Keep buying


Active Member
If anyone hasn’t been paying attention (i doubt that applies here) the gun buying frenzy has kept itself in the headlines all summer. The media has on occasion, and probably accurately so, linked this to COVID, riots, election cycle etc. I think that is a great thing. It is the most accurate polling available on American’s true thoughts on 2nd amendment and the reasons it should be respected. People are putting their money where their mouth is. There is legitimate hand wringing on some portions of the left, as these numbers starkly reveal this truth, at the same time they prove how unpopular, if loud and well funded, the anti-message is.

At the same time, the NRA has stumbled, and our US manufacturers have been challenged the last few years and long standing facilities and companies have fallen by the wayside, gone bankrupt through predatory finance, been consolidated, etc. The strong independent ones are doing well for the immediate moment but I think part of our hunting and shooting culture should be to ensure that continues. So please keep it up, keep buying, don’t stop REGARDLESS of the outcome in Nov. Gun rights won’t mean much if there are no gun manufactuerers. Lawsuits and gun control efforts will never stop. We need to maintain a healthy industry. I certainly do my part. Keep doing yours!
Our local Walmart's will not stock ammo and sell it anymore.
They have quit on us. So please don't shop there, lets see if they like it if all hunters quit using them.
That's happened from pressure from the local, state and fed officials. We have Walmarts here that have guns and ammo for sale everyday and yet you can travel to another city and they don't have them. Wally world has managed to become the chameleon of the retail world. Amazon is going to be a far bigger issue since it's wally world on steroids and a HUGE internet sales arm. You used to save money at Walmart because of their buying they just take advantage of that and sell at retail for more profit. Wally world and Amazon killed the little guy and the covid is finishing the job.

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