Knacks-Colorado Muzz Bull


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Sep-10-12 AT 10:13PM (MST)[p]Thought I would not be able to top last years bull for awhile but ran into this guy on the second day.
Worn out from packing him out so sorry if this is brief. He is the biggest bodied bull I have every seen.
My best of luck to you all in your hunts.


Wow, He's a keeper. That ML season is treating you right.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Now that I am rested here is a little more to what happend.

5-years ago I missed this bull on an archery hunt on the last day. His G-3's were much better at the time and I have thought of him since every year that I have hunted the area.
Numerous close calls since then but no dice as he outsmarted me every time.
The day before the season I set up camp and had an hour of light left. I decided to do a little glassing and walked up a ridge and found his last years shed like I was guided to it from above.

I knew it was from the bull who has haunted my dreams for years even though his G-3's had regressed and some tine length but his mass was amazing for a public land bull in Colorado.
When I went to bed in the tent I tried to sleep and as usual no dice as I thought how cool it would be if I got a chance at the bull.
Opening mourning I hiked in early and heard his unmistakable bugle and tried to cut him off. The wind swirled and he busted me yet again.
The rest of the day I still hunted some areas but had no luck other than a run in with a few bears which I had a tag for but I held out thinking of the bull.

The second morning I decided to try the same area but come in from another direction and higher. I knew from the past I would have two chances max on this bull before he departed the country if I blew him out again and I had already blown one.
As it started to get light I heard a couple smaller bulls bugle and they were cut off by the bull I was afters deep gutteral answer. He was only 40 yards away and in the thick oak and I could not see him as the wind swirled once again.
Remembering yesterdays encounter I ran uphill trying to cut him off much like I did last years bull....Suddenly in front of me were 5 cows that had me busted as they emerged from the oaks infront of me 80 yards away..Bugling interupted the moment from three directions and distracted the cows as my bull came out behind the cows nose to one of them.
Usually I am fairly calm but the sight of the bull in range finally again after five years started to give me the jitters...As the cows started to head out he came out and was clear of the cows as I sighted my CVA Accura V2 on his vitals. A little longer hold was necesaary to calm myself as I squeezed the trigger. At the shot I saw him lurch towards the cows and heard the unmistakeable WHAAP of the bullet.
In an instant he was over the ridge out of sight trailing the cows as I hurridly reloaded.
I went over to where he had been and found zero blood and I started to panic as I tied an orange tape to where he had been. Next I slowly headed the direction they had traveled praying to God to find him at every step.
Suddenly above me the bull came charging down the hill with a smaller 6x6 bull horning him in the backend. It was obvious he was hurt and he turned and came straight at me. I saw the cows and the other bull take off as my bull got closer as I kept the muzzleloader trained on him. I was worried he was going to run me over as he turned 15 yards away and continued downhill as I swung and fired and he dropped immediately.
I thanked God as I watched the smoke clear and saw his rack sticking above the sage and oaks. My bull of 5-years was finally mine and as I walked up to him I am not afraid to admitt I broke down.
He may have regressed from his prime but then again so have I.
I took some photo's with him then began the huge chore of quartering him out on the angle he had fallen and he was too huge to move.

I found one Thor .50 300 grain bullet against his side under his hide while skinning him..Both shots struck his shoulder bone on one side but I could not find the other. It was getting hot so I hurried getting him skinned and put his quarters and rack in the shade of the oaks as I worried about his meat more than anything.
12 hours later I finally finished packing him out in the dark.
Worried for his meat in this heat I contacted a processor and headed there first thing after I made it back to my truck. I was completely worn out but was not going to take any chances.
The processor wanted to check out my antlers but I politley told him my concerns for the meat which he understood and he checked it in and looked at it and assured me I had done a good job.
The next day he told me they had found the other Thor bullet lodged in the other shoulder while processing. Here they are together.

When I picked up the meat he wanted to know the score and I told him I still had not had time to and really was not worried about it. He agreed and said it was a damn fine bull for anywhere in Colorado. I smiled as I agreed and that's all that really matters to me.

I thank all that have responded and wish you all the best of luck hunting this year.
Congrats. What a great story. You can't put a score on that kind of a history with one animal.
Cool story and a great bull! Congratulations!
Those Thor bullets look pretty good to me, I may have to give them a go.

NRA Life Member

Leftys are the only ones in their right minds--and I ain't talkin' politics!
JERRY!!!! you da man! Incredible....a great example of hard work and persistence in an area paying off in a big way.
Thanks again all for the kind replies.
I hope all of you have success in the field this year.
Cannot wait to see some of the rifle hunters pics and stories coming up soon..

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