March madness?


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Mar-17-18 AT 05:40AM (MST)[p]Some people call the college basketball tournament March Madness but for us it is:
Unit 76?....unit 66?.... unit 40?...unit???archery/muzz/rifle??? :)
Good luck in the draws!


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
TX you hit the nail on the head there. I have been driving myself mad figuring out which Hunts to apply for.
And since you mentioned it we are all very happy here in Reno. Our Wolfpack beat the Texas Longhorns in the tournament yesterday
Long time watcher. First time poster. I have 3 points and was wondering which unit I should appy for with a good chance at a 180 class buck. I'm not looking for anyone's honey hole.
>Long time watcher. First time poster.
>I have 3 points and
>was wondering which unit I
>should appy for with a
>good chance at a 180
>class buck. I'm not looking
>for anyone's honey hole.

Haha. Cheering for my. Home state WVU!
I guess there is one positive for not having any points... It's a lot easier to make a decision when you have less options.
>I guess there is one positive
>for not having any points...
>It's a lot easier to
>make a decision when you
>have less options.
That's a great point.
Honestly I wish I only had one point
I know exactly what I would put in for.
And I would likely see just as big of a buck as I will with my 14 points.
I really want to dump them this year.
My wife told me, that's it, your putting in for your hunts tonight, I don't know if I can make it until April with you like this. Lol

Buckhorn, the zero and 1 point units will still be there next year after you've burned your points. Make the most of them. But I'de be trying to get out and draw this year, if not I think I'de have to wait until 2021 to burn points. Hoping we finally get a good early snow this fall... Been waiting for it for a few years now. Wondering what will come out of the state when it finally happens...

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