Mathews, Prime, Obsession


Active Member
Alright guys, it's finally time for a new bow for me. Yesterday I shot the new Mathews Halon, a Prime Rize, and an Obsession M6. I REALLY like the Halon, silky smoothe, but the Prime and Obsession were great as well. Anybody out there carry a Prime or Obsession? Curious as to what you think about em.

Hunt Hard. Shoot Straight. Kill Clean. Apologize to No One.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-26-16 AT 08:55PM (MST)[p]My old Mathews was bulletproof and reliable. Timing was as much a factor as anything, but the hunting gods smiled on me with the release of the Halon. To be honest, when I went bow shopping it was the first and only bow I sense in looking any farther. It's the perfect bow for me; a combination of quiet, dead in the hand, forgiving, fast, and it's built like a tank. There are really no tradeoffs to be had with this bow.
Leftturnabq, just based off your handle I am guessing you are a Burqueno, did you buy from Troy at Hit or Miss?

Hunt Hard. Shoot Straight. Kill Clean. Apologize to No One.
I think you'll be more than pleased; mine hit significantly harder than anything I've ever had before, yet is so amazingly dead & quiet.

Thankfully I was able to pick up a leftover archery NM deer tag and will get to take it out in the field this season.

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