Make me laugh


I'm sitting in the hospital room with my wife waiting on our baby girl to be born. I'm bored of my ass and need something to laugh at. So NVB, Feleno, ODW, it the fourth quarter were down by six, i'm putting you in what do you have for me? Thanks Sarg
Congrats on the impending birth!!

Hope your wife doesn't end up like this:

The Sun ? A MUM-OF-FOUR was trapped in her bed for SIX MONTHS by her massive boobs. Julia Manihuari?s chest grew to a gigantic N cup after the birth of her third son seven years ago ? leaving her unable to move. The 29-year-old said: ?It was awful. If I tried to get up I would faint because my breasts were so heavy.? The pint-sized farmer?s wife, who lives in northern Peru, was finally helped when local media paid for her to take a three-day boat trip to the nearest town for medical help. Doctors diagnosed an extreme form of Bilateral Gynecomastia ? an illness where the mammary gland keeps growing. They had to cut TWO AND HALF STONE of flesh from Julia?s boobs fearing they could squash her lungs and kill her. Julia emerged a 34B cup after the six-hour op. The 5ft patient said: ?Before the operation I couldn't do anything, I just had to live with it, it got so bad that my breasts were touching my legs. ?I have always had a small build, and the stress on the rest of my body was agony.
Good Lord I said Funny, not extrememly interseting you sick bastage. Those aren't fun guns those are peruvian nukes.
>your some twisted suckers but it
>was worth it. Baby
>girl 8lb 9 oz. everything
>is healthy.

Congrats! Kids are awesome!

You find out who your friends are when you see who shows up to help pack your bull out!


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