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Let's See How Many of them Fare When They Venture to the West!

Two gray wolves standing on snow covered rock. CPW logo overlays on graphic.

Gray Wolf Reintroduction eNews

As a current CPW eNews subscriber, we want you to be the first to know that a new Gray Wolf Reintroduction eNews edition is coming soon.

As the agency begins the planning and implementation process for reintroducing Gray Wolves to the state, we are dedicated to keeping the public informed and engaged throughout the process. This means frequent updates to our website, social media channels and this new eNews.

To be sure you get the news on the conservation and recreation happenings you care about most, click the eNews link above or the "Update your eNews Preferences" button below, to modify your choices for which newsletters and press releases you'd like to receive from us.

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Won't do any good educating these people Elk. They are to busy getting high on fighting with other hunters right now and eroding their own liberties.

They have been so scared about some other hunter getting a shot at their buck they missed that the little snowball just rolled over the edge of the cliff.
Sounds like Wisconsin Coulda Gave KALIRADO a few for very little Money!

Anybody making Bets on How Much They'll Spend I Mean Waste on Wolves?
In KALIFORNICATED the Dept of Fish and WOLF-LIVES-MATTER spend more time and $$ monitoring/surveying WLM than taking deer herd surveys. The granola crunching tree huggers have infiltrated our PATHETIC state and are shaping the future of hunting. CRIMINAL
Sounds like Wisconsin Coulda Gave KALIRADO a few for very little Money!

Anybody making Bets on How Much They'll Spend I Mean Waste on Wolves?
The budget request is posted in another thread. I believe it was around $500k in the first year. For outreach and stuff like that. Mental KY jelly.
For Sure For Sure!

I Wonder If They'll Cage a Bunch of them Up & Almost Domesticate Them Before Turning Them Loose again?
In my local forum, there was a post where someone new to the area complained that they had moved to this part of CO for the peace and quiet. BUTTTTTTT, their neighbor had 26 PAIRS of hybrids that kept them up all night.

That post went away.

Besssssie, You're a smart guy. What do you figure they were gonna do with 52 hybrids?????.
Another PSA...

Colorado Parks and Wildlife seeks external facilitator to guide public involvement process for wolf reintroduction efforts; application deadline March 19

March 8, 2021

DENVER - Colorado Parks and Wildlife is hiring an external facilitator and project manager to help guide the public involvement process for wolf reintroduction efforts. Colorado citizens voted Proposition 114 into statute in 2020. The statute directs the CPW Commission to develop a plan to restore and manage gray wolves in Colorado no later than December 31, 2023.

CPW’s request for proposals (RFP) for an external facilitator and project manager is now open for interested parties and the due date for submissions is March 19. Once hired, the facilitator will be contracted to run the Stakeholder Advisory Group and Technical Working Group meetings, statewide hearings, engagement forums and public comment opportunities in coordination with CPW staff and the Commission.

“We plan to gather feedback from all Coloradans and look forward to moving to the next phase of implementing Proposition 114,” said CPW Director Dan Prenzlow.

Applicants can find the RFP documents in the state VSS system at colorado.gov/vss. Interested parties can use the RFP number for easy search: 2021*009. The RFP title is “Project Management and Facilitation of a Wolf Restoration and Management Plan Public Outreach.”

Applicants with questions can contact Colorado Department of Natural Resources Purchasing Agent Jeanette Barrow at: [email protected].

About the public involvement process

1. Phase one will focus on building public awareness and obtaining input through an education and listening tour to understand issues perceived to be critical for success. This phase will ensure that CPW develops a robust process, while helping to understand public expectations for content and the planning process, developing trust for the process and identifying interested parties.
2. Phase two will be the process undertaken to develop the Plan.

Next steps
CPW will begin holding facilitated public listening sessions around Colorado this summer. All updates will be provided on CPW’s wolf management page, social media channels and Gray Wolf Reintroduction eNews.
Won't do any good educating these people Elk. They are to busy getting high on fighting with other hunters right now and eroding their own liberties.

They have been so scared about some other hunter getting a shot at their buck they missed that the little snowball just rolled over the edge of the cliff.
49% of us voted no
Last edited:
I’m kinda looking forward to a couple hundred of us resident experts to apply. Anything to help speed things along. ;)
So excited for Colorado to have wolves! Hopefully one day you’ll be able to hunt them.

bring back the grizzly next!
In KALIFORNICATED the Dept of Fish and WOLF-LIVES-MATTER spend more time and $$ monitoring/surveying WLM than taking deer herd surveys. The granola crunching tree huggers have infiltrated our PATHETIC state and are shaping the future of hunting. CRIMINAL
The best is when those granola crunching tree huggers talk crap on you to your face for allowing your kids to have a snack size pack of Doritos. Mind you my kids eat a balance diet of heathy stuff. But they light up a cigaret and change their kids diaper mid smoke haha.
I thought Biden, during his first week of office, used an executive order to relist wolves on the ESA? I also thought Trump de-listed them by executive order in October. Anyone else remember this?

I thought there was a link on here. If I find it, I'll post it.
Here’s the new Woof Committees:

Rebecca Ferrell
Branding and Communications Manager
303-291-7764 / 720-595-1449
[email protected]

CPW announces members selected for Gray Wolf Reintroduction Technical Working Group and Stakeholder Advisory Group​

File image of two gray wolves
DENVER -- Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) has selected the membership for both the Technical Working Group (TWG) and the Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG) convened to serve as advisory bodies to the agency as the Commission and CPW staff plan the implementation of Proposition 114.

The combined experience and input of these groups will help guide CPW staff and the Commission in the final direction to restore and manage gray wolves in Colorado no later than December 31, 2023.

“We want to thank all of those that submitted an application or considered an offer to participate in these important advisory groups,” said CPW Director Dan Prenzlow. “While this is certainly an opportunity to share perspectives and expertise, it’s important to note it is also a significant commitment of time and energy, and we greatly appreciate all those who volunteered their time. We are now eager to get to work with those selected to move forward with us on the implementation process.”

The TWG will review and contribute expertise towards the development of conservation objectives, management strategies and damage prevention and compensation planning. The members selected for the TWG are:
  • Scott Becker - United States Fish and Wildlife Service - Wyoming Wolf Coordinator
  • Alan Bitner - Bureau of Land Management - Deputy State Director - Resources
  • Stewart Breck - National Wildlife Research Center - Research Wildlife Biologist
  • Roblyn Brown - Oregon Fish and Game - Wildlife Biologist
  • Wayne East - Colorado Department of Agriculture - Agricultural/Wildlife Liaison
  • Justin Gude - Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks - Research and Technical Services Bureau Chief
  • Jonathan Houck - Gunnison County Commissioner
  • Mike Jimenez - USFWS retired
  • Merrit Linke - Grand County Commissioner
  • Steve Lohr - United States Forest Service - Renewable Resources Director Rocky Mountain Region
  • Martin Lowney - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service - State Director
  • Carter Niemeyer - USFWS retired
  • Eric Odell - Colorado Parks and Wildlife - Species Conservation Biologist
  • Mike Phillips - Rocky Mountain Wolf Project
  • John Sanderson - Center for Collaborative Conservation - CSU - Director
  • Doug Smith National Park Service - Project Leader Yellowstone/Jennifer Carpenter -Associate Regional Director for Resource Stewardship and Science
  • Robin Young - Colorado State University Extension Service - Extension Agent

The SAG will provide a range of viewpoints from diverse geographic areas of the state and propose considerations for the plans developed by the TWG. The members selected for the SAG are:
  • Matt Barnes (W) - Dolores. Runs range science business and works with the Northern Rockies Conservation Cooperative (human/carnivore coexistence)
  • Donald Broom (W) - Craig. Moffat County Commissioner
  • Jenny Burbey (W) - Hesperus. President of CO Outfitters Association, Outfitter, livestock producer
  • Bob Chastain - Colorado Springs. President/CEO of Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
  • Renee Deal (W) - Somerset. Rancher, outfitter, member of agricultural groups
  • Adam Gall (W) - Paonia. Wolf biologist for 5 years in Idaho, employed by Nez Perce tribe
  • Dan Gates - Canon City. Chair of Coloradans for Responsible Wildlife Management
  • John Howard (W) - Grand Junction. Former CPW commissioner
  • Francie Jacober (W) - Carbondale. Pitkin County Commissioner
  • Lenny Klingesmith (W) - Meeker. Rancher and outfitter, member of agricultural groups
  • Darlene Kobobel - Divide. Colorado Wolf & Wildlife Center
  • Tom Kourlis - Castle Rock. Rancher and Outfitter, Former Commissioner of Agriculture, member of agricultural groups
  • Brian Kurzel - Denver. Rocky Mountain Regional Executive Director for the National Wildlife Federation
  • Hallie Mahowald (W) - Salida. Program Director of Western Landowners Alliance
  • Jonathan Proctor - Denver. Regional Director for Defenders of Wildlife
  • Gary Skiba (W) - Durango. Wildlife Program Manager, San Juan Citizen Alliance
Department of Natural Resources Executive Director Dan Gibbs, Colorado Parks and Wildlife Director Dan Prenzlow and Colorado Department of Agriculture Commissioner Kate Greenberg will serve as Ex-Officio members.

(W) - Denotes Western Slope representation

For additional information on the next steps and phases of planning for the reintroduction of gray wolves, please visit the Stay Informed page on the CPW website, or sign up for CPW’s Gray Wolf Reintroduction eNewsletter.
CPW is an enterprise agency, relying primarily on license sales, state parks fees and registration fees to support its operations, including: 42 state parks and more than 350 wildlife areas covering approximately 900,000 acres, management of fishing and hunting, wildlife watching, camping, motorized and non-motorized trails, boating and outdoor education. CPW's work contributes approximately $6 billion in total economic impact annually throughout Colorado.

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