Lil Kim is worried.


Long Time Member
It seems I am not the only one that thinks there may be a attempt to get rid of Lil Kim. It appears that he is worried about the western powers may eliminate him. I think it may be China and his own generals that may do it if he keeps up his radical endeavors.

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un is reportedly so terrified of being targeted for assassination that he travels incognito inside the Hermit Kingdom, and there's growing evidence his paranoia may be well-founded.

The 33-year-old, third-generation ruler is ?extremely nervous? about a clandestine plot to take him out, according to a key South Korean lawmaker who spoke to The Korea Herald. Rep. Lee Cheol-woo, chairman of the South Korean parliament's intelligence committee, made the claim based on reports from South Korea's intelligence agency.

?Kim is engrossed with collecting information about the ?decapitation operation? through his intelligence agencies,? Lee said following a briefing last week.

?Kim is engrossed with collecting information about the ?decapitation operation? through his intelligence agencies.?
- Lee Cheol-woo, South Korean lawmaker
The rumored ?decapitation plan? to target Kim and key deputies in the event fighting broke out on the peninsula first surfaced in late 2015, when the U.S. and South Korea signed ?Operation Plan 5015,? a joint strategy for possible war scenarios with North Korea. According to the Brookings Institute, the plan "envisions limited warfare with an emphasis on preemptive strikes on strategic targets in North Korea and ?decapitation raids? to exterminate North Korean leaders."

Something about the term ?decapitation? seems to have gotten the attention of the gout-addled, unpredictable and violent dictator. According to Lee, Kim?s is so frightened that he now disguises his movements, travels primarily at dawn and in the cars of his henchmen. Public appearances and jaunts in his prized Mercedes Benz 600 have been curtailed.
He should be worried. That kid Warmbier died today and Little Kim is at fault. Need to drone his fat as$.
I want to know what the wimps from Wyoming and Idaho think about what we should do now that Otto has passed away???????
WTF difference does that clown make? if you're stupid enough to take a cruise around North Korea you deserve whatever the phuk you get.

You planning a trip to NK , Syria or Compton anytime soon?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>WTF difference does that clown make?
> if you're stupid enough
>to take a cruise around
>North Korea you deserve whatever
>the phuk you get.
>You planning a trip to NK
>, Syria or Compton anytime
>Stay Thirsty My Friends
What was he doing there ?
Dude, I understand what your saying. And I expected a response like that. I just was hoping that those libtards from ID and WY would give us their opinion.
He was a college student studying in China. Took a tour of N. Korea with a Chinese travel agency that offered a 5 day tour at a cheap rate.
Only problem N. Korea was upset with recent sanctions imposed on them and they decided to make an example out of an American.
Otto did fail to heed a U.S. warning that advised it was not safe to travel to N. Korea.

The worst mistake of his life caught on film: The moment US student, 21, stole a propaganda poster bearing the name 'Kim Jong-il' from North Korean hotel earning him 15 years hard labor

[Font][Font color = "blue"]Ah yes we have insider trading and computer dating but I never goin for that!
Ain't no machine pickin out my Queen cause it may not have all the facts!
I've got my own taste and my own ways I'd rather not talk about
and my private life is my private life and they ain't gonna find out!

What ya think Elk? They have 24 hours to release the other 3 hostages. If not, it'll be a whole can of whupp azz for the Lil Kim.
>What ya think Elk? They
>have 24 hours to release
>the other 3 hostages. If
>not, it'll be a whole
>can of whupp azz for
>the Lil Kim.

Guess I missed that?

I Been Hoping We'd STOMP His Ass Years ago!

But I knew with the Gutless Obama would never do it!

[Font][Font color = "blue"]Ah yes we have insider trading and computer dating but I never goin for that!
Ain't no machine pickin out my Queen cause it may not have all the facts!
I've got my own taste and my own ways I'd rather not talk about
and my private life is my private life and they ain't gonna find out!

>>What ya think Elk? They
>>have 24 hours to release
>>the other 3 hostages. If
>>not, it'll be a whole
>>can of whupp azz for
>>the Lil Kim.
>Guess I missed that?
>I Been Hoping We'd STOMP His
>Ass Years ago!
>But I knew with the Gutless
>Obama would never do it!
>[Font][Font color = "blue"]Ah yes we
>have insider trading and computer
>dating but I never goin
>for that!
>Ain't no machine pickin out my
>Queen cause it may not
>have all the facts!
>I've got my own taste and
>my own ways I'd rather
>not talk about
>and my private life is my
>private life and they ain't
>gonna find out!

I'm waiting for Nemont to chime in.
Somebody Must of Pissed Him Off?

Or Maybe He's Catching every Laker out of Lake Yellowstone?

[Font][Font color = "blue"]Ah yes we have insider trading and computer dating but I never goin for that!
Ain't no machine pickin out my Queen cause it may not have all the facts!
I've got my own taste and my own ways I'd rather not talk about
and my private life is my private life and they ain't gonna find out!

Trump isn't going to do chit.

My advice is don't go to 3rd world nations that hate americans. or 3rd world nations that don't hate americans. or any country besides Canada. I'm 54 and so far it's worked for me like a charm.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>Trump isn't going to do
> My advice is don't go
>to 3rd world nations that
>hate americans. or
>3rd world nations that don't
>hate americans. or any
>country besides Canada. I'm
>54 and so far it's
>worked for me like a
>Stay Thirsty My Friends


Did Obama Do Ssshhhiittt?

[Font][Font color = "blue"]Ah yes we have insider trading and computer dating but I never goin for that!
Ain't no machine pickin out my Queen cause it may not have all the facts!
I've got my own taste and my own ways I'd rather not talk about
and my private life is my private life and they ain't gonna find out!

>Trump isn't going to do
> My advice is don't go
>to 3rd world nations that
>hate americans. or
>3rd world nations that don't
>hate americans. or any
>country besides Canada. I'm
>54 and so far it's
>worked for me like a
>Stay Thirsty My Friends
Well if Dennis Rodman can ##### in a vase and get away with it that young man didn't deserve murder.
Dennis Rodman was invited. lil' Kim likes Dennis Rodman. these things actually make a difference believe it or not. go figure huh?

If the same thing happened to Dennis Rodman that happened to the dumb kid I'd say the same thing. if you're stupid enough to go there you deserve what you get.

3 people were shot to death in your back yard last week at a UPS facility. not a word from you about it. some dumbchit goes to NK and has a bad experience and you flip the chit out and want a war. think about it a while.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>Dennis Rodman was invited. lil'
>Kim likes Dennis Rodman.
>these things actually make a
>difference believe it or not.
> go figure huh?
> If the same thing happened
>to Dennis Rodman that happened
>to the dumb kid I'd
>say the same thing.
>if you're stupid enough to
>go there you deserve what
>you get.
>3 people were shot to death
>in your back yard last
>week at a UPS facility.
> not a word
>from you about it.
> some dumbchit goes to
>NK and has a bad
>experience and you flip the
>chit out and want a
>war. think about
>it a while.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends
I don't worry about that kind of stuff in my backyard its a union problem,they run our state like you run your trap ,have another swig and good night Chimp.
You're a good example of why nobody would care when Californians get whacked. I see where you're coming from , I won't worry either.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
> Nemont is
>probably a little embarrassed.

I have nothing to be embarrassed about. Hereis the deal, the God you guys all are in love with decided to get his jollies by having a mother and all three of her children die in a car accident. They were friends of the family and the tragedy of this hit home with me because the husband and father was like a brother. Now this guy, who was devout Christian, has lost his entire family in one accident. Weird how God likes to kill kids to get his jollies.

Anyway, I am going to be on hiatus from this circle jerk for a long while. Please continue to show how Trump is the only honest person in DC and that you can't trust a marine combat veteran to be an honest investigator.

So please do keep the fake outrage going. Otto was told by the State Department not to travel to NK, he ignored that advice and paid the ultimate price. Used to be conservatives believed in personal responsibility and to accept the consequences for your choices in life. I guess like everything else that conservatives used to stand for that ship has sailed as well. Now you are willing kill 10 million South Koreans in Seoul in order to feel like men. Figures, bunch of phonies.

See you in a long while.

I get a huge kick out of cocopuffkid. He is seemingly heartless when it comes to this kid but conservatives are the big meanies because we want the lazy bums of the country to pay for their own healthcare. I dont care about people because i chose to get a job and/or pay for my own health care and I lead a very healthy lifestyle and probably dont even need it. These dimwits want us to pay for it for them while theyt are using tobacco, alcohol, having unprotected sex, eating like crap, overweight fatass's that cant get a real job that provides insurance.

You are a real dipchit....
Nemont sorry to hear about your friends. I'll keep your buddy in my prayers. Blaming god doesn't fix the situation.
>> Nemont is
>>probably a little embarrassed.
>I have nothing to be embarrassed
>about. Hereis the
>deal, the God you guys
>all are in love with
>decided to get his jollies
>by having a mother and
>all three of her children
>die in a car accident.
> They were friends of
>the family and the tragedy
>of this hit home with
>me because the husband and
>father was like a brother.
> Now this guy,
>who was devout Christian, has
>lost his entire family in
>one accident. Weird
>how God likes to kill
>kids to get his jollies.
>Anyway, I am going to be
>on hiatus from this circle
>jerk for a long
>while. Please continue to
>show how Trump is the
>only honest person in DC
>and that you can't trust
>a marine combat veteran to
>be an honest investigator.
>So please do keep the fake
>outrage going. Otto was
>told by the State Department
>not to travel to NK,
>he ignored that advice and
>paid the ultimate price.
>Used to be conservatives believed
>in personal responsibility and to
>accept the consequences for your
>choices in life.
>I guess like everything else
>that conservatives used to stand
>for that ship has sailed
>as well. Now you
>are willing kill 10 million
>South Koreans in Seoul in
>order to feel like men.
> Figures, bunch of
>See you in a long while.

See Yaaaaaa !

Let Me Get this Right?

Now We can Blame God For Just the Bad Things that Happen?

[Font][Font color = "blue"]Ah yes we have insider trading and computer dating but I never goin for that!
Ain't no machine pickin out my Queen cause it may not have all the facts!
I've got my own taste and my own ways I'd rather not talk about
and my private life is my private life and they ain't gonna find out!

It makes more sense to give god credit when good things happen? either god is in charge or he isn't, you either believe or you don't. I'm with you bobcat I don't think god does the bad things, or the good things, or anything. he's too busy not existing.

Nemont I knew you said you had a family matter at hand, I am sorry to hear it's this kind of matter.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Sumptins gonna Happen one of these Days!

[Font][Font color = "blue"]Ah yes we have insider trading and computer dating but I never goin for that!
Ain't no machine pickin out my Queen cause it may not have all the facts!
I've got my own taste and my own ways I'd rather not talk about
and my private life is my private life and they ain't gonna find out!

>> See Yaaaaaa !
>Well that was mean spirited.
>ur dum
Doug you from Arizona ? you must know Arizona bull.
We forgot you can not read the newspapers. Trump is pressing China to help with little kim since they are having problems with trusting him. I also think Russia recently moved troops on their border that is close to N. Korea because they do not trust him either.
In other words Idiot, Trump is trying to handle it the right way for a joint effort to shut down Lil Kim with sanctions. Of course you may expect he should just go ahead and drop H-bombs and really start a ruckus.

How would you handled it? Be the almighty wise one and tell us.

He'd handle it Just Like His Little Buddy Obama Handled it!

Sit Back with His Hands in His Pockets & Not do a GAWD-DAMNED Thing!

[Font][Font color = "blue"]Ah yes we have insider trading and computer dating but I never goin for that!
Ain't no machine pickin out my Queen cause it may not have all the facts!
I've got my own taste and my own ways I'd rather not talk about
and my private life is my private life and they ain't gonna find out!

Ha ha ha ha ! Trump is asking China to fix it, hat in hand pretty please with sugar on top. what a tough guy , I hope he included some fortune cookies with the request.

Obama asked the chinks to fix it too. and you said he was weak and stupid.

My how things have changed.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
I think you are going to see that there is a very big difference between Obama asking and trump asking.

The Chinese are smart people. They will kill Kim Fatty Fatty off when he gets closer to a real usable nuke. They don't want the grief or the pain to their economy. Poking the Chinese bear is different than poking the American bear.
No I don't see much difference between Obama asking and Trump asking.

that's the point. your tough guy was supposed to be different, and I don't just mean in a stupid way.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Would you prefer another Korean war? I think Obama was weak all over the world but never wanted him to promote a war with N. Korea. Better to let the Chinese handle it and they will.

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