Men's friends, and women's friends???


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**Friendship among women:**

**A woman doesn't come home one night. The next day she tells her husband she slept over at a friend's house. The man calls his wife's 10 best friends. None of them know about it.***

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***Friendship among men:**

**A man doesn't come home one night. The next day he tells his wife he slept over at a friend's house. The woman calls her husband's 10 best friends. Eight of them say he did sleep over and two claim he's still
That is funny, I laughed out loud with that one! Try to explain how you came home with your underwear on inside out!!!
It happened to me!!!

That is funny and longrifle, how did you explain that one? I can't even begin to think of an explaination.
It happened several years ago when I was married to my first/ex-wife. She was pretty stupid, but she caught me off gaurd. I was asleep after coming home late, hehe. She started scratching my back to wake me up in the morning and realized I had my shorts on inside out. She yelled at me and I woke up in a daze, but luckily I told her I must not have noticed they were inside out to begin with when I put them on yesterday, which is half true. Besides it was hard to see in the dark. oooops.

My current wife is the girl I was fooling around with and it's still a long running joke, naturally I told her about it and we both had a good laugh. I just wish I would have met my second wife before the ex and divorce, etc..

A friend of mine stayed out late and came home just before day light. He was quietly taking his pants off when his wife woke up and asked him what he was doing. He stretched, yawned and pulled his pants back up and said " Gotta go into work early this morning" Sometimes you gotta think quick!

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