MAGA hats


Long Time Member
Hahaha! Unbelievable the crap they come up with.

Finding Parents' MAGA Hats Will One Day Be Equivalent of Discovering Their 'Ku Klux Klan Hood,' Says Professor

The ?Make America Great Again Hats? synonymous with supporters of President Donald Trump will one day carry the same shame as the uniforms worn by the Ku Klux Klan, according to scholar and Washington Post columnist Matt Sears.
In a conversation with Salon published Sunday, the long-time Trump critic said the caps would be a shameful secret for Trump supporters in future that relatives would look down upon.
Sears was responding to a question posed by Salon reporter Chauncey DeVega, who asked whether Trump merchandise would in future be thought of in the same way as Nazi paraphernalia now.
?I think it's similar. But I think a better analogy would be like finding a Ku Klux Klan hood or robe,? Sears replied. ?I've made the comparison before. Every time I watch a documentary about the civil rights movement and all the hateful violence they faced I wonder what the white people who were doing those horrible things were thinking. What was going through their minds??
Saw a hat the other day advertised on Facebook, said "President Trump 2020 Keep America Great." That's the one I want. Guess I'm a racist.
Those hats are polarizing for sure. If the dems were smart they could learn something here. All they need to do is come up with a silly slogan that the stupid can cling to and they could have a much bigger impact. It would be funny if they came up with a hat that from a distance looks like the MAGA hat and fill the country with them. If they hate the MAGA hat so much, that would make them less effective.
They SHOULDN'T be polarizing. Only for snowflakes who don't want America to be great. They care more about the rest of the world than they do their own country.
I'm going to ask again, according to Trump and his tards when exactly was America great?

Just get some red old man hats and put a big question mark on them. because none of the mindless chumps seem to know WTF it is they're aiming for.

Fat dumb white kids need someplace to fit in too . give them a MAGA hat and 27 big macs and they're happy.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
I guess if we need to pick a date it might be 1959. That was the year Democrats elected Robert Byrd to the Senate.

I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.
? Robert C. Byrd, in a letter to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS), 1944

You happy now?
Hell no he's not happy! He can't even admit that we managed to save the world in WWII. If not for our capability things would have worked out differently. WE were supplying weapons to all our allies and carrying the lions share of the load. The fact we helped rebuild the war torn world and didn't take over the nations we beat showed quite a bit.

But hey we digress EEL, you can't teach an uneducated fool about such things. Hats, flags and our past are all things they choose to extinguish and rewrite to fit their biased narrative, Hell we're even Nazis now according to his uneducated tripe........Never has one fool worked so hard to reaffirm his ignorance on a daily basis. LOL
So what's your answer bosgeek ? is it 1945 then ? is that it ?

Confirm , then we'll examine America in 1945.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
So why don't you tell us... we'll all be on the edge of our seats. Given your well rounded education I'm sure you will be able to give us a real lesson in plagiarism. Then since you seem to have such a grasp on reading comprehension explain to me where I stated that was the only thing we did that made us great........LOL
>48″ Inflatable Donald Trump Punching Bag-
>the perfect gift for your
>anti-Trump friends!

Big fan of the Trump chew toy, myself.

>Notice how perfect the scale is
>on this one.

I wouldn't know....


GOODWIN: Dems really do love Republicans -- when they're dead...
>Notice how perfect the scale is
>on this one.

NVB and Wyo Sam you guys belong to some kind of Doll club ?
This the Image Stormy Has Etched in to Her Brain?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Hmmm... Didn't know you had an obsession for penises. It's actually impressive that you know the size of Trump's. Anything you want to tell us?
Pretty sure theres nothing I could tell you about Trumps penis that you dont already know first hand (so to speak)
I'm still chewing on and saddened by Dude not recogizing how the United States has impacted this world in an amazing wonderful way.... Please move Dude. Sell the farm and get out!!!! Pick a spot better on move on ...sooner the better. Discusting your revisionist history moron.
Ummm.... you're the one who seems to know the scale model bud. I'm curious what your wife would say if she looked at your browser history and saw that you were searching for pictures of Trump's penis? Assuming you have a wife of course, I keep forgetting you have a 70 year old daughter.
Lets remember the facts.....the left has always been the party of perversion, immorality, and anything goes.....So posting up pictures of that nature are things they revere.

After all they believe in three genders, girls with packages, guys with both, pedophilia, and a love the one your with mentality no matter what sex they are.....NVB fits the bill because his preoccupation with trumps genitals fits right in with their free loving ways....

Besides he just can't fathom why the Donald has been loving all those great looking gals for years and he constantly faces rejection when his hand falls asleep. You reap what you sow NVB and sometimes a man has to face his limitations, Trumps package obviously has been more desirable than yours so your many short comings are more apparent to the fairer sex. Trumps the better man in many regards and the ladies seem to agree.
>Lets remember the facts.....the left has
>always been the party of
>perversion, immorality, and anything goes.....So
>posting up pictures of that
>nature are things they revere.
>After all they believe in three
>genders, girls with packages, guys
>with both, pedophilia, and a
>love the one your with
>mentality no matter what sex
>they are.

Just to be clear- You are lumping things together that do not go together, statistically. Homosexuals and transgendered people are not any more likely to be pedophiles than anyone else. I know the far right, particularly the evangelicals, like to sit on a moral high horse, but the facts don't support that notion. The kid touchers come from all walks of life.
>>Lets remember the facts.....the left has
>>always been the party of
>>perversion, immorality, and anything goes.....So
>>posting up pictures of that
>>nature are things they revere.
>>After all they believe in three
>>genders, girls with packages, guys
>>with both, pedophilia, and a
>>love the one your with
>>mentality no matter what sex
>>they are.
>Just to be clear- You are
>lumping things together that do
>not go together, statistically. Homosexuals
>and transgendered people are not
>any more likely to be
>pedophiles than anyone else. I
>know the far right, particularly
>the evangelicals, like to sit
>on a moral high horse,
>but the facts don't support
>that notion. The kid touchers
>come from all walks of

Plenty of perversion and immorality on the right. Our POTUS for instance.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-23-19 AT 06:34PM (MST)[p]NVB you're right about that but only one party wants to publicly lobby for its acceptance. Most couldn't care less what goes on among consenting adults that's up to them and their creator. But to constantly break down the family unit, abort live babies, spare criminals that have committed murder, encourage the youth to accept deviant behavior, allow men to compete as women, rule that boys can shower with girls, discourage Christian behavior, scorn the bible, and shame folks for having previously well accepted ideals is done for a reason.

Breaking down a society and division are textbook examples of how you erode a society and their ideals to start the acceptance toward more outward forms of lawless behavior.

Think not, take some time and read about how the socialists and communists work to manipulate thought and behavior to start the takeover of any country they
took over.

It starts with a trickle and builds until they've managed to get themselves entrenched and in control. Obama stood up there and asked his supporters if they were ready to fundamentally change their nation and they cheered in approval. What you're seeing today are parts of that process being enacted.

Think all those Dems sitting on their hands during Trumps state of the union address when telling American we'd never be a Socialist country was a coincidence? Why were the republicans cheering and the dems looked like they had just been gut punched. That picture right there spoke volumes and that's reality, about their true intent.

Obama also made reference to us clutching our bibles and our guns..... see any signs they're working on improving Christianity? See more indications of pending sanctuary cities, open borders, unequal enforcement of our laws?

Notice any more activity regarding gun legislation? Have you ever compared their figures used to support their arguments opposed to FBI statistics and actual documented figures? There's a whole lot of lying & creative BS being slung to say the least. The actual figures don't support the narrative so why do they lie. Why is it they tug on your heart strings with a shooting to try to gain support for gun legislation but look the other way when an illegal immigrant kills a citizen of law enforcement officer or a border patrol officer.

Why is it the party of liberalism is working so hard trying to enact more laws to control us and tax us, when they don't want to enforce many of the laws we have. Why do they release illegal immigrant felons onto our streets? Could the fact the ideology is more important that the adherence to our nations laws? Where will that lead?

The fact many are admitting they're socialists should be a big clue and last I looked it's only one party that has been promoting that and their intentions are as clear as the nose on your face......The path they've chosen couldn't be farther from the one the founders of our nation intended that has been the hallmark of the world for more than 200 years. Make no mistake about it once they get your bible, your morality, and your gun, your freedom will won't be a concern to them.
Slurpshim I see you're as drop 'n flop Christian as ever. a hateful little worshiper of a rich racist lying whoremonger. your vision of Jebus no doubt.

Guess jebus hasn't been too impressed with your new savior has he ? why else would he have put Nancy in charge of his future ?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>Slurpshim I see you're
>as drop 'n flop
>Christian as ever. a
>hateful little worshiper of a
>rich racist lying whoremonger.
> your vision of
>Jebus no doubt.
> Guess jebus hasn't been too
>impressed with your new savior
>has he ? why
>else would he have put
>Nancy in charge of his
>future ?
>Stay Thirsty My Friends
You are Jealous of the orange man aren't you
All that hate retoiric because I think you are a fool in not seeing the greatness in our nation. . You want to bring Jesus and my faith into it ??? I'm just sadden in you and your distaine for this nation!!!
I will say it again. Dude is one of the worse pieces of humanity that I have encountered. I have arrested criminals that had more moral character then he has shown to have. He must be one miserable human being to have the hate that he does.

>I will say it again. Dude
>is one of the worse
>pieces of humanity that I
>have encountered. I have arrested
>criminals that had more moral
>character then he has shown
>to have. He must be
>one miserable human being to
>have the hate that he

Truth!!! ^^^^
I love it. the Nazis are calling out haters against the regime . you couldn't make this chit up.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
"He?s not a victim. I am the victim. I have been bullied, OK??

Woman arrested for assaulting man wearing MAGA hat on Cape Cod

FALMOUTH, Mass. - A woman on Cape Cod is facing charges for assaulting a man wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat.
Rosiane Santos, 41, of Falmouth was charged with disorderly conduct and assault and battery.
Santos told police she was upset the man was wearing the hat in a Mexican restaurant.

The man wearing the hat, 23-year-old Bryton Turner of Mashpee, was so annoyed with the woman's antics that he pulled out his phone and started recording her.
The incident occurred last Friday at the "Casa Vallarta" Mexican restaurant in Falmouth.
Turner says he was minding his own business, when Santos started yelling at him because of his hat, which bears the theme that President Donald Trump campaigned on.
The woman is seen walking behind him and hitting his hat off his head.
When asked if Turner did anything to provoke Santos, bartender Geo Macarao said, "No, no he just walked in and ordered his food."
When police showed up to the restaurant, the woman told them the man shouldn't be allowed to eat in a Mexican restaurant. President Donald Trump is aiming to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.
As Falmouth police officers were escorting Santos out of the restaurant, Macarao said she took another swipe at Turner.

"I couldn't imagine somebody just coming up and hitting them when there's cops right here," Macarao said.
"She just tried to grab my hat in front of four officers, not smart," Turner said.
Santos, a Brazilian immigrant, said while she regrets her actions, she claims she was provoked.
?I had a little bit to drink maybe that's the reason that I couldn't walk away but being discriminated for so many times in my life, I just had to stand up for myself," she said. "He?s not a victim. I am the victim. I have been bullied, OK??
Ok, she's a dumbass. No doubt about it. And she should pay a price for her dumbassery. But the guy wearing his MAGA hat into a Mexican restaurant right now wasnt the best idea either. Pretty hard to imagine he didnt do it with the intention of making a statement.

Of course, it's his right to wear what he wants.
But it doesn't do a thing to help his cause, intentional or not.
True. But they are taking over the country.

I have spent a few days in the Boston area and I have never been anywhere else where you can find so many different ethnicities of food. Pick your place and I will bet there is a restaurant there. So Mexican isn't that far out there.
NVB, what has Trump done to the Mexicans that is so egregious that it would give someone pause about wearing a MAGA hat into a Mexican restaurant? All I ever heard was follow our immigration laws, quit bringing in gang members, illegal drugs, and sex traffickers.

Do you think policemen in uniform should frequent Mexican restaurants? Or would that be inciting them?
Give me a break eel. I didnt say Trump DID something to Mexicans.

Do you think it would be a good idea for one of those women with the vagina hat on to walk into a coffee shop in some farm town in middle America Trumpville? I think she'd probably get run out. Or a skinhead with KKK tattooed on his forehead to walk into a black neighborhood in Oakland? Or would those people just be doing it to get a reaction?
I don't understand why it should be an issue either. Would a Bernie Sanders or Hillary hat cause an issue in a Mexican restaurant, or ANY restaurant? Then why a Trump hat? I don't get it. In fact, I have an uncle, by marriage, who has four Mexican restaurants here in Washington (state). He's from Mexico, been here for most of his life, but still has plenty of family still in Mexico. He voted for Trump. And, I'm 100% sure he'd have absolutely no problem with someone in one of his restaurants with a MAGA hat on. It's stupid that anyone would have a problem with it. I can't stand Hillary or Bernie but I wouldn't cause a big scene if I saw someone in a public place with a hat or a shirt supporting them.
Seriously? You guys have skin so thin that it can be seen through. Every time someone says anything you dont agree with or against your hero Trump you start crying and accusing everyone of being haters. If you cant see that SOMEBODY SOMEWHERE will make SOMETHING out of a MAGA hat in a Mexican restaurant then you've got your head in the sand. SOMEBODY already did! That person who was arrested did! I didnt say she was right.
>Seriously? You guys have skin so
>thin that it can be
>seen through. Every time someone
>says anything you dont agree
>with or against your hero
>Trump you start crying and
>accusing everyone of being haters.
>If you cant see that
>out of a MAGA hat
>in a Mexican restaurant then
>you've got your head
>in the sand. SOMEBODY already
>did! That person who was
>arrested did! I didnt say
>she was right.

I Sent you a PM a couple days ago NVB!

You get it?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
there is a mexican restaurant in pumpkin center.....Trump hats there aren't rare....what makes you think all mexican establishments in Boston hate Trump??


GOODWIN: Dems really do love Republicans -- when they're dead...
>there is a mexican restaurant in
>pumpkin center.....Trump hats there aren't
>rare....what makes you think all
>mexican establishments in Boston hate

>GOODWIN: Dems really do love Republicans
>-- when they're dead...

Is that what I said? Isn't Boston a known liberal haven? Clinton carried Massachusetts by 60%. Clinton got 220,000 votes in Boston compared to Trumps 38,000. Probably not a lot of MAGA hats there.

WTF is pumpkin center?
I don't see ANY issue wearing a MAGA hat anywhere. Hell, I even know people who wear LA Dodgers hats. That's 10X worse than a MAGA hat.

WTF is a pumpkin center?
>I don't see ANY issue wearing
>a MAGA hat anywhere. Hell,
>I even know people who
>wear LA Dodgers hats. That's
>10X worse than a MAGA

I'd rather see a pink vagina hat than a Dodger hat.
I have a pink vagina hat....I DO NOT where it into Lino's in pumpkin center......


GOODWIN: Dems really do love Republicans -- when they're dead...
>I have a pink vagina hat....I
>DO NOT where it into
>Lino's in pumpkin center......

>GOODWIN: Dems really do love Republicans
>-- when they're dead...


Why not? Would the Pumpkins be offended?
There's 2 Pumpkin Centers!

One is Opening Day of Rifle Deer Season here in TARDville!

The other Pumpkin Center is Down Town Bako..............!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>>I have a pink vagina hat....I
>>DO NOT where it into
>>Lino's in pumpkin center......

>>GOODWIN: Dems really do love Republicans
>>-- when they're dead...


>Why not? Would the Pumpkins be

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
I saw a fresh Bernie Sanders bumper sticker today. He'd make us a 3rd world country but I didn't slap the bitc....lady.
>I will say it again. Dude
>is one of the worse
>pieces of humanity that I
>have encountered. I have arrested
>criminals that had more moral
>character then he has shown
>to have. He must be
>one miserable human being to
>have the hate that he

Yes, it's so sad. Dude jumps to attacks on me simply because I'm a Christian. I believe this nation has been used by AND blessed by God . I commented ( called him out) on a remark he made about him questioning if America has ever been Great. Dude is blinded and IS A FOOL, his revisionist view of our nation if not called out by reasonable free thinking adults will sink our Great Nation. My thoughts . Try to stay off the political forum as it diffenatly brings out my flaws . A paraphase of scripture.....The Truth is foolishness to those who are perishing ". Aka "Dude"
Funny how it's okay for Mexicans to fly their flag in this country but they get all bent out of shape if a person wears a MAGA hat. Every patriotic American should stand up to that BS but instead we have people saying, "but you probably shouldn't wear a MAGA hat in a Mexican resaraunt". That's right, you probably shouldn't but it shouldn't be a problem if you do.

Just food for thought, I believe that when you go out to eat, you NEVER piss off the people serving you food. Imagine the loogies that could get mixed into your burrito if you wore a MAGA hat and they let you stay.
>Funny how it's okay for Mexicans
>to fly their flag in
>this country but they get
>all bent out of shape
>if a person wears a
>MAGA hat. Every patriotic
>American should stand up to
>that BS but instead we
>have people saying, "but you
>probably shouldn't wear a MAGA
>hat in a Mexican resaraunt".
> That's right, you probably
>shouldn't but it shouldn't be
>a problem if you do.
>Just food for thought, I believe
>that when you go out
>to eat, you NEVER piss
>off the people serving you
>food. Imagine the loogies
>that could get mixed into
>your burrito if you wore
>a MAGA hat and they
>let you stay.

?. It probably happens a lot
LAST EDITED ON Feb-26-19 AT 04:57PM (MST)[p]

FALMOUTH (CBS) ? The woman who was charged with confronting a man wearing a ?Make America Great Again? hat inside a Falmouth Mexican restaurant was taken into custody by ICE. The department said she was in the country illegally.

Police said Rosiane Santos walked by Bryton Turner as he was eating dinner at Casa Vallarta and knocked the hat off his head. She then allegedly confronted him verbally.

Turner recorded video showing some of the confrontation.

Rosiane Santos is accused of assaulting a man who was wearing a Make America Great Again hat at a Falmouth restaurant (Image credit: Bryton Turner)

Falmouth Police charged Santos with disorderly conduct following the incident earlier this month. On Tuesday, ICE took her into custody.

?Deportation officers with ICE?s Fugitive Operations Team arrested Rosiane Santos, an unlawfully present citizen of Brazil, today near Falmouth, Massachusetts,? said ICE spokesman John Mohan.

Turner said he was just trying to eat a nice meal when Santos grabbed his hat supporting President Trump.

?It's just a hat at the end of the day,? Turner told WBZ after the incident. ?I don't really understand why people can't just express themselves anymore, everybody has to get mad.?

Santos was later released from ICE custody. She has been ordered to appear before an immigration judge for removal proceedings.
I am so offended by the boldness of these illegals.....we have lost all control


GOODWIN: Dems really do love Republicans -- when they're dead...
>I am so offended by the
>boldness of these illegals.....we have
>lost all control

>GOODWIN: Dems really do love Republicans
>-- when they're dead...

Sounds like they have stumbled onto the new bait for trapping illegals. Just troll around Mexican restaurants in a MAGA hat and see who gets upset. Probably work better than a wall.'s easier than that....the ones that won't turn right on a red are illegal.....guaranteed


GOODWIN: Dems really do love Republicans -- when they're dead...

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