually within their margin of error and you can't talk that fact away.
Polls are like the T.V. weatherman, all they do is predict. How many times have your local weatherman been wrong?

Here is the number one reason that polls will be way off in this particular election; "Hello sir, we are taking a poll to see how voters feel about the candidates. Would you vote for a person who is black and had a muslim father?" Well---of COURSE I would!! Do you think I am a bigot? Guy walks into the voting booth and all he can think of are the prejudices he grew up with. People will not be honest on the race issue if they are bigots.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-01-08 AT 10:10AM (MST)[p]I'm a bigot and I'll admit it, might as well be honest it all pays the same for me. but there are bigots who joke, stereotype and can't help but notice race or whatever the case may be, then there are those who hate. I can't say I'm going to vote for Obama but I can say the fact he's HALF black doesn't scare me at all. I'd feel like a wimp if his race or religion struck my cowardly heart with fear.

I'll bet the polls are pretty accurate, but they're still to close to predict a winner today.

By the way 202, todays Time poll shows Obama up by 4 and Gallup shows him up by 5. the numbers change but McCain trails in EVERY poll. Obama would win if the election were today, little doubt. so you've got some work to do in the next few months, I'll let you know how you're doing how's that sound?
> I'll bet the polls are
>pretty accurate, but they're still
>to close to predict a
>winner today.

Really? What did these 'accurate' polls say this time 4 years ago, 8 years ago? How did they turn out? What did the polls the day of the election show in the last 2 presidental elections show? Polls are fun for something to talk about, but they rarely tell anything, then when you consider it is July 1st and the political world will change several times between now and November. The Obama camp made a HUGE mistake in going after McCain's military service. Mark it down, this WILL bite Obama big time. They think they can "swift boat" McCain like Kerry was. Biggest difference is McCain NEVER threw his medals over a fence and NEVER sold his fellow soldiers out, and NEVER hung out with Hanoi Jane.


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First off Clark isn't Obama's spokesman and even if he were what he said in response to a question asked of him was not out of line. Clark has much more military experience and from a higher position than McCain so if he says getting shot down and being a prisoner isn't a requirement for being president he is withing his rights to say it. listen to the whole thing and what he says isn't disrespectful at all, you're just wanting the sound bite that serves you're purpose as usual.

Ther swift boating that McCain is going to get won't be from Clark or Obama it's going to be from morons just like the ones who ran an organized smear campaign against Kerry. it's already coming out that McCain was weak and gave in, even making propaganda for the enemy. it's also being brought out how his high ranking family in the military worked to his advantage. my opinion is the dems should denounce this crap if it becomes a main topic, true or not McCain served his country as best he could and non of this is relevant. just like the Kerry crap should have been denounced rather than put on TV and used for political gain, I'll be disappointed if Obama stoops to that level. and by the way Obama once again called McCain an American hero and said he'll have no part or accept the tearing down of McCain's record, too bad some swift boat butt budds and AWOL didn't have as much class.
Anyone who believes Clark wasn't doing Obama's dirty work is clueless. How convient that he comes out and says McCain in a hero the next day. I'll take his 'apology' more serious when he calls Clark out BY NAME and says he was out of line. Clark IS in the Obama camp, that isn't even up for debate. I listened/watched to the whole interview, it was VERY clear Clark was trying to discredit McCain. Odd how he stated just 4 years ago that Kerry's service 'qualified' him to be president, yet now McCain's doesn't 'qualify' him for the SAME position. Who had a more 'honorable service, both before/during/after their time in Nam? Ask a classy General like Powell what he thinks of McCain and his service. All Clark did, at the direction of the Obama camp, is spew what the left wacko blogs are putting out there. Pretty said, I thought Obama was all about 'change'. Yeah right!


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What dude is forgetting or will not admit, is that most Americans know how to add 2+2. How many times has it been done now that one of Obama's supporters come out with a deregortory remark about McCain, or even Hillary during the past months. It backfires, and Obama steps up to half a$$ denounce it and claims no responsibility for the smear remark.
No one is being fooled any more, Obama is playing dirty politics and everyone knows it now. Obama and clark have just pissed off a lot of vets & families that may have been on the fence about who to vote for. Clark is so stupid that if he thinks that he can make the American people think McCain is not qualified to be Commander-in-Chief, where does that leave Obama who has far less qualifications with no military experience at all.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-01-08 AT 06:25PM (MST)[p]What a bunch of drama queens, lets look at what Clark said.

Bob Schieffer " Obama hadn't had those experiences, he hadn't ridden in a fighter plane and been shot down "

Clark " well, I don't think riding in a fighter plane and being shot down are a qualifications to be president "

Now tell me what's out of line there? not only is what he said true it's in no way disrespectful.

Of course Clark is in Obama's camp, duh, he's a possible VP and has much more military experience than McCain which would help Obama out. Hagel has said he'd consider a VP offer from Obama as well, now that would bring a ton of swing voters and moderates to Obama and give him more military experience than McBush has at the same time. go ahead and pull an Al Sharpton over reaction to Clarks words, by trashing him you might just be digging yourself a deeper hole.
Dude wrote: "listen to the whole thing and what he says isn't disrespectful at all, you're just wanting the sound bite that serves you're purpose as usual."

And then he wrote ONE small segment of the interview to "further his purpose as usual". WTH?

You also said earlier that Clark was speaking for himself, now you say he is a potential VP candidate, no wonder you are a fan of Obama, you step on yourself every time you make a statement. It all adds up.

I'll go on record and say this little stunt will hurt the Obama camp MORE than the McCain camp. I can only hope Barak H Obama picks Clark as his VP. That will help sink this Stay Puff Marshmellow ship.


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Since when does a potenial VP candidate speak for the presidential candidate?

I still say what Gen. Clark said when taken in context is nothing, but it's fired up the drama queens to the point it would surprise me if Obama picks him. another pathetic over reaction to a sound bite, I'd say the same thing if McCain had said it about Clark. typical gotcha partisan crap, much about nothing.
"Much about nothing"? What was/is the point of calling into question McCains military service? I am not drinking the SP kool-aid and thiniking Clark was somehow 'honoring' McCain. I thought the Obama camp was all about 'change' and how he was going to be 'different' than DC insiders. I guess he is, who would attack/question a POW besides this POS and his ilk? I mean besides you dude.


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Clark is a wannabe politician that will never be. He is not held that high up in the esteem of the voters. Now if Rockbama was to pick Colin Powell or Swartzkoff, that would get him votes. I have a funny feeling that those good generals would have nothing to do with a bent wrist liberal like rockbama.
Pro HE DIDN'T call into question McCains service record, when the question was posed to him should he have said " Well, yes, nobody can be president until they've ridden in a fighter plane and been shot down " ? give me a break Al Sharpton, what was he supposed to say?

Clark, the POS as you call him has a longer and more distinguished military carrer than McCain, but like Kerry he's no hero just a POS because he doesn't follow your political agenda. how big of you, and how predictable.

By the way, in a recent interview Powell said he would be interested in helping Obama and said a VP position wouldn't be 100% out of the question. I don't see a half black president and a black VP happening myself, I think that might be too much too fast and Obama and Powell know it as well. don't you think a former GOP sec of state even considering a VP spot for a dem says a little something about this administation? I hope Powell talks one of thse days, now theres some stories I'd love to hear, you wouldn't. Chuck Hagel is your worst nightmare as if you had a chance anyway, if he would team up with Obama they just as well start making the inauguration ball guest list.
No Clark is POS because of his actions today. Kerry.......do I really have to explain why he is a POS?

Show me the link to the Powell interview. Why would Hagel on the Obama ticket seal the deal? Hagel is less of a conservative than Liberman for crying out loud.

Again, if Clark wasn't trying to tarnish McCains hero status, why did he call it into question? And yes he DID call McCains service into question. Here is just ONE major difference between McCain and Kerry, the men who served with McCain still respect him for what he did while serving, and what he has done, and how he has conducted himself after his service. Kerry can NOT say the same, wonder why. NOT!!

I said it before, and I'll say it again, this kind of campaigning WILL help McCain and hurt Obama, regardless of how those on the left want to spin it as Clark acting on his own. People may be duped on some things, but they are smart enough to know who is pulling the strings on a potential running mate.


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"Actions remanicent of Gengis Kahn"

Kerry is a no good rat piece of shiest. If I saw him in public I would gladly go to jail for punching the scumbag right in the nose, then I would end it with a large slimy spit of Beechnut.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
You only listened to the guys who served with Kerry you wanted to didn't you? many support and respect him but only the necon ones count.

Some of the guys who were in the Hanoi Hilton with McCain have said he was weak, giving into propanda projects which they found deplorable. it's also said he collaberated and recieved special treatment, he even has kids from some of his special treatment there today. it's true he was in propaganda but was he weak? did he recieve special treatment? by your standards of proof hell yes, if we only listen to the ones we want then yes he is. same thing as Kerry but can you imagine the screaming if anyone made a smear campaign against McCain like they did Kerry? it would be wrong, it was wrong.

Clark said nothing wrong, post it and explain what you find offensive.

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