

Just going through some photos from over the years, these I am sharing are only a fraction of them.
I definitely miss the old days when we used photo albums versus today where we primarily use our phones.

Good Times!!










Just going through some photos from over the years, these I am sharing are only a fraction of them.
I definitely miss the old days when we used photo albums versus today where we primarily use our phones.

Good Times!!

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Photo Albums were cool. The only thing I do like about our phones is how good the cameras are. And if you’re talking with someone you can show them pics of your hunts right now. But it was fun going to Walmart to print photos.
Photo Albums were cool. The only thing I do like about our phones is how good the cameras are. And if you’re talking with someone you can show them pics of your hunts right now. But it was fun going to Walmart to print photos.
We can still print them to paper, but it's a pain.

I miss the days if dropping off a roll of film and picking it up a week later.
It was like Christmas morning 😁

You Got A Pic Of The Bull That Hung Himself?
I sure do, but Wiffy says it's only 280" and not worthy since Stinky photoshopped the broken tines on for pictures to show what it looked like before he blew them off.
It would have derailed the thread 😀
I'm Talkin A Pic Of The Bull Hanging In The Tree?

I sure do, but Wiffy says it's only 280" and not worthy since Stinky photoshopped the broken tines on for pictures to show what it looked like before he blew them off.
It would have derailed the thread 😀

I Can't Argue With That!:D

I Thought I Had A Picture Of It But I Can't Find It?

No, I'm not sure anyone took a pic of it up in the Cedar, but it definitely happened!
Crazy thing committed suicide so he wouldn't have take another bad hit from the Lapua!🤣
Some great animals you have killed and been apart of. I still print photos and have a photo album I update at the end of the hunting season.
Lots of great animals! I have a picture of a bull that apparently got pushed off of a cliff while fighting with another bull. His horns caught him in a crevice and he just hung there overlooking the valley below. I have a print of it at home. I'll try to remember to take a picture of it and post it. Crazy deal!
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thought that was George Strait for a second:geek:
Lol.....definitely resembles him.
This gentleman is Larry Strawn, he owned what he said was the 3rd largest lumber company in Northern California.
I called that deer "Ghost".
I saw him numerous times while scouting in August and up till just before the early September hunt, then he had disappeared.
Found him in October on the late hunt and finished his story.
It's about 1998 in that picture I believe 😁
Nice pics. I like this one of my first (almost ) solo public land muley. Buddy brought a couple brews to carry out last load with me and took this pic


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