Leftover tags posted. Some nice ones!


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Jul-27-16 AT 07:52PM (MST)[p]There are some diamonds in the bunch with the turn back tags this year.


Gonna have a bunch of guys slobbering over some prospects and mark my words, there will be guys camping out on the steps of the DOW office next Monday night


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
LAST EDITED ON Jul-27-16 AT 08:56PM (MST)[p]>Will I get 'lucky' at midnight?

LOL, maybe in love, but doubt there will be any of the good tags left by the time they go on sale online at midnight! Better camp out in Glenwood!


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Midnight on the 2nd is the 3rd! But still too late me thinks, but yep, the few lucky ones will prevail. By 9:30 AM it will be all over


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Kinda neat they did a military preference. Be cool to see those diamonds spoken of ending up in the pockets of our military men and women.
They do a numbered wrist band system at the local g&pd. Won't matter if they camp there or not, if they don't draw the low numbered wrist band they won't be first.
>They do a numbered wrist band
>system at the local g&pd.
>Won't matter if they camp
>there or not, if they
>don't draw the low numbered
>wrist band they won't be

They really do a numbered band system? So, as long as someone gets there before 9, everyone has the same chance? I guess no need to get up early...
There has to be something wrong with the list. We have several first choice tags in our house that we put in for and did not draw but according to the leftover list there are some of these left now.

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
It is going to be even tougher to draw a tag now with this post bringing it to more peoples' attention.
The first year of any change is always the best chance to get in under the radar.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-28-16 AT 07:41AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jul-28-16 AT 07:41?AM (MST)

Actually I hope they get slammed at offices and by phone. It is a silly way to reissue primo tags. Maybe if there is an over the top demand, they will do it the way it should be done: issue to the next guys on the original drawing list.

AND remember, this list will be added to all fall! The 30 day rule means that guys will be turning back more tags all the time. You will have to check on an ongoing basis for tags you want up until the hunt starts since guys can mail tags in as long as they are postmarked 30 days out. That means that a left over could be issued just a few days before the hunt.

But those tags that trickle in.... doubt they will ever actually hit the open market. "Hey Sam, we just have an XYZ tag turned back in, you want me to apply for it for you right now?"


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
LAST EDITED ON Jul-28-16 AT 08:36AM (MST)[p]Gonna be a lot of DOW friends and family going on some really nice hunts with this system in place, might even be some salary enhancements available UTC (under the counter). I believe the "take a number" rule was because of a local brawl here a few years ago when an overnight "camper" went out for breakfast and came back to his "saved spot" and met with some "resistance" from some of the late risers. Gotta love those friendly hunters, salt of the earth.
>>They do a numbered wrist band
>>system at the local g&pd.
>>Won't matter if they camp
>>there or not, if they
>>don't draw the low numbered
>>wrist band they won't be
>They really do a numbered band
>system? So, as long as
>someone gets there before 9,
>everyone has the same chance?
>I guess no need to
>get up early...

Yes at the ft collins office they do.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-28-16 AT 12:39PM (MST)[p]>there is no military preference


MILITARY PREFERENCE: Any active duty member of the United States Armed Forces stationed at any military facility in Colorado and actively deployed outside the United States, or any active duty member of the United States Armed Forces who is a Colorado resident and is deployed outside the United States, shall be allowed preference for the purchase of leftover licenses.

Military Leftover License Mail-in Request Form - Request form, payment and proper documentation must be delivered to CPW by Monday, August 1.
It is a mess. And because it will issue high-point licenses without charging points, it does nothing to reduce point creep, which became a point race this year. In fact, the new system will increase point creep.
I can't quite understand why folks complain about not getting tags and then post something like this on MM? Might as well write up an emergency press release for Eastman's Journal too. Not that odds were ever going to be great, but they just got worse for sure.
I agree the fair way would be for them to contact the next hunter in line in the draw Like Utah does. The next person would then have the option to accept the tag and use their points or say no thanks and then the DOW would go on to the next person.
It is a shame that some of these tags that my have taken a NR over 15 years of points to draw could go to someone with no points simply because they were lucky enough to get through on the phone while others were getting a busy signal.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-28-16 AT 12:39PM (MST)[p]Hey hammnit, ever go to the dow to get a leftover tag before they allowed all licensing agents to sell them as well? This isn't a big secret, yer odds may have gone down .5% due to an mm thread. What it will do is take longer to get thru the line cause everybody's gonna list a "diamond" tag first then their real choice or two. Ya, expect the computers to go down 5 minutes in. It'll be an even bigger chit show than it was before. Should be fun!:D
LAST EDITED ON Jul-28-16 AT 12:55PM (MST)[p]DW,
Trust me, I know that the amount of attention that this thread will generate probably won't make or break my chances at one of these tags. I do believe though that a large number of folks look at MM, Eastman's, Huntin Fool, etc to get the skinny on things just like this rather than taking the time to figure it out themselves. Being willing to break open a set of regulations and read the "What's New" section used to be a tactical advantage. Now it seems like it's rarely the case. I realize that the information age Genie is out of the bottle and it isn't going back in, but at times I feel that we are our own worst enemy.

I readily help people with detailed information via PM, but I try to avoid broadcasting specific stuff.

I used to get decent tags by doing the research and taking advantage of things just like this because if I had to rely on my luck alone, I'd never go anywhere!
>I used to get decent tags
>by doing the research and
>taking advantage of things just
>like this because if I
>had to rely on my
>luck alone, I'd never go

Lol! You and me both!
In recent years, CPW on average has processed over 9,000 license return refunds, and over 800 preference point restorations annually. To reissue nearly 10,000 licenses to the next available applicant would be a huge manpower suck. CPW compromised and is issuing returned licenses for the hybrid hunt codes manually, with the rest going to the leftover list. Just think, in past years these returned licenses were going unused, and you didn't even know about them.
Just think,
>in past years these returned
>licenses were going unused, and
>you didn't even know about

LOL. Sorry to ruin your day Hammit! Since I have zero chance of getting one being a NR, don't have much sympathy. :) I could have shared it just with my Colorado friends, and I did, but not really fair to the Joe Q Public. Besides, there will still be plenty of guys/gals that only hear about it after.

Can any license agent (ie Walmart) really get the left over tags. Thought it would just be the DOW offices and on the phone


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
If reissued tags averaged $100/apiece to the DOW (mostly residents and some NRs). That is just a guess, might be higher? Anyway? 9000 at $100 is $900,000. Seems like they could afford to hire a few more people to reissue those tags at some level, say above 5 points to the next guy in line?

In my scenario, they have to use their points to get the tag.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
>Can any license agent (ie Walmart)
>really get the left over
>tags. Thought it would just
>be the DOW offices and
>on the phone
>venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore
>I am)

1 too many questions! :D
There's over 700 licensing agents in the state. At 9:00.01am all 700+ hit send on there computerized licensing machines and the system crashes. It has gotten a little better each year however. Maybe this'll be the year it goes off without a hitch!
> Maybe this'll be
>the year it goes off
>without a hitch!

In my best Jim Carey voice: "So your saying there's a chance!"


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
It's been done this way for awhile now, the diamonds you spoke of will add a wrinkle of course.
So since I am fairly new to Colorado draws and I'm a nonresident how will this work on August 2?? Obviously I will be trying by phone if I get a busy signal do I just keep trying?? If I get through do I immediately tell them the hunt number and they will tell me if there are any left?? What's the chances of getting a tag from calling in? Have you guys gotten tags calling in or do they give them to the guys that are at the actual office first?? Sorry kinda dumb questions just want a chance at one of the units that has a few tags since Utah sucks and didn't give me a single tag Grrrrr..
When you get the busy signal call back, again, and again, and again, and......you get the idea. Tough sleddin. As a resident I'll be in line and on my phone. Never got thru on the phone before. Good luck!
No, nonresidents can purchase them too, but since I can't be there in person, and phones are pretty unreliable and the good tags won't be still available by midnight........


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
>So since I am fairly new
>to Colorado draws and I'm
>a nonresident how will this
>work on August 2?? Obviously
>I will be trying by
>phone if I get a
>busy signal do I just
>keep trying?? If I get
>through do I immediately tell
>them the hunt number and
>they will tell me if
>there are any left?? What's
>the chances of getting a
>tag from calling in? Have
>you guys gotten tags calling
>in or do they give
>them to the guys that
>are at the actual office
>first?? Sorry kinda dumb questions
>just want a chance at
>one of the units that
>has a few tags since
>Utah sucks and didn't give
>me a single tag Grrrrr..

U will never get through on the phone. Trust me! I've tried a few yrs ago when there were no diamond tags. And never got thru. You can have someone there go to a license agent for u if u know someone there
Me too, I was going to drive down, turn back my muzzy tag so I could get the 61 archery, now your telling me this plan might not work!

For those that stand in line for the doe whitetail tags, no worries, if you miss out you can come to SD we'll have lots of them.
>AT 11:50?AM (MST)

>do u lose your points if
>you get a tag?

After this I bet the DOW will rethink it once again.. 500 people turning tags in just to get a crack at 1 or 2 tags and then having the people try to buy the original tag back!!LOL What a cluster.
Hopefully not that many people will be that foolish. The 80/20 tags will all be gone at 9:00.01 AM. When I turned my tag back in, it had to be accepted and updated by the central computer, so there was a lag time between turning it back in until I could buy another one. Much too long for one of the Primo tags


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Your correct on trying to do it the same day. So Monday may be real busy. I might just call and see how many are turning in tags that day...I will have to agree that those tags should eat points even though they are leftovers, in theory they are not really leftover but returned. I guess they have to learn the hard way. By having a list and offering to the next in line at least helps the point creep although very small. So do the Moose and Sheep ever get on this list or are they dealt with differently?
There's no easy way fer you or me to get a moose tag loneWati :D we'll just have to continue to wait, and wait, and......
Lol! I fear it's gonna need to be Canada or Alaska if I want a moose! Those elk pics u put up Park bulls? Good lookin bulls!
>Lol! I fear it's gonna need
>to be Canada or Alaska
>if I want a moose!
>Those elk pics u put
>up Park bulls? Good lookin

Yeah, West Side. There were 7 in that group all nice..There were 5 on top all 6 pointers but not very big. Got some nice Sheep pic's and a nice Mamma Moose with a calf. Some of the elk calves looked 3 weeks old and others a couple months old. I posted some of the sheep in the photography thread. The big boys were not as high as I thought they might be. Went early and was dark when we hit the gate. No one around to take money and no tourists were up either, which made it nice taking pictures.Was coming down by 9 a.m. and lots of people going up..HAve not seen the intown bulls here lately, but the corn is too high and they have too much cover. Got some pic's of 4 swift fox out on the Pawnee last week also.
Alaska is my best bet as well. Just want a Shira's pretty darn bad!!! I spend more in the SCI raffle than I do for my tag app with no luck !!!
WOW! I just looked over the list and cant believe some of the tags that were turned in. Even though I'd never get a chance to purchase one of the really good tags, I am still happy to see the DOW allowing someone to put the tag to use. On a side note there are also a lot of "mid tier" tags a man might have a shot at buying.
On a
>side note there are also
>a lot of "mid tier"
>tags a man might have
>a shot at buying.

It is what it is... But why wouldn't they just start calling next in line from the draw in order to issue returned tags?
Unlike the sheep goat and moose draw there is no next in line for deer and elk tags. If 15 people with 10 points put in for a tag and one got returned how would they decipher which of the 14 ten point holders should get the tag without doing another drawing?
Use the random numbers as they do now. Everyone gets one. They go in order of random draw to distribute tags in a point pool now. The messy part would be if the next in line drew a lower choice or leftover tag already.
There are no random numbers in the elk deer antelope draw only in the sheep goat moose. The preference draw is straight preference they start with the most points for a tag and work there way down until there aren't any left.
The preference draw does issue a random number to every applicant before the draw and it is used to distribute tags once the pool with more applicants than tags is reached.
Orion. If they didn't do as Elmer says, how would they know which of the "10 point" applicants to give the tags to from the first drawing. Example: the minimum number needed to draw a tag is 10, but there are only 5 tags left when they get down to 10 but there are 12 people with 10 points. So, with the first drawing, there is always a next guy in line


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
It would take a few thousand dollars to reissue the tags by phone to the next inline. Maybe CO should call Utah and ask them how they can afford it and how they do it. Maybe anything over 2 or 3 points? I would call the next inline, no matter if they drew a 2nd choice tag or not, give them the choice to use their points for the better tag and return their tag.

What we have now is ridiculous and is actually adding to point creep versus just letting the tag be returned and unused. The resource is being used without points.

I am going to try and get a high point elk tag and if successful will return the tag I used 13 deer points on! I probably wouldn't get it, but I could try and buy the deer tag back!
LAST EDITED ON Aug-01-16 AT 09:10AM (MST)[p]For all returned elk, deer & antelope licenses eligible for the Hybrid drawing, the licenses are re-issued to the next-in-line. You won't see any of those on the list. And they do take your preference points for those. That accounts for 52 different hunt codes. Excerpt below from the re-issue procedure posted on CDPW website:


What Has Changed?​

​Returned deer, elk, pronghorn and bear hunt codes that were part of the hybrid draw* (See 2016 Big Game Brochure, p. 7) will be reissued through the manual process to the next person in the draw order.

Hybrid draw reissued licenses require the use of preference points as per regulation.

Hybrid draw reissued licenses will not appear on the Reissue Preview** or the limited license leftover list.
>It would take a few thousand
>dollars to reissue the tags
>by phone to the next
>inline. Maybe CO should call
>Utah and ask them how
>they can afford it and
>how they do it. Maybe
>anything over 2 or 3
>points? I would call the
>next inline, no matter if
>they drew a 2nd choice
>tag or not, give them
>the choice to use their
>points for the better tag
>and return their tag.
>What we have now is ridiculous
>and is actually adding to
>point creep versus just letting
>the tag be returned and
>unused. The resource is being
>used without points.
>I am going to try and
>get a high point elk
>tag and if successful will
>return the tag I used
>13 deer points on! I
>probably wouldn't get it, but
>I could try and buy
>the deer tag back!

Just remember that the deer tag will have to be returned at least 30 days prior to the start of the season, and if you want your points restored, they get to keep the money for the tag. If you want a refund, you lose your points


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Way to go CM.

My friend in Durango picked up the 74 early rifle timberline buck hunt! Wish I could go on it with him, but can't get off then


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
And remember gentleman and ladies: this is not your only shot:

There will be tags returned today and the rest of this week that will not go on the list until next Monday at 3 PM and next Tuesday, we do this all over again, and the next Tues, and the next......


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
picked up a 76 bull tag as well. have my doubts about the system and def think they should make people use their points but I am sure happy I got this tag! cmbbulldog where you out of?
It was a good morning in Colorado, glad my dad and I made the trip up from Flagstaff!
Hope we can score 1 more for my wife in the upcoming weeks!!
Does anyone know if it's the same deal where they will be available only at licensed dealers from 9 to midnight on Tuesdays or will future tags be available online as soon as they come up?
Did you go to the Durango DOW office? My friend that got the unit 74 early rifle timberline hunt showed up there at 3:30 this morning and said there were a couple of guys from flagstaff there ahead of him that spent the night. He was 5th in line and still got the early rifle tag.

I finally gave up trying the phones about 5 pm CO time and my friend in Durango bought me a late season cow tag. Have another friend that has a 4th season buck tag and now I get to tag along on his hunt to see him kill a wallhanger and maybe kill a cow myself. Should be a fun fall.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Ya that was us!
Pretty awesome he pulled that tag!
My dad and I were 2nd and 3rd in line, I sure hope Kevin, the 1st guy in line got a tag, he had a inexperienced guy running his machine and was still having issues when we left...
It went from being an exciting upcoming fall w my AZ arc bull tag to super exciting throwing late deer and elk tags in Colorado into the mix!!
I am with missionaryridgeproductions. Know both him and the guy with it. Unless they gave away extras lol. Why BS people txhunter? What's the point?
LAST EDITED ON Aug-03-16 AT 08:35AM (MST)[p]

No reason to BS you. I have zero reason to lie, and I have known this guy for 20 years, and he wouldn't BS me, not about this. But he said there must have been 2 tags because he knew someone else drew one too.

Mighty strong words from a guy with 1 & 2 posts on here. I have been here a long time and you won't find any BS posts from me unless I tell you it is BS and this one is not. My friend got a 74 early timberline buck tag! If your friend got one, then another one must have come in at the last minute.

When he told me he got the tag, I thought he must have been first in line, but he was actually 5th and with 4 agents got up to the counter at around 9:05. He was shocked it was still available


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
If tx's buddy is the attorney he isn't bullshitting, I was there and he was 5th in line. I couldn't believe it, I was ahead of him and prob would have tried for that tag if I didn't have an AZ arc bull tag at that time!
We got mid tier hunts, but there were 2 available and I can't wait to hunt with my dad mid November!
tx hunter, do you know if the tags that are being returned daily from here on out can be had via the website daily or do we have to wait until the following Tuesday at midnight each week?
LAST EDITED ON Aug-03-16 AT 09:20AM (MST)[p]I can't find the definitive answer to your question anywhere Mossback. They seem to indicate that there will be a new batch published each Monday at 3 PM and those won't go on sale until 9 AM Tuesday. However, I have not been able to ask anyone in the know. Here is what I can find:

NOTE: ​​After August 2, 2016, the following reissue process will be used:​

?The Reissue Preview list will be published on the website every Monday, at 3 p.m. Hunt codes on the Reissue Preview list will be available for purchase the next day, Tuesday, at 9 a.m.

?Each Tuesday at 9 a.m. licenses for hunt codes that were on the Reissue Preview list become available for sale and appear on the designated leftover list.

?The Reissue Preview list will be cleared after sales begin and repopulate the following Monday.

​​*Hybrid Draw - Hunt codes which required 10 or more resident preference points to draw as determined by the three-year average for the 2007, 2008, and 2009 limited license draw.

**Reissue Preview ? A list that is comprised of all qualifying hunt codes that were returned and processed from the previous Tuesday through the following Monday.​

That last sentence seems to indicate that any returned this week won't go on the list until next Monday/Tues


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
>I had a good morning. Very
>happy :)
>Picked up a 76 archery elk
>tag and a 66 second
>season deer tag.

That's not even right lol I'm jealous as hell. Think I'll quit my job next year when left overs come out so I can camp out at the office and have plenty of time to scout afterwards!

Where'd the newbs posts go? There's plenty of guys on here that if they told me the sky was blue and the grass was green I'd walk outside and check before agreeing with em. Txhunter, and Coloradoak don't make that list. Stick around and add something productive when the opportunity arises, wiemenuchie and productions. The more the merrier!
LAST EDITED ON Aug-03-16 AT 06:47PM (MST)[p]Checked out one of your vids missionary ridge productions. As I suspected, young guys gettin started videoin some of yer hunts. You went off half cocked without all the info. We all did it in our younger days a time or two. Hopefully you come back and do the manly thing. Plenty of good people here, txhunters one of em!

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