Long tines, but is he big enough? Score?


Founder Since 1999
This buck here has good tines, eyeguards, one little devil point, but is he a taker? Who all here would launch an arrow at him? What about take a crack with the big gun?


Brian Latturner
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Looks like a very respectable deer to me. I would think high 170s low 180 maybe?

Hard to pass a mature deer like that! Thanks for sharing.I hope he makes it next year he will be great!
Very pretty deer. I wish he would stand and give the full show but right now he honestly looks like a deer that could use one more year. Right now he looks like he should break 180 by a squeek. Glad you are having fun.

Thanks for sharing.
Looks 165-170 to me, a good bow buck for most! Rifle, I think I would be passing or at least should be passing.
90% would shoot him on sight, I like his rack the look of it, so that alone would get him a bullet.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
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That buck has great mass, good tine length, decent width, good main beams. That buck easily sits at 180+ which in all reality, 90% of hunters would shoot.
I hope some day I have killed enough deer to warrant passing up on a buck like this.

Hell, I hope to be able to justify passing up on any buck. Until that day, I will let you internet warriors CLAIM to pass up a buck like this.

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