Mandate Upheld



Well now what? not a clear victory for Obama but it gives him the base to campaign for what his LEGAL HCB can do for you and what the republicans plan of nothing has done for you. it's odd that the majority approve of the provisions in Obamacare but they don't like Obamacare. it either exemplifies how stupid people are or that Obama needs to explain it better.

I'm not sure where this is headed, but it's clear it's far from over. noe Romney has to explain why Romneycare is good and Obamacare is evil, though legal.

Stay thirsty my friends
Another great move from the Obamanation administration. Now we have a Government that will fine people who can't afford run away health care cost?? Good luck collecting..If they can't afford health care how are they going to pay a fine?? Idiocy!! No government should abuse their power to the point where they force you to buy something they helped make to expensive in the forst place!! and the way Obamantion is creating jobs in this country??? It just get's better...I can't stand any more change...

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
We have income tax does everyone pay it? I can think of 3 or 4 people in my area that refuse to pay income tax. The required insurance coverage is the same yes some won't pay it. The fact that some won't pay it is a poor argument, a better argument is that it is unconstitutional under the commerce act. The court obviously ruled no it is constitutional.
The penalty doesn't even come close to what we're going to spend on those without insurance. it only makes sense to tax freeloaders if they won't insure themselves , even if it's a token.

I would prefer to have the mandate say you either buy insurance or the hoispital has the right to throw your azz out the door. since that's never going to happen this mandate is the next best thing.

Stay thirsty my friends
LAST EDITED ON Jun-28-12 AT 04:36PM (MST)[p]NeMont. Thanks for the chart it should make it so everyone on this site can understand the Health Mandate. The penalty isn't high enough unfortunately in my area most of the lazy and unmotivated who won't work qualify under CHIP or Medicaid.

Roberts is a conservative not a moderate and doesn't cross over Kennedy does. Read the decision and the rationale.
If anyone who's opposed to taxing those who won't insure themselves also is opposed to paying those who won't insure themselves hospital bill I'd very much like to hear their logic.

I know a dozen people who could afford insurance but choose to spend the money on entry fees at ropings and Harley's. they figure if anything serious happens they put what assets they have in a family members name and get a free ride. want to guess how many of them favor Obama care?

Stay thirsty my friends
Wow! Same here cutting horses, Harleys, rodeo fees and travel to rodeos obviously have to come before health insurance no brainer.
Well I guess its cheaper to pay the tax. Then when you get sick, because they can't refuse you for any pre-existing condition, go get insurance. After you've been treated and are well, cancel the insurance and go back to paying the tax.
Robert's statement was that this issue should not be decided in the Supreme Court, and that if this nation wants a national referendum on healthcare it needs to be decided in the arena of the 2012 national election. Essentially he has passed the buck to the voters. Pick your side gentlemen.
"He explained at length the court's view of the insurance mandate as a valid exercise of Congress' authority to "lay and collect taxes." The administration estimates that roughly 4 million people will pay the penalty rather than buy insurance." (John Roberts)

Essentially he withheld the doctrine of separation of powers within the 3 branches and said it was a legislative power.
why should I pay 2.5% of my income as a tax if I didn't receive anything? No commerce happened, yet I am taxed. Ordinarily you are taxed if you buy something, own something, or make income. Now you can be taxed for not spending your money on what the government tells you to. In a few years we will all be taxed if we don't buy a GM vehicle... It's for the welfare of the country

Sad day in my opinion.
Due to the court stating that it was a "tax", Obama is going to take a hit on his numerous pledges on not taxing anyone making under 250 K. I have seen at least three of his speeches where he very strongly promises no increase in taxes for the middle income citizens.

I guess we can chalk this up to another outright lie from Obama's program of "Hope and change".

The republicans had both scripts in front of them this morning, whatever the decision it was all bad. even simpletons can see through it. Obama won but he's smart enough to move on with no victory laps, he was vindicated now move on before anyone thinks about it too much.

Typical republicans, don't tax me lets kick the can down the road. Obamacare may not be the answer, but he had the nuts to take it on even though it cost him. I don't see windchecker Romney ever doing that.

No matter how this sorts out we can't ignore it any longer , the unconstitutional BS is over now it's lets make a deal.

Stay thirsty my friends
Maybe your time would have been better spent learning the law than losing in court?

Stay thirsty my friends
The only reason the Supreme court passed this garbage is because the dumocrats finally came out and called it a tax!!! Exactly what Obomanation said he wouldn't do. Had they not done that the supreme court would have found it unconstitutional and killed it!! Now Obomanation has to go in front of the American people and explain why he is taxing the middle class AGAIN!!!

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
I was amazed this morning when the sun came up, the birds sang and everyone went to work.


No the decision to uphold Obamacare is not the end of the world or this country. The birds will continue to sing and the sun will continue to rise. However, it is another example of how the foundation of our once great country is changing. How the basic premise, which fueled our country to be the unmatched land of opportunity without unnecessary interference and control of the government, is materially changing. The ultimate demise and path to meritocracy will take time, but it is the inevitable result of the actions being pursued today. So yes Roam was burning, while the people continued to dance and frolic, until it was too late.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-29-12 AT 02:37PM (MST)[p]Show of hands , who here thinks we're not paying for the unisured as it is? who thinks we're not going to pay more?

Ok the stupid people with their hands up go play in the yard while the rest of us talk.

Now that they're gone, why not tax those who won't take responsibility for themselves? the hope is it will pressure them to buy insurance and if not at least they're covering a little of their cost to the rest of us through this TAX if that's what it is. I see no downside.

Stay thirsty my friends
caelkhunter, what you say makes no sense, America as the land of opportunity has changed because its no longer a new country, reality is slow to hit home but thats whats happened, we have concentrated wealth and relatively few real opportunities for people without resources, you live in a fantasy world if you think a society can have a frontier that lasts forever, that we can have everything if we just get the government out of our lives.

American style healthcare is a disaster for millions of people its a fiscal disaster for the country as a whole, and unless we fix it things aren't going to get much better for the economy, Obamacare is better than the status quo, and its the same as Mittcare because its all our weak politicians can come up with, they are subjects to big money and that really limits what they can do.
Both Obama and Joe Biden, as senators, opposed Roberts appointment to the supreme court. I am beginning to wonder if he might of just handled them a very hot potato in his decision. The polls show that the majority of citizens do oppose Obama care and being taxed more is not going to set well with a lot of them.

and the illegals will still walk into the ER for free medical. Where's there tax. BS
Some of you should still be out playing in the lawn.

WE ARE PAYING , however you figure it if people don't pay their way we're going to pay it for them. end of story.

If we force some into buying insurance and tax those without it will remove some of the burden from those of us who pay their own way. GET IT ???? any tax as you call it for this plan would have come from the general fund anyway , just a nutshell game.

I don't know maybe Nemont does, how much of my premium goes to pay for unpaid bills by others but it's a lot. I don't know how much of my taxes and my share of the national debt goes to pay for other peoples health care either but it's a lot. CAN YOU GET IT ??? for christ's sake it's like tard hangout around here.

Stay thirsty my friends
some hospitals recieve half of the money they bill out for, so guess what? that means they make the bills out for twice as much in order to make up for it, then the insurance companys pay the twice as high bills so your premiums go up, I know its hard for faux news listeners to understand this stuff so I won't even bother to explain the other glaring problems with American style health care, but I assure you there are many, and they are costly.
The only problem is that it will get more costly now under Obama care for the working citizens that pays for insurance. As for those persons refusing to pay for insurance, they are laughing at the penalty imposed by Obama care.

Without Obamacare it's going to get more costly , that's the damn issue here. if it doesn't work we're no worse off, sitting with our fingers up our butt as republicans suggest hasn't worked either has it.

This ignorant attitude that we all paddle our own canoe and I'm not paying for someone elses health care is why our system is broken and broke. we are going to pay, how can we pay the least? that's all we need to debate.

Stay thirsty my friends
Whats the rightwing fix? Insurance companys going across state lines and capping malpractice lawsuits, thats all I have ever heard, your stupid if you think thats going to do much of anything.

Who cares I guess, let the rest of the world pass us up, and we are now 50th on the longevity list.
OK. If all these "taxes" will help offset expenses incurred by people who are uninsured, why are insurance premiums projected to rise under Obamacare?
Once again you listen to Rush too much, nobody can say for sure which direction the're going. you're going to get better insurance and all american can be covered. with that don't expect to save money.

The other factor is many hospitals are broke because we're not covering the shortfall, that can't go on forever. so it's going to be an added cost in the future. besides what goes down in cost anyway? you expect doctors to drive a chevy?

If you really want to save money we need socialized medicine for those who can't afford insurance and leave it alone for the rest. that's never going to happen because the libs will cry they're getting inferior health care compared to Bill Gates and the republicants will cry it's socialism as they pick their kids up from public school.

Our political system has not found a politically correct way to let the have nots die quietly. this bill and the supreme court just made that goal even harder and the wignuts are a little peeved right now but they're going to accept it in time.

Stay thirsty my friends

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