magical brownies


i love shed hunting. i dont always find mass quantities of antler but i always am fortunate to find. went out on short walks 2 afternoons in a row now. both times i found a lone shed and a three point at that. i just think it is magical how all summer they grow. the entire fall they outwit most hunter and predator.they win the hearts of countless females and sometimes bearly scrape by through the winter, just to leave me a spring time present. all that hard work taking care of their prized posesions and just like that they magicaly start apearing as if out of no where.




not brown but i will take it.
I don't find a whole lot either; my last three hunts have been skunks,but the anticipation of finding where a buck or bull elk dropped his antler(sometimes both sides)really has me hooked! In 2005 I was hiking along a fence line on the 5th of Feb. when I found a set of large elk antlers together... the fence, deeply embedded in mud elk tracks, and the antlers lying together told the tale that when the bull landed hard, both antlers were jarred loose! I can't even remember ANY time prior to this even finding or collecting shed antlers, but I'm hooked now!I don't even like to part with my finds because of the memories attached to each. If you find a shed, a lot of times it may be that "needle in a haystack" as well that makes it amazing. Another time, I found a nice "brownie" four point in a remote location. I spent three days in that spot looking for the match. I finally gave up and walked out to my truck. Incredibly, around 1/2 mile from where I'd been searching, and on a ridge about 100 yds. from my truck, there right in my path was the match. If I'd grid-searched or planned more days around where I'd found the first side, I could have searched forever! Good luck to you, and I hope you have as many "magical" experiences as I have had!

(The set that got me hooked!)

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