Masks are political theatre

I'd be willing to bet that wearing masks has caused more people to get covid than they have prevented. Keep your hands away from your face. Dr. Fauci even said it.
It appears that both Pelosi and Feinstein does not believe the mask is a save all. A good example of "do as I say, and not what I do".

I'd be willing to bet that wearing masks has caused more people to get covid than they have prevented. Keep your hands away from your face. Dr. Fauci even said it.
Washing hands is a good idea too.
I'd take your bet any day. If you want to prove it, I'm game. Find someone with covid, have RELH wear a mask and have them cough in his face, then have them cough in your face as you're not wearing a mask. Do it once a week and then we'll wait and see who gets covid first. If it's RELH, you win the bet and I pay up. If I win the bet, we'll just call it even and I'll wish you well.
Foolish bets can bite someone in the butt. Just sayin'......

I'd hate to see you get covid by taking such a foolish bet, but people seem to test it everyday, then get sick and cause all these people who are out of work because of this virus to remain out of work. It's unfortunate.
I actually shook hands and hugged someone with early stage of covid. I didn't get it. Why? Because I didn't put my fingers in my mouth and or touched my face.
Washing hands is a good idea too.
I'd take your bet any day. If you want to prove it, I'm game. Find someone with covid, have RELH wear a mask and have them cough in his face, then have them cough in your face as you're not wearing a mask. Do it once a week and then we'll wait and see who gets covid first. If it's RELH, you win the bet and I pay up. If I win the bet, we'll just call it even and I'll wish you well.
Foolish bets can bite someone in the butt. Just sayin'......

I'd hate to see you get covid by taking such a foolish bet, but people seem to test it everyday, then get sick and cause all these people who are out of work because of this virus to remain out of work. It's unfortunate.
Compare Apples to Apples after the person coughs into RELH mask we will get a beautiful young lady to take REHL mask off she needs to grab the outside exposed area of the mask pull it off of his face and then rub his face and across his lips.
RELH you in?
Remember it is all in the name of science
Washing hands is a good idea too.
I'd take your bet any day. If you want to prove it, I'm game. Find someone with covid, have RELH wear a mask and have them cough in his face, then have them cough in your face as you're not wearing a mask. Do it once a week and then we'll wait and see who gets covid first. If it's RELH, you win the bet and I pay up. If I win the bet, we'll just call it even and I'll wish you well.
Foolish bets can bite someone in the butt. Just sayin'......

I'd hate to see you get covid by taking such a foolish bet, but people seem to test it everyday, then get sick and cause all these people who are out of work because of this virus to remain out of work. It's unfortunate.
I have no way to prove it of course, but I do know how to think for myself and search for all the opinions and answers. Here's just one.

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Haven't had a cold in years, and you get a cold the same way as covid. I haven't worn a mask until now, and it's only because I don't have the patience to deal with the bull the hand-wringers dish out.

Wait, aren't they both corona viruses?
Since founder is so sure of his opinion, he can be the guinea pig to test his opinion. Heck his favorite persons, Feinstein and Pelosi do not believe the mask is a save all as they preached to us peons. I will wear a mask if going into a public place that requires them, but I feel using hand sanitizer is more important and carry a small bottle of it in my pants pocket to use after coming out of a public place and touching something that other folks may have touched.
As for the person coming up and coughing in my face, he may get a a$$ kicking for being so darn rude.
The left is always saying "follow the science". What they really mean is follow the science they cherry pick, and never question it. If you do, you will be labeled a science denier.
I’ll bet Trump is wishing he didn’t play that no mask gamble! Oh well, maybe others will learn, but I doubt it.
I wonder if it’s still fake news? ;)

Maybe he got it from wearing the mask.....hmmmm

Washing hands is a good idea too.
I'd take your bet any day. If you want to prove it, I'm game. Find someone with covid, have RELH wear a mask and have them cough in his face, then have them cough in your face as you're not wearing a mask. Do it once a week and then we'll wait and see who gets covid first. If it's RELH, you win the bet and I pay up. If I win the bet, we'll just call it even and I'll wish you well.
Foolish bets can bite someone in the butt. Just sayin'......

I'd hate to see you get covid by taking such a foolish bet, but people seem to test it everyday, then get sick and cause all these people who are out of work because of this virus to remain out of work. It's unfortunate.

There's a reason some folks are great deer hunters, and not scientists.

Founder. You have tear ducts. They transport virus. You have variability in immune systems. You have other genetic traits that predispose folks to it. You have age. You have face shape and mask fitting. You have mask material. You have viral load per cough.

Your odds. With your age. And your fitness level and an 80yr old with heart disease are light-years apart, REGARDLESS of the cotton you put on your face.

Last. You traveled from a place where there is more Covid to a place where its not as prevalent, all summer. If you REALLY believed your own paranoia, you would have stayed home and not potentially spread it .
The argument concerning wearing a mask may not be a factor here. Trump and his aide, who came down with Coronavirus first, were in close contact with each other on that airplane. You can bet she was handling items that were given to the president.
If both were wearing masks full time, it probably would not have helped the President from catching the virus.
I wonder how many Trump haters and Democrats are hoping the virus will kill our President. Just a bunch of anti-Americans in my opinion.
The argument concerning wearing a mask may not be a factor here. Trump and his aide, who came down with Coronavirus first, were in close contact with each other on that airplane. You can bet she was handling items that were given to the president.
If both were wearing masks full time, it probably would not have helped the President from catching the virus.
I wonder how many Trump haters and Democrats are hoping the virus will kill our President. Just a bunch of anti-Americans in my opinion.

Washing the hands could maybe have helped his aide and him.
And wearing a mask is only a little part of the things you need to do to stop it.
Wearing a mask even if you don't believe in them, What harm is to error on the side of safety for your fellow man.
H3ll I don't like wearing them, BUT I will just in the off chance it does help even one person.
WEARING A MASK DOES NOT 100% PROTECT YOU! It is done to minimize you spreading it. For the love of God, follow the science!!! Trump not wearing a mask has nothing to do with him catching it!
WEARING A MASK DOES NOT 100% PROTECT YOU! It is done to minimize you spreading it. For the love of God, follow the science!!! Trump not wearing a mask has nothing to do with him catching it!
Of course it doesn't! Condoms don't protect pregnancy 100% either, but if you don't want a baby or STD, YOU WEAR ONE!!!
If you believe a cloth mask keeps you from getting Covid, you probably believe a chain link fence will keep out mosquitoes.

You're good to go!
Gator my reply regarding masks wasn't to you. I wear one, out of respect to others. But it is being implied on this thread and another one that Trump got the Virus because he didn't wear a mask all the time. The all caps was a bit of fustration due to the lack of empathy I am seeing in the world and boiled over when people saying masks will/would have saved us all.
I believe our ability to think for ourselves is one of the things that make our country great. I also believe there are times when we do things because it’s the right thing to do. This is also something that makes our country great.
I think of wearing masks as something similar to seatbelts. I’m old enough to remember when no one wore them. Now I wouldn’t get on a highway without out one on. Masks like seatbelts are to protect us from an accident. A quick search on the net tells me seatbelts save around 15k lives a year, and would have saved about 2,500 more if people would have been wearing one.
Another search tells me 12-60k people a year die from the flue in the US. I believe we’re at about 210k right now and the number is projected to be much higher by the end of the year. If you haven’t lost a loved one to Covid, the approximately 170k more people that have died this year to the flu, may not have a big impact on you personally. If you had a loved one that is one of those extra 170k deaths, the impact on you personally could be much different.
I can’t say for sure how much good wearing a mask protects us from the virus. I do know most of the world is wearing one , so I’m not sure why it’s become a political issue in our country.
rwchunter, I do not believe it is so much the mask, but what the mask represents to a lot of people. That will be the shutdown wanted by the Democrats to wreck the economy. When people loose their jobs, they have a tendency to get angry and fight back. Sometimes in small ways by not wearing a mask to piss off the other side that shut the economy down in order to defeat the President of the other party.

Death rates in the United States have been going down, not up, since the beginning of the year. If you pay attention to the news, you might assume that record numbers of people are dying. The opposite is true. Not only has overall mortality for the United States been going steadily downward since January, but mortality has been substantially lower this year than last year. These are weekly mortality statistics for the United States from the Centers for Disease Control:​

Death rates in the United States have been going down, not up, since the beginning of the year. If you pay attention to the news, you might assume that record numbers of people are dying. The opposite is true. Not only has overall mortality for the United States been going steadily downward since January, but mortality has been substantially lower this year than last year. These are weekly mortality statistics for the United States from the Centers for Disease Control:

Week Number of Deaths 2019 Number of Deaths 2020

1 58,291 59,087
2 58,351 59,151
3 58,194 57,616
4 57,837 57,000
5 58,128 56,426
6 58,492 56,962
7 57,917 55,981
8 57,858 55,494
9 57,920 54,834
10 58,490 54,157
11 57,872 52,198
12 57,087 51,602
13 56,672 52,285
14 56,595 49,292
15 55,477 47,574
TOTAL 865,181 819,659

We are told that 37,308 people have died this year from COVID-19 through April 18, yet actually 45,522 fewer people have died this year than last year during the same period of time.
For some reason the deaths row for 2020 did not paste. They did show a lower rate then the year 2019. These stats are for the first 15 weeks of the year 2019 and 2020.
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