LWCF passed!!


Long Time Member
Copy and paste this.

Good job Utah house members for supporting this.

Good job senator Romney as well.

As usual, Utah still has a pinhead in Provo.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>As usual, Utah still has a
>pinhead in Provo.
>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,

I've been to Provo, there's more than one.
>>As usual, Utah still has a
>>pinhead in Provo.
>>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,
>I've been to Provo, there's more
>than one.

^ I can confirm that this is true. Far more than one.
"Written in 662 pages, the act creates six new National Parks Service units, expands some parks, establishes new protections for wildlife habitats, blocks mining near some national parks, designates 1.3 million acres of wilderness, among many other positive things."

Sounds like more government over reach to me. Can't hunt in a national park. Good for the tourists not for hunting, but then again some guys on this site will think this is great!
> You can still hunt
Not if you can't access it!

see my latest wildlife pictures on I.G.
Follow me @ antler_chaser_
LAST EDITED ON Feb-28-19 AT 07:04AM (MST)[p]Might be a good thing if it opens up more public land that is accessible to hunt, fish on.
>>As usual, Utah still has a
>>pinhead in Provo.
>>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,
>I've been to Provo, there's more
>than one.

Ya, whatever was there plus you.
Closed due to Snow, Fire, Rain Etc Then down the line closed due due to PETA running the show.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
>Closed due to Snow, Fire, Rain
>Etc Then down the line
>closed due due to PETA
>running the show.
>"I have found if you go
>the extra mile it's Never
>>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>>the MM green signature club.[font/]

Closed because BP or the Wilks own it is better?

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>>Closed due to Snow, Fire, Rain
>>Etc Then down the line
>>closed due due to PETA
>>running the show.
>>"I have found if you go
>>the extra mile it's Never
>>>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>>>the MM green signature club.[font/]
>Closed because BP or the Wilks
>own it is better?
>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,

Closed is closed no matter who owns it ..
>>>Closed due to Snow, Fire, Rain
>>>Etc Then down the line
>>>closed due due to PETA
>>>running the show.
>>>"I have found if you go
>>>the extra mile it's Never
>>>>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>>>>the MM green signature club.[font/]
>>Closed because BP or the Wilks
>>own it is better?
>>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,
> Closed is closed
>no matter who owns it

Why is everything in green?

Is this part of the green new deal?

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.

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