
Long Time Member
I've Been Asking for Years!

We Gonna Wait till it's Too Late?

I've said it Before & I'll Say it again!

He's Got Bigger than what He's Launching!

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

Not sure what you've been saying for years but I know what you have been saying for the last 6 months.

Tell me Bessie, what has Dear Leader done differently than any of his predecessors? I thought Cheese Wiz was gonna take care of business, seems you were saying 6 months ago that if Lil Kim dared to launch your boy was gonna stop him.

That was 14 launches ago.
Pay Attention FTW!

I've said for Many Years We Best Take Care of the Problem!

But We Never Do!

We'll Do Something!

When it's Too Late!

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

What should we do Bess? Not saying we should do nothing. If you were our leader what tactic you would use?
Well NVB!

I Don't Know that there is an Answer?

But NVB?

Should We Just let Him Keep Doing the Same?

I Can Guarantee You This!

The USA & Other Countries Might Be Afraid to do Something!

But North Korea Could Care Less!

They Shoulda Let McCarther Finish the Job Like I've always Said!

You'd be doing NK a Favor To Take a few Million of them out!

All I Can Say is We Best be Ready to FINISH the Job if We ever START the Job!

NeMont & FTW told Me We Don't Have any Advancement of Weapons Since WWII So I Guess We'll have to Use Old Practice!

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

And One More Thing!

I Told You a Month Ago He Had Bigger Fireworks!

And I'll Guarantee You He Some Bigger than this Last one He Throwed!

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

Another lie from the orange sphincter . after all the tough guy talk and threats lil' Kim is flipping us off and laughing harder than ever.

If Obama had sat back with his fingers in his azz like Trump is the republican'ts would be chitting kittens. Trump and lil' Kim are so much alike maybe they've taken a liking to him?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
No Reply NVB?

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

Well I was gonna give you a pass but you won't let me. You shoot your mouth off like you know what Obama needed to do and now what T-rump should do... I thought you would have a suggestion as to what YOU would do or what you would be confortable with them doing. Can't go back and let McArthur finish it now. Should we invade em? Bomb em? Nuke em?
>Well I was gonna give you
>a pass but you won't
>let me. You shoot your
>mouth off like you know
>what Obama needed to do
>and now what T-rump should
>do... I thought you would
>have a suggestion as to
>what YOU would do or
>what you would be confortable
>with them doing. Can't go
>back and let McArthur finish
>it now. Should we invade
>em? Bomb em? Nuke em?


If You Invade Them!

Don't Send a PISSCUTTER Troop of 10,000 like We did in Iraq!

If You Bomb Em You'd Best Plan on Invading them!

NUKING Them isn't PC anymore!

I'd of Finished the Job Many Years ago!

He's Got Bigger Fireworks than what He's Launched Recently!

Our Government Has Been Telling Us For Years He Ain't Got Much!

That a F'N Lie NVB?

Or Do You Believe them?

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

Nuking was never PC. Unless they struck first nuclear weapons is an impossibility. I hope T-rump sees that.

"Don't Send a PISSCUTTER Troop of 10,000 like We did in Iraq!"

Ummmm... when did we do that?
>Nuking was never PC. Unless they
>struck first nuclear weapons is
>an impossibility. I hope T-rump
>sees that.
>"Don't Send a PISSCUTTER Troop of
>10,000 like We did in
>Ummmm... when did we do that?

Guess You Forgot We did that in Iraq & BRAGGED about it!

A Few Million North Koreans would Love to Challenge a PISSCUTTER Troop!

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

>Ok remind me, what exactly did
>O but hole do about
>Lille Kim the last eight
>years ?

Same Thing all the Rest of them have Done!

Not a GAWD-DAMNED Thing!

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

What did Obama do? the same thing as Trump is doing. nothing.

But what did the orange sphincter say he'd do? and how much worse does it get before he does ANYTHING ?

This is a perfect example of why having a dipchit president the world laughs at isn't nearly as cool as you think it is. he's begging China in the morning and bashing them in the afternoon.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
So just like the dip chit that was in the White House the last eight years. Thanks for clearing that up for me TOG.
I believe Trump has done more than Obama with NK. Trump has flushed out more of NK military capabilities showing the level of defense necessary and how an offensive military strike would need to be coordinated. Lil Kim has actually played into our militarys hands by showing us more of his military capacity than Obama ever has.

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
So Bess, are you talking about the 2003 Iraq invasion? The one we sent over 150,000 American troops for the initial invasion? That one?
What I'm Sayin NVB is:

NK Would Love To Challenge you in a Ground War!

Before You Could Get Your 150,000 Troops to NK/SK There'd Be Several Million North Korean Troops Stompin in to South Korea Killing anybody they Seen!

NK would Throw There Fireworks in a Hurry!


They Can't Whoop the World!

But Un-Like LaVoy NVB,NK is a Threat!

You're Acting Just Like the Rest of Our Government,Sit Back & Not Do a F'N Thing!


I Don't Have the Answer/Answers!

But It Looks like to me You'd Have To Hit them Quick & Swift!

(((Might Even be a Few Fly-Overs Involved!)))

And I Don't mean by sending a few Ground Troops in Hoping for a Surrender!

Yes,We Would have to Use Weapons that do Damage!

And Not These Little PISSCUTTER Weapons we've been Extinguishing in Iraq & Afghanistan!

Yes We Would Need Ground Troops & Lots of them!

Yes We would have to Use New Technology that FTW & NeMont Don't think We Have!

It's Past Time to Show the World What We're Capable of!

I Think some of them have Forgot!

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

You talk in circles Bess. I never said I have the answer or know what they should do. It's not as simple as it might seem. NK is physically in China and Russias backyard. What would the US do if one of them started invading or bombing one of our bordering countries?
No Circles about it NVB!

You Either Fight to the MAXIMUS & Finish the Job!

Or say F'it!

What would the US Do?

Now there's a Good Question!

Probably Sit around with their Hands in Their Pockets like the Democrats do & Wait till something Serious happens!

>You talk in circles Bess. I
>never said I have the
>answer or know what they
>should do. It's not as
>simple as it might seem.
>NK is physically in China
>and Russias backyard. What would
>the US do if one
>of them started invading or
>bombing one of our bordering

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

No wonder youre such a trump fan. You talk just like him. Go back and read all your posts at one time. just your posts and then tell me what it is you said.
>No wonder youre such a trump
>fan. You talk just like
>him. Go back and read
>all your posts at one
>time. just your posts and
>then tell me what it
>is you said.

Never Ever said I was a Trump Fan!


You're a Hillary Fan then?

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!


I Take it you're gonna wait till Lil Kim makes a Lucky Lob & Takes a Bunch of Innocent People out?

Then what's your Plan?

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

Definitely NOT a Hillary fan. Not a Trump fan either. But we're stuck with him. I just he'd stop tweeting and get down to business, good or bad.

I NEVER said I knew what to do. In fact I was specific that I didnt. You started out implying we should kill a few million north koreans using more powerful weapons than we used in Iraq or Afganistan and then said we need a large invasion force (with incorrect facts, 10k vs 150k) then you said it was Chinas fault. You should really get a twitter account.
Not Saying it's all China's Fault!

Just Said China Ain't Helping Matters!

So I Missed a Digit,My Bad!

They Ain't gonna let Trump do much!

What's Your Battle Plan on NK NVB?

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

>I dont get paid to have
>a plan. Maybe I will
>tweet about it and call
>someone names.


That'll Fix Every-F'N-Thing!

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

I see the Moochies have lowered expectations on everything now.

As long as Trump isn't any worse than Obama they're happy. at least he's what ain't that right?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>I see the Moochies have lowered
>expectations on everything now.
>As long as Trump isn't any
>worse than Obama they're
>happy. at least
>he's what ain't that right?
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

How Much F'N CROWN did that Last Sentence take?

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

LAST EDITED ON Jul-31-17 AT 03:55PM (MST)[p]Here's an idea, pull our carrier fleet, and let mother nature do our work for us. I have already mentioned what needs to be done in another post.

The wind is our friend and this year's drought conditions in N. Korea maybe the worst in a century.

To stop Lil Kim the uprising must come from within. China and Russia will never aid in his downfall and place the west even closer to their borders. It's obvious there are Russian or Chinese operatives assisting Kim with advancing his technologies.

Your buddies Putin & Xi employ 100,000+ laborers and their income goes straight to Lil Kim's wallet.
The wind may be our friend, but nothing wakes you up quite like a M.O.A.B. :)

What a screwed up world we live in.
>The wind may be our friend,
>but nothing wakes you up
>quite like a M.O.A.B. :)

Bess says MOABs are pisscutter weapons
>>The wind may be our friend,
>>but nothing wakes you up
>>quite like a M.O.A.B. :)
>Bess says MOABs are pisscutter weapons

PISSCUTTER Weapons compared to what We Should Throw!

Russia Claims they have a FOAB's that makes Our MOAB Look like a PISSCUTTER!

Anybody know for Sure?

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

Wow FTW finally said something that makes sense. China hasn't done a thing to help and they ain't going to. Face it , China isn't the answer.
Now the U.S. Fires a Firework!

Must be just to show NK we have them too?

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

Chana was the best answer. but they didn't pan out.

I wonder if dear leader going out of his way to pizz them off and belittle them helped?

Now dear leader is in a position where he can't pass the buck or beg for help and he's clueless.

Listen to this F'ing retard, give you confidence?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
So Dude?

What would You do?

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

And from your link dude:

Today the US is preparing to test launch its own ICBM from the Vandenberg Air Force Base in California to ?validate and verify the effectiveness, readiness and accuracy of the weapon system.? And?one should add?to demonstrate the ability of the US with its huge nuclear arsenal to reduce North Korea to ashes in a matter of hours.

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

Maybe Lil Kim would like to Challenge 3-4 Super-Powers with His Fireworks after the New Sanctions?

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

> It will
>take Trump and the Military
>only 20 minutes to change
>the History of north Korea.

Wish They'd Quit F'N Around & get it Done!

And Yes NVB!

Probably be some Dead people before it was over!

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

Never Claimed there was a Perfect Solution NVB!

But Now YOU have let NK do as they F'N Please for many years!

Somethings gonna Happen one of these Days!


You Sayin We should just keep on doing what we've been doing?

As in Not a F'N Thing?

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

Nuke em there is no other option war is not humane it was never intended to be. If you keep jabbing at someone there gonna throw a haymaker and make it count. If you don't there going to do something devastating during the south korean olympic games.
Trump just announced that if Lil Kim keeps F'N Around He'll See Fire & Fury like the World Has Never Seen!

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

Slick Willy fixed this. Lennie and nemont said we shouldnt be scared of lil kim.
I'd Bet if He's Claiming to Hit Guam I'd be looking a different direction!

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

How is a world wide nuclear war going to affect global warming, since global warming is the biggest issue of our time? That's what we need to be concerned about.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-09-17 AT 09:19AM (MST)[p]>Slick Willy fixed this. Lennie and
>nemont said we shouldnt be
>scared of lil kim.

I see the Brotherhood of Tiny Hands,(Trump, DW, Elkass, 264 etc, even lil Kim has some small hands) are all chicken little's unable to understand that what is happening is much more about keeping lil Kim and his regime in power.

Couple of questions for the bed wetters. 1. If he hits Portland, Seattle or anywhere in California, is that really a loss to the U.S.?

2. If he could hit the continental U.S., why threaten Guam? Hitting Guam would still assure his complete destruction. What vital national interest of ours would he hurt by hitting Guam?

3. Up to this point what harm has he done to the U.S. for us to justify a strike that would unleash a war on the Korean Peninsula that could kill millions of people on both sides? Haven't you bed wetters had enough preemptive war?

I know whine that lil Kim scares you and that you throw your tiny hands up and say we need to do something is popular but as of right now the worst thing the talking Yam has done is tweeted bad stuff about lil Kim. Most likely that is about all he will do.

At least Sec. Tillerson knows that this is all just part of the game being played.

Tillerson also defended President Trump's "fire and fury" comment about North Korea, and said it is part of the administration's strategy to motivate Kim Jong Un into talks with the U.S.

"I think what the president was doing is sending a strong message to North Korea in language that Kim Jong Un would understand, because he doesn't seem to understand diplomatic language," he said. "I think it was important that he deliver that message to avoid any miscalculation on their part."

LAST EDITED ON Aug-09-17 AT 10:50AM (MST)[p]Why are your tiny hands still holding a slick willy?

Care to answer any of the questions I asked? The rest of the bed wetters, who live their lives in fear of a crazy man, seem unable to get their tiny little minds around what is really happening.

How many times since Clinton said that has North Korea attacked us? What party was the president from in 2006, when North Korea detonated their first Nuke?

>AT 09:19?AM (MST)

>>Slick Willy fixed this. Lennie and
>>nemont said we shouldnt be
>>scared of lil kim.
>I see the Brotherhood of Tiny
>Hands,(Trump, DW, Elkass, 264 etc,
>even lil Kim has some
>small hands) are all chicken
>little's unable to understand
>that what is happening is
>much more about keeping lil
>Kim and his regime in
>Couple of questions for the bed
>wetters. 1. If
>he hits Portland, Seattle or
>anywhere in California, is that
>really a loss to the
>2. If he could hit the
>continental U.S., why threaten Guam?
> Hitting Guam would still
>assure his complete destruction.
>What vital national interest of
>ours would he hurt by
>hitting Guam?
>3. Up to this point
>what harm has he done
>to the U.S. for us
>to justify a strike that
>would unleash a war on
>the Korean Peninsula that could
>kill millions of people on
>both sides? Haven't
>you bed wetters had enough
>preemptive war?
>I know whine that lil Kim
>scares you and that you
>throw your tiny hands up
>and say we need to
>do something is popular but
>as of right now the
>worst thing the talking Yam
>has done is tweeted bad
>stuff about lil Kim.
>Most likely that is about
>all he will do.
>At least Sec. Tillerson knows that
>this is all just part
>of the game being played.
>Tillerson also defended President Trump's "fire
>and fury" comment about North
>Korea, and said it is
>part of the administration's strategy
>to motivate Kim Jong Un
>into talks with the U.S.
>"I think what the president was
>doing is sending a strong
>message to North Korea in
>language that Kim Jong Un
>would understand, because he doesn't
>seem to understand diplomatic language,"
>he said. "I think it
>was important that he deliver
>that message to avoid any
>miscalculation on their part."
Who said the U.S. would use nuke? We would not have to use one.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-09-17 AT 03:38PM (MST)[p]
Who said lil Kim would use one? He could unleash all that artillery on Seoul as well.

Why the bed wetting? Or is that the Brotherhood of tiny hands also have tiny bladders? (or you happy now Homer?)

Care to answer any of the questions I asked or are you too yellow as well and want to blame Clinton, even though GWB was President when NK detonated their first nuke?

>AT 11:21?AM (MST)

>Who said lil Kim would use
>one? He could
>unleash all that artillery on
>Seoul as well.
>Why the bed wetting?
>Or is that the Brotherhood
>of tiny hands also have
>tiny blatters?
>Care to answer any of the
>questions I asked or are
>you too yellow as well
>and want to blame Clinton,
>even though GWB was President
>when NK detonated their first
Your statement about not giving a damn about American people on the west coast about sums up your mental state and it aint good.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-09-17 AT 02:11PM (MST)[p]Wait a minute, you and your brotherhood of the tiny hands have said over and over that "bent wrist liberals" shouldn't be allowed to call themselves American and that liberals are a threat to America but when a crazy man comes along and may pose a threat to liberal areas, then all of sudden they are all Americans? Which is it? So you are saying liberals are American citizens who matter to the United States and it's long term survival? You should really splain that to your other members of your Brotherhood of Tiny hands.

My mental state is about 100% more attuned to reality then your "+1" mentality of parroting what ever is said by a fake conservative on here.

So you can't answer any questions in regards to why you are a bed wetter? When you do get done wetting the bed is the stain orange or yellow?

Nemont, I thought over time, you and the other snowflakes would mellow out, at least a little. Have you tried marijuana?
>Nemont, I thought over time, you
>and the other snowflakes would
>mellow out, at least a
>little. Have you tried marijuana?

Do tell who is being snowflake. The talking yam is just aligning our foreign policy to be dependent on China and if China decides they want to keep lil Kim as a neighbor then the Human Tanning bed will just take it, period. Talk is cheap and that is all Trump will do. Talking tough and being tough are not the same thing.

So answer the question unless you can't. Are Liberal American citizens important or not? If yes then you should quit sucking before your lips are permanently orange, if no then explain why we have anything to lose if NK nukes anywhere in California or any other liberal enclave. You fakers can't have it both ways.

>Do tell who is being snowflake.
> The talking yam is
>just aligning our foreign policy
>to be dependent on China
>and if China decides they
>want to keep lil Kim
>as a neighbor then the
>Human Tanning bed will just
>take it, period.
>Talk is cheap and that
>is all Trump will do.
> Talking tough and being
>tough are not the same
>So answer the question unless you
>can't. Are Liberal American
>citizens important or not?
> If yes then you
>should quit sucking before your
>lips are permanently orange, if
>no then explain why we
>have anything to lose if
>NK nukes anywhere in California
>or any other liberal enclave.
> You fakers can't
>have it both ways.
according to you not on the west coast.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-09-17 AT 04:40PM (MST)[p]You should quit sucking on the talking yam. That orange sheen will become permanent

Nary a single fake conservative can answer a direct question, figures. So are liberal Americans worth protecting and have the same rights you have or not? I have heard over and over how
"bent wrist liberals" are the downfall of the country. Is that true or not?

Also it is now past the 48 hour count down your boyfriend started here. Where is the action and fire works?

Why do you bed wetters live in fear of Lil Kim?

What vital American interest would lil Kim destroy by targeting Guam? If he did hit Guam, how long would his regime survive?

Nothing ever changes with all the fakers on here. Is China going to uphold their UN vote for sanctions and actually reel in NK or will Trump be left in the cold on this one again?

>AT 04:40?PM (MST)

>You should quit sucking on the
>talking yam. That orange
>sheen will become permanent
>Nary a single fake conservative can
>answer a direct question, figures.
> So are liberal
>Americans worth protecting and have
>the same rights you have
>or not? I have
>heard over and over how
>"bent wrist liberals" are the downfall
>of the country. Is
>that true or not?
>Also it is now past the
>48 hour count down your
>boyfriend started here.
>Where is the action and
>fire works?
>Why do you bed wetters live
>in fear of Lil Kim?
>What vital American interest would lil
>Kim destroy by targeting Guam?
> If he did
>hit Guam, how long would
>his regime survive?
>Nothing ever changes with all the
>fakers on here. Is
>China going to uphold their
>UN vote for sanctions and
>actually reel in NK or
>will Trump be left in
>the cold on this one
Easy there little fellar we don't want you to implode like obamas health care.
Russia and China have thrown an offer on the table, cease the war game exercises with SK, and withdraw fleet off the coast.

I say we call them on it, cease, withdrawal except of our subs, and lay it on their door with the caveat that they are responsible to keep Lil Kim in line or we'll be back if there are further missile launches.

We basically say, fine we'll try it your way fully knowing that Lil Kim will launch, but when he does China and Russia must deal with him.

Lil Kim is a pain in the azz to both Russia and China and they would love to see nothing more than the U.S. have to deal with his punk azz. No different than how the Iranians played us to get rid of Saddam. So let's spin it around.

However neither country wants a western friendly nation on their border...let's make it their problem.
I have to agree with FTW. China is the key to reign in Lil Kim. Only problem we have to apply enough pressure on China to make sure they apply a forceful amount of pressure on N. Korea. Not like they did when they so called stop buying coal from N. Korea and used a third party to purchase the coal and allowed his economy to keep going on.

>I have to agree with FTW.
>China is the key to
>reign in Lil Kim. Only
>problem we have to apply
>enough pressure on China to
>make sure they apply a
>forceful amount of pressure on
>N. Korea. Not like they
>did when they so called
>stop buying coal from N.
>Korea and used a third
>party to purchase the coal
>and allowed his economy to
>keep going on.
This is what Trumph has wanted.
>It just never ceases to amaze
>me the dumb that infests
>this forum.

I know it is sad the orange worshippers are too fake to answer any question and they still believe his con.

Do you care to answer any questions or are you tongue tied as well?

LAST EDITED ON Aug-09-17 AT 07:05PM (MST)[p]I don't believe it is a matter of "forcing" China. It is actually letting China be the quarterback. Like kids playing football in the street...let's go with their plan. De-escalate, look we only 2 need nuclear armed subs to take out all of N. Korea...and they are in position.

By best estimations 50 Triton II missiles with anywhere between a minimum of 400 and maximum of 600 independent warheads would render a country the size of N.Korea incapable of warfare.

So we make a giant play in the global press that we are standing down, accepting the China/Russia plan, withdrawing our ships, and ceasing military exercises. We will praise the Chinese and Russians in their leadership role and say, "Okay, we'll go your way but if he launches again it's on you, we have shown our good faith, or we'll be back."

China has actually come a long way in the last year when it comes to sanctions. The new sanctions may take time to kick in so let's play that game. Just a month or so ago China cut off fuel exports to N. Korea, between the sanctions, fuel shortages and 1 in 100 year drought, N. Korea really will not have a lot of choices.

As we all know sooner or later Kim will launch even if we go with the China/Russian plan to de-escalate. The difference is the focus will have shifted off of us and onto China and Russia. Once they protest Kim he will instantly threaten which point we can draw clear a consensus between our 3 countries against N. Korea.

China and Russia want to be seen as global leaders and they share a common interest keeping the west off their continent. The more we play it up that we respect their wishes and recognize their leadership role in the area, the higher the chances are that if hostilities do occur we will not be involved directly.

Questionable as to whether or not Kim has the re-entry technology yet, but he sure as hell can hit China or Russia with what he has now.
>AT 07:05?PM (MST)

>I don't believe it is a
>matter of "forcing" China. It
>is actually letting China be
>the quarterback. Like kids playing
>football in the street...let's go
>with their plan. De-escalate, look
>we only 2 need nuclear
>armed subs to take out
>all of N. Korea...and they
>are in position.
>By best estimations 50 Triton II
>missiles with anywhere between a
>minimum of 400 and maximum
>of 600 independent warheads would
>render a country the size
>of N.Korea incapable of warfare.
>So we make a giant play
>in the global press that
>we are standing down, accepting
>the China/Russia plan, withdrawing our
>ships, and ceasing military exercises.
>We will praise the Chinese
>and Russians in their leadership
>role and say, "Okay, we'll
>go your way but if
>he launches again it's on
>you, we have shown our
>good faith, or we'll be
>China has actually come a long
>way in the last year
>when it comes to sanctions.
>The new sanctions may take
>time to kick in so
>let's play that game. Just
>a month or so ago
>China cut off fuel exports
>to N. Korea, between the
>sanctions, fuel shortages and 1
>in 100 year drought, N.
>Korea really will not have
>a lot of choices.
>As we all know sooner or
>later Kim will launch even
>if we go with the
>China/Russian plan to de-escalate. The
>difference is the focus will
>have shifted off of us
>and onto China and Russia.
>Once they protest Kim he
>will instantly threaten which
>point we can draw clear
>a consensus between our 3
>countries against N. Korea.
>China and Russia want to be
>seen as global leaders and
>they share a common interest
>keeping the west off their
>continent. The more we play
>it up that we respect
>their wishes and recognize their
>leadership role in the area,
>the higher the chances are
>that if hostilities do occur
>we will not be involved
>Questionable as to whether or not
>Kim has the re-entry technology
>yet, but he sure as
>hell can hit China or
>Russia with what he has

Let's Just wait till He Has it all!

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

Is that all you're good for Bessie, biotching? Do you want a way out of this without killing 25+ million people or not?
>Is that all you're good for
>Bessie, biotching? Do you want
>a way out of this
>without killing 25+ million people
>or not?

You Need to Pay Attention FTW!

You Ever done that just once?

You Don't Think Lil Kim Would Not Love to Kill Millions of Americans?

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

Nemont said,

"Couple of questions for the bed wetters. 1. If he hits Portland, Seattle or anywhere in California, is that really a loss to the U.S.?

2. If he could hit the continental U.S., why threaten Guam? Hitting Guam would still assure his complete destruction. What vital national interest of ours would he hurt by hitting Guam?

3. Up to this point what harm has he done to the U.S. for us to justify a strike that would unleash a war on the Korean Peninsula that could kill millions of people on both sides? Haven't you bed wetters had enough preemptive war? "

Your questions seemed like they were aimed at bed wetters, which I am not so I didn't give one second of thought on them but since you asked, I'll play along.

1. Dumb question but I would say that only a heartless ##### would celebrate the deaths of innocent children.

2. It should be patently obvious that Kim isn't going to nuke anyone. He would be way better off hitting SK or Japan but he knows threatening Guam makes him look like a tough guy with little consequences. He's made lesser threats to Japan and threatens us every day because he knows we aren't going to do shyt. We can fly as many bombers near his border and sail as many fleets as we want over there and he will still talk shyt. Why? Because he knows that we will not attack him militarily first especially with nukes.

3. Again, obvious question. He hasn't done a damned thing really except maybe kill a stupid college kid that decided to travel there. We look stupid as a country to try to stop Iran from getting nukes while allowing a nuclear armed NK to fire off missiles like they're bottle rockets. Iran is loving every bit of all this sabre rattling because they know we can't stop them either. Soon all this rhetoric will be aimed at Iran and we will line their border with bombers and send our subs to the gulf as a show of force but we have no credibility so it will be meaningless.

The Norks have nukes, everyone needs to accept it, period. They're not going to give them up and it's too late to do anything about it. Sanctions won't cause them to give up their nukes, they have proven that. We could send in special forces to take out little Kim but those people think he's a God and the next in line would be just as bad or worse.

The Iranians will be next and we won't be able to stop them either. We should have known that the advent of nuclear weapons would eventually mean that the human race could be annihilated on any given day. Who will be next after Iran? Who knows but whoever it is will learn from the lessons of NK and Iran.

IMO, we should pack our shyt and go home. We need to make sure our missile defense systems are top notch and let the world know that we will shoot down their missiles and immediately launch ours. Why is NK our problem anyway?
IMO, we should pack our shyt and go home. We need to make sure our missile defense systems are top notch and let the world know that we will shoot down their missiles and immediately launch ours. Why is NK our problem anyway?

We can not do that CAForkedhorn. That would mean diverting more budget money towards National defense and the military and our liberals have already b!tched about Trump doing that.

I Think this is what I'd Do Initially since NVB is always wanting to know 'What I'd Do'!

The Very Next Missile Lil Kim Fires!

I'd Knock that F'R out of the Sky!

That should start it!

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

>1. Dumb question but I
>would say that only a
>heartless ##### would celebrate the
>deaths of innocent children.

Can you show me where I was celebrating anything including the deaths of innocent children? Are liberal American Citizens the enemy of America as claimed on here or not?

>2. It should be patently
>obvious that Kim isn't going
>to nuke anyone. He
>would be way better off
>hitting SK or Japan but
>he knows threatening Guam makes
>him look like a tough
>guy with little consequences.
>He's made lesser threats to
>Japan and threatens us every
>day because he knows we
>aren't going to do shyt.
> We can fly as
>many bombers near his border
>and sail as many fleets
>as we want over there
>and he will still talk
>shyt. Why? Because
>he knows that we will
>not attack him militarily first
>especially with nukes.

Agree 100% or in the low hanging fruit's way of doing it +1

>3. Again, obvious question.
>He hasn't done a damned
>thing really except maybe kill
>a stupid college kid that
>decided to travel there.
>We look stupid as a
>country to try to stop
>Iran from getting nukes while
>allowing a nuclear armed NK
>to fire off missiles like
>they're bottle rockets. Iran
>is loving every bit of
>all this sabre rattling because
>they know we can't stop
>them either. Soon all
>this rhetoric will be aimed
>at Iran and we will
>line their border with bombers
>and send our subs to
>the gulf as a show
>of force but we have
>no credibility so it will
>be meaningless.

If the question and answer is so obvious then why are the Trumpteers still giving us count downs for action? It is only by asking obvious questions that I can point out the stupidity of some.

>The Norks have nukes, everyone needs
>to accept it, period.
>They're not going to give
>them up and it's too
>late to do anything about
>it. Sanctions won't cause
>them to give up their
>nukes, they have proven that.
> We could send in
>special forces to take out
>little Kim but those people
>think he's a God and
>the next in line would
>be just as bad or
>The Iranians will be next and
>we won't be able to
>stop them either. We
>should have known that the
>advent of nuclear weapons would
>eventually mean that the human
>race could be annihilated on
>any given day. Who
>will be next after Iran?
> Who knows but whoever
>it is will learn from
>the lessons of NK and
>IMO, we should pack our shyt
>and go home. We
>need to make sure our
>missile defense systems are top
>notch and let the world
>know that we will shoot
>down their missiles and immediately
>launch ours. Why is
>NK our problem anyway?

Trump can't back down now and pack up our shyt just like other presidents before him couldn't. We are obligated by a Mutual Defense Treaty with South Korea to provide them military support and to defend them in the case of an attack. Just like we have with NATO countries and others around the globe.

NK shouldn't be our problem, it should be their neighbor's problem especially their sponsors like China and Russia. Let's see if the talking Yam is a good enough negotiator to pull this off. Given his track record of being a deal maker with congress I suspect the turd will continue to be stuck into our pockets.

>>1. Dumb question but I
>>would say that only a
>>heartless ##### would celebrate the
>>deaths of innocent children.
>Can you show me where I
>was celebrating anything including the
>deaths of innocent children?
>Are liberal American Citizens the
>enemy of America as claimed
>on here or not?
>>2. It should be patently
>>obvious that Kim isn't going
>>to nuke anyone. He
>>would be way better off
>>hitting SK or Japan but
>>he knows threatening Guam makes
>>him look like a tough
>>guy with little consequences.
>>He's made lesser threats to
>>Japan and threatens us every
>>day because he knows we
>>aren't going to do shyt.
>> We can fly as
>>many bombers near his border
>>and sail as many fleets
>>as we want over there
>>and he will still talk
>>shyt. Why? Because
>>he knows that we will
>>not attack him militarily first
>>especially with nukes.
>Agree 100% or in the low
>hanging fruit's way of doing
>it +1
>>3. Again, obvious question.
>>He hasn't done a damned
>>thing really except maybe kill
>>a stupid college kid that
>>decided to travel there.
>>We look stupid as a
>>country to try to stop
>>Iran from getting nukes while
>>allowing a nuclear armed NK
>>to fire off missiles like
>>they're bottle rockets. Iran
>>is loving every bit of
>>all this sabre rattling because
>>they know we can't stop
>>them either. Soon all
>>this rhetoric will be aimed
>>at Iran and we will
>>line their border with bombers
>>and send our subs to
>>the gulf as a show
>>of force but we have
>>no credibility so it will
>>be meaningless.
>If the question and answer is
>so obvious then why are
>the Trumpteers still giving us
>count downs for action?
> It is only by
>asking obvious questions that I
>can point out the stupidity
>of some.
>>The Norks have nukes, everyone needs
>>to accept it, period.
>>They're not going to give
>>them up and it's too
>>late to do anything about
>>it. Sanctions won't cause
>>them to give up their
>>nukes, they have proven that.
>> We could send in
>>special forces to take out
>>little Kim but those people
>>think he's a God and
>>the next in line would
>>be just as bad or
>>The Iranians will be next and
>>we won't be able to
>>stop them either. We
>>should have known that the
>>advent of nuclear weapons would
>>eventually mean that the human
>>race could be annihilated on
>>any given day. Who
>>will be next after Iran?
>> Who knows but whoever
>>it is will learn from
>>the lessons of NK and
>>IMO, we should pack our shyt
>>and go home. We
>>need to make sure our
>>missile defense systems are top
>>notch and let the world
>>know that we will shoot
>>down their missiles and immediately
>>launch ours. Why is
>>NK our problem anyway?
>Trump can't back down now and
>pack up our shyt just
>like other presidents before him
>couldn't. We are
>obligated by a Mutual Defense
>Treaty with South Korea to
>provide them military support and
>to defend them in the
>case of an attack.
> Just like we have
>with NATO countries and others
>around the globe.
>NK shouldn't be our problem, it
>should be their neighbor's problem
>especially their sponsors like China
>and Russia. Let's see
>if the talking Yam is
>a good enough negotiator to
>pull this off. Given
>his track record of being
>a deal maker with congress
>I suspect the turd will
>continue to be stuck into
>our pockets.
Another T MINUS 48 HRS
Nemont, I assumed from your comment that it wouldn't really be much of a loss if NK nuked Portland, Seattle or California that you don't care too much about us which would include children.

When I say pack our shut and go home, I don't mean literally. I mean stop the show of force and the bitter back and forth and tell the world that it's everyone's problem not just ours. We will defend our allies and ourselves if need be but we're not going to start WW3 over some punk ass dictator unless he starts it first.
YOU ARE A FOOL FOR TRUSTING EITHER. Did that make it easier for you to understand I typed slowly and capitalized? You are the perfect Trumptard.
>EITHER. Did that make
>it easier for you to
>understand I typed slowly and
>capitalized? You are the
>perfect Trumptard.
Okay Obama lover.
We have a retarded baby man in NK and a retarded baby man in the whitehouse trying to prove who has the biggest pee pee.

If this wasn't so serious it would make a great sit com.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Also it is now past the 48 hour count down your boyfriend started here. Where is the action and fire works?

Why do you bed wetters live in fear of Lil Kim?

What vital American interest would lil Kim destroy by targeting Guam? If he did hit Guam, how long would his regime survive?

Nothing ever changes with all the fakers on here. Is China going to uphold their UN vote for sanctions and actually reel in NK or will Trump be left in the cold on this one again?

There are 320 million people in the US. 20 million of them have some expert solution to the NK problem. The other 300 million don't even know where NK is or even heard of it since the 8th grade geography class.

Everybody's solution is an amature guess unless you're in the CIA. Unless of course you had access to Hillary's private server, which is quite possible.

Just PM me when it's time to duck and cover.

So you are saying Trump is as clueless about what to do as the 300 million dimwits? Sounds about right.

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