M3 Doyle Muzzy Hunt Ca Muleys


Active Member
Here are the bucks that my wife and I harvested in the Doyle muzzy hunt. The weather was warm, but we had a great time and met lots of great people. My wife made a great stalk on her own and harvested a great buck with one shot.

great bucks and good to see as I'm getting ready as we speak to goto my G-3 hunt.
Thanks guys, it was a great hunt even though the weather was warm. We saw lots of bucks, several 4x4 bucks in the 20 to 22 inch range. By the last weekend many of the bigger bucks had broken tines from fighting. I can't imagine the bucks we would've seen if the weather would've cooperated. I guess we were lucky to draw the only two random draw tags. My wife informed me that it was her luck that helped in the draw. I guess we'll have to keep puting in as a party till her luck runs out.

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