Kerry self inflicted wound ?



The other day on the new's I heard that Kerry's camp said that "MAYBE" his first wound was self inflicted, it appear's that 9 day's after his first "wound" he wrote in his journal that he had not recieved enemy fire yet, anybody else hear this ?
Yep! I know one of his Purple Hearts was a result of his own incompetence. What happened what basically his patrol was firing on some enemy soldiers from their boat, and when his M16 jammed, he reached down and grabbed a grenade launcher. When he fired the grenade launcher he hit a pile of rocks on the beach and the schrapnel (sp?) came back and hit him in his arm. He reported the next day to the nurse, and she removed it w/ a pair of forseps (didn't even have to "probe" for it), and then put a BAND AID on it, and sent him on his way. He tried to put in a request for a purple heart, and his CO denied it. When he got transfered later is when he finally got his request in.

(This is all off the top of my head from what I remember reading, if I missed a few details, I apoligize. It's 1AM as well)

Michael~All Gods creatures welcome... right next to the mashed potatoes and gravy.

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