Kicking "A$$" in Flip Flops !!!



Up in AK for a Quick Weekend trip to Visit my dad and shoot a grizz.

Figured I'd share a "FLIP FLOP" picture. Seems to be a Standard around here..... ;)


Take care, Peace out !

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
Be careful where you point your gun, you might shoot your a$$ off, oh well, you got plenty. Also I'm quite proud of you wearing you hunter orange. Plus I didn't realize your dad had any kids that lived :)

& as much as it pains me to type it,
Good photo !
"& as much as it pains me to type it"

That's what I like to see, you in pain ;) J/K thanx for the Kudos.

T-final, I took some Pictures that even you might be proud of, they are in my AK section on my site. Since I don't want these other Yahoo's to look there I'll post my favorite one here. It's BFE on the Left and me on the right :


  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
Congrats on the bear.
Good times I bet.
Too cold for me to wear sandals though!

"I Love Animals...They're Delicious!"
"Great looking bear...but....who dresses you?"

Well, Your MOM Undress's me, But I dress Myself. Are you wanting to see more Pictures of me ? OK :)


Remember, A hunt, just isn't a "REAL" hunt, unless you're wearing the Flip-flops !!! :)

Hear was a Pic of this guy alive :


  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
I know you can hunt sheep in Flip-flops, but Grizzly bears?

That's it! My Danners are going into the garbage!:)

Hey Steve,, what up ????
Going on the muzzleloadeer this weekend and next weekend I'll be out for the Elk hunt. Bought a horse this last spring ,, hope to get lot's of pics. By the way, Bobcatbess, I will be up in your neck of the woods for the elk hunt. I ain't to sure of the tribal land boundaries, mayhap we can git together and you can learn me where rights and wrongs are??
Congrats on the bear Oscar! I like the flip flops.

AntlerQuest Scouting & Hunt Consulting
buttshot, I'm trying to scratch out a blacktail worthy enough to post a pic here. Having lots of fun too. Been close a couple times but can't quite close the deal. Need Flip-flops, I guess!:)

Good luck on your hunts!

LAST EDITED ON Sep-28-06 AT 07:40PM (MST)[p]eel, I called danner and Lowa and they teamed up to make me the Do-wa's one of a kind Flip Flop. I love hunting in thong's. ;)

DK, Flip Flops are a Must, I learned that hunting is alot better in them !!! That and orange turtleneck hats.

BT, I'll have them with me, I should be hunting deer in your back yard in < a month.

HH, It was a Cool Live shot, I took several pics of him the day before I got him. Here is another couple :



Tuff bucker,I got a Couple extra Coins to throw 'round you better bring your "A" Game Beotch !!!

"That bear looks like your website....dead in the water!"

HAHA, YAh, it was almost, but it was more like your Wife and Smelt like fish.....
Here is some more pics as long as you don't have Dialup :)

I'll have more flip flop hunting pics later this year. I wonder how cold they will be when I'm in kodiak this fall chasin' deer ? anyone ever try it ?!?!?

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
BTW, Moose-Knuckles, In less than a month my wife is going to be kicking your ass in flip-flops after that remark!;-)
Nice bear, nice flops, nice hat!

I would expect to see Moosie on the cover of Hunting Vogue Magazine next month.

NICE BEAR mossie

Those claws look huge!!

I half expected to see you BARE hunting in flip flops!!

Glad you got him, looks like a great time!

Congrats moosie! How you gettin him mounted? Watch out, it's SPENDY!!! lol
How'd you get the Grizz Tag? Isn't it by outfitter only?

"What I could do, I was doing, and that was simply putting my butt on the line for my country, the country that I loved, so that all the protestors and the academics and the liberal intelligentsia back home could enjoy the right to protest against people like me, the hated middleclass." --Gary R. Smith, US Special Forces
LAST EDITED ON Oct-13-06 AT 11:03PM (MST)[p]I'm going to do a Full body mount on him Michey. I gotthe tag becasue My dad is currently a resident. I jsut pay out of state fees and NO guiding fees, It was a One shot deal for me.... Well... untill next year when I go get anther one *smile*.

I'm going to have to go back and Find that guy that shot the Ram with the Flip Flops and thank him. We've been having a HOOT over this whole thing for a while now....... I tell you it's a New Fad. Maybe It's the F'ed up humor of the Boyz on my Board but the new "F-F" (Flip Flop) hunting crazy is taking over .....

I hope my HT boyz don't mind but here are 2 recent CLASSICS !!!!


And Axl :


Puts my Bear to shame......

Stay tuned, more to come :D HAHAHAH !!!!

Any of you guys thiunk you can go toe to toe in this contest let me know. It's getting so Good I might up the PRIZES :)

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
Flip Flops! The perfect combination of style and function!

Flip Flops! They're not just for the beach any longer!

Pictures don't lie!

Good job Moosie!:)

Thanx Steve..... Here's a Quick trip I made this morning.. Since the Flops have been working fine I wore them on a Duck hunt. Buddies had Waders... (WUSSIES) !!!


  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!

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