Kerry- "grave mistake"

>We aren't going to war with
> and we can say what
>we want to, Russia isn't
>going to attack us,
> so why worry about it?
LAST EDITED ON Mar-04-14 AT 09:10AM (MST)[p]


John Kerry, as on officer, not only had a responsibility but also had a duty to report what he believed to be war crimes to his chain of command.

This isn't about whether Vietnam was a cesspool or not but you want to talk about the character of people, he didn't have the character to speak up when it was happening over there. Instead he waited over two years to make is accusation in public. He wasn't some draftee who was stuck humping his ruck through the jungle rot simply because his draft number came up. He was an officer and volunteered.

You can think what you want about length of time, but by that standard I have far more time in a combat zone then the 4 months John Kerry spent in Vietnam.

I understand you are clueless about serving or what that actually means so I don't expect your man love for Kerry to be diminished but he ain't all that and time will prove that he is not a good Sec. of State.

Lots of foreign policy experts here, I can't figure out why the world is always having trouble with such simple matters. this site is one big easy button.

So it was all Obama's fault Putin " invaded " the Ukraine, is it now Obama's victory that Putin has backed off and wants to talk?

Hell I already know the answer to that, but give me the slanthead shuck and jive anyway I need a laugh.

Stay thirsty my friends
If Putin wants to talk, it means he knows that he has a very good chance of getting concessions out of Obama that will be to Putin's benefit. Also a lesson in history. Remember that talk between the prime minister of England and Adolf Hitler and the prime minister came back home and declared, "it will be peace in our time". Obama is way over his head as his record of achievement has shown in foreign policy as was Prime minister Chamberlain in 1939.

As for Kerry's character and integrity, it is the same as the person who appointed him to the job as Sec. of State. A big fat "O". Neither would know the truth if it bit them on their butt.

Makes sense to negotiate now. Putin got what he wanted and Europe is in no mood to escalate the confrontation. The U.S. once again underestimated Putin while overestimating its ability to shape events.

Un-Huh! Obama will take the short straw and spin it to make it seem as if he came out ahead. You idiot supporters then will acclaim that Obama was the master in the negotiations.
What a F ing circus.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-05-14 AT 08:00AM (MST)[p]
A few days ago Kerry couldn't do anything to stop Putin blah blah blah. Now Putin has pulled back and wants to negotiate and Kerry is being playedd blah blah blah.

Who gives a chit? as long as Russia isn't starting a war and the world economy is in order it's just another in a long list of ordinary diplomatic crises .

Too bad Obama and Kerry weren't in control in 2008 isn't it? even if they fail they will be just like republicans. you slantheads are too much fun.

Stay thirsty my friends
I think if you go look Bush got slammed for Georgia just as hard as Obama has gotten slammed over this fiasco.

Kerry and Obama are not going to be able to get a deal that does what they insisted on which was the territorial integrity of the Ukraine. What costs are being imposed on Putin? What is the lever we are going to use to punish him for this "grave mistake"?

Or was that ignored by Putin just like the "Assad must go" comment was ignored by Putin?

Seems like Putin does what ever he wants knowing there is nothing the U.S. will do to provoke him in Europe or any of the former Soviet territories. So all we are going to sit down and say is that Putin gets what he wanted and Obama and Kerry get another mouth at the table to prop up with loans and direct payments.

Yeah it is all good and things are great. I wonder what other parts of the world President Obama will "help" next? The Arab spring is not the Sunni/Shiite civil war and Russian Troops are again in control of the Crimea, Iran is reinvigorated and reaping the economic benefits of us letting go of the sanctions that had them nearly to the point of agreeing on seeing things our way. Yep he is a great foreign policy president.
We have a SITUATION on the world front, and what does the tool in the white house do? Entertains the SOUL women and spells RESPECT incorrectly, and mouths off that he might have to miss his next lavish vacation. What a amateur.
Yes he is a amateur and a fool on foreign policy and everything else. But he was smart enough to con and fool millions of Americans like Eldorado and Piper. That along should tell you who the real fools are in this country when they still are among that 38% that still supports him.


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