Keep John Kerry out of the White House



While all of this moaning and groaning is going on, our buddy John Kerry (the Hunter) is in beantown ramping up his bull**** with the Breck girl. Why don't we channel this anger to making sure people know what the liar really is. A Ted Kennedy liberal who wants to walk all over the one constitutional right that we can all agree on. The right to keep and bear arms. If you think this ruling by the ninth circus court is bad,let the Poodle finish it off with his liberal judges. We won't have to worry about who gets what tag because you won't be able to hunt or have anything to hunt with.
What place would rank Jr. and Sr. Bush? I consider myself an independent and my vote will be Kerry. No more Bush.
BP- Did you actually listen to Kerry's speech last night. I think he said what what every Democratic party candidate has said in the past. I want to do this and this and this and give this to you and give this to you, and this to you. I want to have head start, up start, after start, adn child care till midnight for all those that want to party all night. All these beautiful pie in the sky feel good proposals and not one single word of how in the hell he intends to pay for all these extra nice perks. Oh and by the way, he is going to cut the deficit in half while doing all these wonderful things. How do you think he intends to pay for all the programs he promises? Taxes my friend taxes. If you think for one minute the folks that make over 200K per year are going to pay for all that you are either naive or stupid. You will pay for it, I will pay for it, and I guarantee it will hurt you and I a lot more than it will hurt the few Americans that make over 200k. Ask your candidate for plans not promises. he promised the state of Mass. for 20 some odd years to make a difference. Did you hear him speak of his senate record last night, hell no. He is rightfully embarrassed of the fact that in all his years in the senate he cannot bring one piece of significant accomplishment to the campaign. Bush is not perfect. What politician is? But, if John Kerry is the best the democrats can offer, they are in deep kimshee. I think it reflects badly on the health of their party and I predict an overwhelming victory for the republicans in the presidential race, as well as the house and senate races. VOTE SMART. VOTE REPUBLICAN.
I think what was NOT said last night in Boston was very telling. You didn't hear one word about gun control all week long. You have to know that the liberal wing of the Demo party is nearly wetting themselves at the possibility that they could pull off this presidential victory and usher in sweeping new gun control legislation leading to eventual gun confiscation. We must never forget the infamous comments of Sen. Charles Schumer of Ny and his ally Sen. Diane Feinstein of California when they affiemed that "If there were 51 votes in the U.S. Senate they would tell Mr. & Mrs. America gather them (rifles-shotguns-pistols) and turn 'em all in."

With all of Kerry's panderings to the internationalists within the party you have to know he'll align our gun laws with those in the UK, Australia, and Canada. God help us if Nov. 3rd finds him the president-elect!

We all need to encourage our friends and family to vote for their Constitutional Rights and support President GW Bush.
As a veteran I trust Kerry. As a father of teenage young men I dont want to send my children off to a no win war.As a combat veteran I know what are troops are going thru.I dont trust our current administration and I dont trust my childrens future to them.Fighting terroism I am all for, invading a country for oil or other personal reasons I am not. Bush SR. should allowed us to march into Baghad in the Gulf war. I could see it then but not know.Off the soap opera.VOTE KERRY.
If John Kerry is such a friend of the veterans and the men and women of the military, Why did he throw his fellow soldiers under the bus after Vietnam? Why didn't he stand up for the thousands of men and women who have served honorably in Iraq and condemn the handful who did the AWFUL things like put a bag over someones head or make them stand naked for a few photos. He has never said a word about making sure that the soldiers in Iraq get to vote this November. Or is he going to take a lesson from Al Gore and try to get as many absetee ballots thrown out as possible. Kerry had access to the same intelligence as the President did, and from what I understand he didn't even take time to read it. For a man who is suppose to be a great military mind you would think he could recognize bad intelligence when he saw it. You can believe that if things would have went smmothly in Iraq he would have thought that it was a good idea to go in there and he would want credit for it to. Unfortunately for him there are some of US that realize you can't have it both ways, and for those of you who don't realize it maybe you can go see Fahrenheit 911 AGAIN and help put some more money into the America Hating Michael Moore's pocket.
You would think that a war veteran abd a father of soldiers would support President Bush. If you want to be angry at somebody, be angry at Bill Clinton for decimating our armed forces. I support GW and commend him for the job that he has done thus far, I hope he voted in for the next 4 years.

Better do your homework huntsonara. Bush senior destroyed our forces before Clinton. I was there and seen it. I have no love for the Bush clan.
I would never vote for Clinton as my bishop. But I sure would vote for him again as pres. Dont believe the propaganda against Kerry the Bushes know this is only way they can win. I would be more impressed with people wanting Bush again as pres. if they would state why and not the propaganda against Kerry. I will not vote for a war criminal.
You can fight the war on their turf now, or wait and fight it right here in are streets later.

A vote for Kerry is a vote for:

High taxes
Gun control
weakened military
more UN power over our security
exteme enviromentalist
gay marriage
goverment controlled health care

These are all things thatKerry openly supports (this week at least).

Don't vote for Kerry just because you don't like Bush. I don't care for him either (he's too liberal to be called a conservative) but he is a far sight better than the man voted the most liberal senator in DC. He even beat out Terrible Ted Kennedy.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-03-04 AT 10:32PM (MST)[p]Bowpony,
You may need to go back and bone up on your history as well. I also lived through it and the vast majority of reductions in military personel occured under Clintons watch. Bush Sr. allowed some of the reduction in force but Clinton was the one who wanted to make sure he got credit for the peace dividend that was to be realized with the end of the cold war. He not only oversaw the dismantling the of the military but also gutted the intel. services.

Your deal about your children makes me chuckle. The last time I checked the military is still a volunteer force so the argument that your children are at risk is bogus.

My brother is over there, a lot of my buddies from the last war are back over there and I have recieved letters and emails from all. The troops support for Bush runs over 90%, regardless of what Michael Moore implied.

You have a right to vote for who you want but don't try to hide behind bogus issues just come out and say you enjoy living under liberals who hate freedom.

In addition you must not have understood our mission in the first gulf war. It was never to overthrow Saddam but to eject Iraqi forces from Kuwait. If we had marched on Baghdad the French and Arabs forces would not have went in their with us. It would have been us and the British kind of like now.

What is with voting for a war criminal comment? If that is a concern you may want to go read the transcript of Kerry's testimony when he returned. That was while soldiers were still engaged in battle in Vietnam. If you believe Kerry is a stand up guy for the military you must have inhaled a few times. I sure am glad I never had to depend on you to watch my back.

Someburro, You should know that when you are dealing with liberals that anything that was done in the past when it concerns their man is off limits. It doesn't matter what a persons voting record is(I guess that couldn't be used as facts), you are suppose to believe everything that they say is good and everything that Bush says is bad. If this war criminal comment concerns the President lying to America and leading us into a bogus war maybe you should make a few phone calls to your senator. I personally called Senator Pat Roberts office(Sen. Intelligence Committee Chair) to see if all the members of the senate had access to the same info that the President had to determine if they should vote to support the war or not. I talked to two different people who both assured me that all that was required was for them to request such info. If they didn't care to ask to review the info before voting then they should shut up and live with their decision and quit playing Monday morning Quarterback. As for gutting the military,I got my walking papers when Clinton was in office not Bush and it wasn't because I didn't show up for work or get caught smoking pot(I didn't inhale).
Perhaps you could articulate Sen. Kerry's "secret plan" to "win the peace in Iraq", seeing as he has said he will offer no solutions unless and until he wins the election?

Also, could you offer insights into Kerry's economic strategy to keep our economy cranked up, like it is now, especially since his chief economic advisor, Rubin, just advised him to not share any of his plans prior to the election as the Bush/Cheney campaign will be able to "rip them to shreds" to the point of them being "ineffective"?

Also, can you tell us Kerry's plans to defend the 2nd Ammendment rights of U.S. citizens and if he has any plans to implement further gun control legislation?

Where does Mr. Kerry stand on same sex marriage? You do know that earlier today the state of Missouri, in an overwhelming landslide, voted to ban same sex marriage? By the way, Missouri has been identified as a "Battleground State".

I've got plenty more for ya when you're ready so BRING IT ON!
A few points...
1) 15 of 19 of the 9/11 highjackers were from Saudi Arabia. Are we at war with them? No.
2) Bush has lied and lied and lied.
3) Bush has no real plan. Apparently telling Americans that we had successfully completed our mission ( back in April or May) hasn't really panned out like expected.
4) Almost the entire civilized world is against our occupation.
5) In less than four years Bush has managed to completely upend our constitutional rights. Have you guys ever checked out the Patriot Act???
6) Forget about what may or may not happen with Kerry as president, because if Bushy-Boy gets reelected the draft will be reinstated and we will all be hunting Iraqis or some other oil-producing countries' citizens( when and if they get in our gas-guzzling culture).
7) furthermore...he is just an arrogant fool in control of the most powerful arsenal in the world. Scary...
LAST EDITED ON Aug-04-04 AT 01:43PM (MST)[p]

A few sane points

1. The Saudi govenment wasn't behind the 15 of their citizens who commandeered airplanes. The Saudi's didn't openingly disregard U.N. resolutions to disarm.

2. Bush was given the same intel. that the Egyptians, Germans, Italians, British, Jordanians, Russians, French and any other country with an intelligence service that Saddam had WMD and intended to pursue and use them. President Bush may have went forward on bad information but that is different then a lie.

3. You must have little to no understanding of Missions and what mission accomplished means.

4. The countries who opposed our invasion of Iraq are the same ones who had highly placed government officials lining their pockets on the U.N. oil for food program. In addition all the "civilized nations" opposed to us were openly trading with Saddam thus circumventing and bastardizing our ability to apply economic pressue to make Saddam behave.

5. Which constitutional right have you had taken away from you? Can you still speak your mind? looks like it. Who came and got you guns? Nobody. What part of the act wouldn't pass a supreme court challeng? It always amazes me that people who spout off about their constitutional rights don't understand them. You have the right to challenge the Patriot Act in the Supreme court. Remember 3rd grade Social Studies class (checks and balances).

6. The statement about the draft is where you prove that the reason why you are outtabreath is because you decided to inhale. Where did you get that kind of B.S. The draft will not come back because it would be political suicide. What good would the draft do now anyway? You have not a clue how long it would take to constitute, train, equip and motivate a draftee military.

7. Well the part of thinking someone is arrogant is just opinions and you know what they say opinion it is like another part of your anatomy and everyone has one.


Here! Here! Well said!

If there is a constitutional right at risk in this election, it is John Kerry getting elected and degrading the second amendment, perhaps through appointment of judges -- not just supreme court justices -- who adhere to a tortured, watered down interpretation of the second amendment. Kerry has declared support for a view of the second amendment as protecting the rights of state militia's to keep and bear arms NOT AN INDIVIDUAL RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS. This is also the position of the American Civil Liberties Union (I went to their web site once, thinking in this particular place maybe I would like their intense support of individual rights, but I was mistaken). I don't think this is hidden or undisclosed. I wish I could find the reference to this characterization of Kerry's position (maybe the NRA or NRA-ILA web sites?).

At any rate, I do not buy that the second amendment is directed to protecting the right of state militias to keep and bear arms. The first nine of the first ten amendments -- the "Bill of Rights" -- are directed to individual rights. The tenth amendment says rights not explicitly allocated to the federal government in the constitution are reserved to the states or to individuals. Read for yourself:

As far as gutting the military, both parties cooperated broadly with the downsizing of forces in the light of the end of the cold war. I don't know that anyone can be blamed for this decision, it looked right at the time to everyone.

Kudus for a very crusty reply to our liberal MM interloper. You took the words, point for point, literally right out of my fingers!

Hooah Nemont and AZBuckSnort!!

As one who still wears the uniform with many friends deployed to hostile territory, I couldn't agree more!!!!!! I've served since the Reagan administration and I and many of my fellow soldiers have great respect for our Commander-in-Chief. If Kerry wins this November, we'll strap it on and do whatever he asks us to do just like the military has always done, but it sure makes it easier to do it for a leader you respect!!


Brainwashed? How can you argue with what NeMont posted? He posted facts and I challenge any liberal here to try and say otherwise. Its funny, everytime I see a liberal open his/her mouth to try and speak intelligently it backfires on them, John Kerry is the worst one of the bunch. One thing that I have found is that when you ask a liberal to substatiante any of their far fetched claims they cannot do it. It never fails, just listen to Sean Hannity, he gives these people every opportunity to explain themselves and what comes out of their mouths is worthless verbage about nothing. I dont have problems with people posting opinions but it scares me to know that some people will vote for Kerry just out of pure hatred for Bush. We are dealing with people that make their decisions based on pure emotion rather than cold hard facts. I doubt that this type of thinking will lead us anywhere.

NeMont, You might want to add that the sponsors for starting the draft again are Charlie Wrangel(D-NY) in the house and Fritz Hollings(D-SC) in the Senate. Also, if you check the co-sponsors almost all of them have a D beside their name. I guess that is not fact enough either. I also guess that the book Unfit for Command by the Swift Boat Veterans is also all lies. How could they know the truth the were just there with kerry.
Bowpoo... You need to read the facts about Kerry ... If your unsatisfied with Bush I'd hate to see what this country will look like with Kerry as Commander in Chief for 4years... VOTE BUSH
LAST EDITED ON Aug-05-04 AT 10:16AM (MST)[p]Bowpony,

I am not brainwashed, I consider myself an independent but do side more with the Republicans on defense issues. I disagree with John Kerry on many, many issues and can't see anything different in his plan to deal with the Iraqi and the additional threat of terror.

Here is what I find interesting about your statement that we should have just marched on Baghdad in the first Gulf War. I have heard this argument from many liberal minded people. The next thing out of their mouth is that our current war does not have U.N. approval. Well we would have violated the U.N. resolutions, that allowed the use of force, if we had marched to Baghdad. Think through your position: It would have been okay in 1991 to disregard the U.N. but now the U.N. is vital? The fact is that we should not tie our security to the U.N. because it is an anti U.S. organization. In 1991 the world came together to stop Iraq from threatening the world's oil supply. We invaded Iraq in 2003 because after 9/11 the international political scene had changed and the U.N. became a liability to vital U.S. foreign policy.

I think you may be the one who may be blinded to what the exact situation is. I don't use the word brainwashed but your view of the current administration is blinded by your hatred. Hatred generally is not the best emotion to have when attempting to make a logical decision.

Bow ponie,
I find it pretty interesting that you would vote for Billy again. Being in the Military not that I think everyone in the Military should be one party or the other, But Have you ever stood outside Marine one when the Bill got off, or stood outside the White house? Probably not because if you did you would never vote for that pig. Kerry as unhonorable as Billy boy. Now with taht said I think that all politicians are dishonest to some extent.
But the thing I belive is that Bush will try and do the honorable thing by us. Look at the swift boat vets, theres alot of them speaking out that witnssed JK, why would he as a "hero," join in and throw his medals away, why? Would he accept them and wear them in the first place if he didnt believe in what he was doing? I aint buyin his brand of BS, Ill buy Bushs because I think it is a better bet. A bet that Ill keep my guns close at hand and not be labled an outlaw, a bet that our nation although disliked by many other nations is still safer than they are forever, and a bet that the foundations that this country was founded upon still matter to some.
We've always been hated by someone, I really could care less. Like Montana told Taulman, bring it on baby we aint in the ninth district! If someone buys the fact that Kerry is a sportsman I think they should just go on and sign up for a hunt with USO because they are the conservation minded Outfitter. LOL
One more thing. Everyone knows where Kerry stands with the U.N. The thing I'm not sure they know is that the U.N. has been trying to pass a "civilized nation" act which would require member nations not have private gun ownership.















Adrian Lonsdale, Retired Navy Commander who served with Kerry states: "John Kerry Lacks the capacity to lead"

I also served in the US Navy, and would rather have a Commander in Chief that I respect. John Kerry is a liar, he betrayed and dishonored his country! He is in the same league as Jane Fonda. How can you vote for someone with a track record like that? Has he had a change of heart about his country?

Is a multimillionair really going to be interested in what's best for us average "Joe Blows" or is he going to take care of his millionaire croonies?

I'd rather be fighting over there with Al Qaida weakened and on the run than fighting them on our own turf! But heck maybe if we vote for Kerry, instead of hunting Deer and Elk, we could be hunting the Taliban in our own back yards!

Go George Bush

Never even heard of Kerry until just over a year ago. I know one thing the current regime will not get my vote. Last time I heard this was a free country,although some would like it to be a dictatorship. Who are the real traitors in this country? Who lines thier pockets with Saudi oil money? Who's people attack our country? Who is getting rich on this war? Who actually runs this country? Sorry I will not vote your way folks. But my state always goes republican my vote wont carry much, but it will add to the popular vote. In my history of voting I voted republican about 75% of the time. Heck most of my voting life I have been a registered republican. I consider myself now an Independent. Ask yourself all the questions I have asked. Stop watching the propaganda we call news, sorry folks its one sided. One last thing support our troops stand along side them and when they come home treat them as heros.If you know familys that have loved ones serving, support them and show you care. I pray with new direction we can get this mess fixed.May the rebuttal begin!!!!
Bowpony, I didn't start this post to argue about what other issues Kerry supported and you agree with. The only point that I wanted to make was to see which candidate supported our rights to keep and bear arms. You are the one who wanted to bring up other issues. You may not like the criticism but you can't change Kerry's voting record and to me that is the best indication of what he supports. Like it or not. But getting back to our constitution, I believe it says the right to keep and bear arms, I don't remember seeing anything about restricting any type of firearm in the constitution, have you? Kerry also voted to extend the assault weapon ban. That is fact.

Want the real truth? You say, "Stop watching the propaganda we call news, sorry folks its one sided."

These words are all from the horse's mouth,

A decisive and able leader? This is worth your time!

>Stop watching
>the propaganda we call news,
>sorry folks its one sided.

>One last thing support our
>troops stand along side them
>and when they come home
>treat them as heros.If you
>know familys that have loved
>ones serving, support them and
>show you care. I pray
>with new direction we can
>get this mess fixed.May the
>rebuttal begin!!!!

Well, I for one, believe that the news and TV in general is definately one sided. Liberal sided.

Did you even go to the Swift Boat site? Kerry did the EXACT OPPOSITE! When he came home, from Vietnam, he turned right back around and called all his brothers in arms Murderers, and Thugs. He had no support for our troops. Why is his picture in one of the Museums in Communist Vietnam for being a Heroe for opposing Vietnam? I think some one is a little ignorant.

Please provide some hard facts, or numbers. I will read them.

Michael~All Gods creatures welcome... right next to the mashed potatoes and gravy.
I have to seriously question whether or not there is anything between your ears cept air. You go ahead and vote for Kerry, unlike you he can't take a stand on any issue no matter what the subject is. He takes every side of every issue depending on what audience he wants to appease at the time. I think you need to wake up or better yet go back to the comatose state you live in.
If you elect Kerry, you elect possibly up to 4 flaming liberal Supreme Court Justices to the bench, to legislate from their bench just like most liberal judges do. This would devastate this country for generations to come and further erode your rights as a US Citizen, erode your States rights, erode all our rights as sportsmen including the right to bear arms. Yeah I'm voting for Kerry. (NOT)
>What place would rank Jr. and
>Sr. Bush? I consider myself
>an independent and my vote
>will be Kerry. No more

How could you vot for Kerry. Support who the NRA supports or you can kiss you kids gun rights out the door.


Do you like to Hunt? DO you want your kids and grandkids to hunt. Better start looking at the issues found within NRA american hunter. I will pray for you.

Bowpony, I read in one of your other posts that Bush Sr. should have let you march into to Baghdad during the first Gulf War. Guess who voted against that? Your friend John Kerry. The U.S. even had a stronger coalition then. Now years later Mrs. Heinz votes to go into Baghdad and then complains about not having coalition forces to support us. Which way do you want it? I guess you will give your standard liberal one line response to that also just like you continue to never give an intelligent response about who is supporting gyour rigght to gun ownership, which was the original intent of this post.

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