Last weekend's photos


Active Member
The big boys kept their distance but I'd rather see them a long way off than not at all. The buck on the left has small double drop tines. Sorry for the photo quality, they were quite a ways out and didn't stay in the clear long after the sun came up.

This fellow got tired of me chasing him around and just posed to get it over with.

A shaft of early morning sunshine caught these two standing in the river. They're not the trophy bucks I was looking for, but I still like the shot.
That badger pic is freaking sweet, the claws on that thing gives me the shivers! Great pics
Those are great pictures, I think I like the doe and fawn, neat picture Although the Badger is something we don't get to see to often
thanks for sharing
great picture Ricochet! Haven't talked to you in a long time but good to see you're still out snapping awesome pictures. Hopefully you'll be able to get some more photos of that double dropper this fall!

Take care and thanks for sharing.

From the land of Big Sticks,


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