Mini 14??


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Mar-03-19 AT 08:45PM (MST)[p]I handled a ruger mini 14 the other day, I really liked the way it felt in my hands and when shouldering it. I understand the older ones were not very accurate but that the newer ones are a bit better, not expecting tact drivers but I'd like to hear your thoughts. I'd be happy with 2MOA.

Edited to add: I have shot a few AR platforms and they seem awkward and clumsy, i suppose if I shot one enough I might get to like it, so far I have not had that experience.

I haven't shot any recent ones but shot a few in the past. 2 MOA is possible but you could do much better in an AR. I know some people that love their Mini 14s and I understand, they do look like a rifle that should perform well and be practical at the same time, but there are a few things I don't like. The triggers are rough and the stock is cheap in my opinion. The AR is more user friendly for things like cleaning and disassembling and has more options for better triggers. They seem to be very accurate too.
you would spend $3000 to get a mini 14 to be as accurate as an $800 AR......but I like them...

2MOA is about right....but they make high capacity mags....spray and pray


GOODWIN: Dems really do love Republicans -- when they're dead...
>you would spend $3000 to get
>a mini 14 to be
>as accurate as an $800
>AR......but I like them...
>2MOA is about right....but they make
>high capacity mags....spray and pray

>GOODWIN: Dems really do love Republicans
>-- when they're dead...
+1 and the anti gun people like them as well ?
>Well it was a thought anyway,
>I guess I should learn
>to like an AR.

My friend handloads the 223 with 40 grain and shoots good .
I've owned five different mini-14s. They are light and handy, there's no denying that. They aren't nearly as accurate as an AR-15, even the accurized mini 14s aren't as accurate. The standard models have a thin barrel that heats up very quickly.

You can buy an AR-15 right now for quite a bit less than a mini-14. You can configure an AR any way you want and if they are awkward for you, you can change them up so they aren't. Mini-14 mags cost 2-3 times what AR mags are. It just doesn't make sense these days to buy a Mini-14 these days, IMO.
Well. I've gone and done it. One of my older neighbors had a 583 serial number mini he no longer wanted. It appears to have been barely shot. Neighbor said less than 200 rounds. I bought it for $500. Plastic stock, blued. One ten round mag.

you'll enjoy it....they are a ton of just won't be able to hit

I have one too....


GOODWIN: Dems really do love Republicans -- when they're dead...
My only issue is that I have not told my Wife that I bought it yet. And, it has been raining so I haven't gone out to shoot it yet.

want me to send you a card.....telling you I'm giving my favorite bean consultant a gift....."a mini 14 I know you always wanted"??? could pretend I'm some rich bean farmer you helped out.....

Sound good??


GOODWIN: Dems really do love Republicans -- when they're dead...
Now that pretty rich, Homer you are a good friend. LOL
next I buy something I will have you send a letter.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
>AJ knows her guns pretty well,
>she will notice it sooner
>or later.

When you put guns away in a dark safe or closet, they tend to breed and multiply. That is the best explanation.

I'm in a fortunate situation where I usually have 3-4 guns, for other people, around for build-jobs, stock work etc. The wife quit asking and I quit volunteering when one of them happens to be for me. Honesty is the best policy so it's better just not to say more than needed. (for me)

She knows the walk-in vault will always be pretty full and they're all her's when I kick the bucket (about half are already her's anyway).

You'll have fun with the pea shooter. I killed a bear with one shot out of one years ago...because I had to, but that's a story for another day.

Have fun!


I guess I have a GREAT mini 14. Have had it for about 30 years, serial 181-------. It has a horrible trigger, but it will put 5- 55gr hornady, with about 25grs. 3031 into an inch all day. I carry this gun every where I go on my farm, couldn't count all the hogs I have killed with it, coyotes, etc. My daughter killed her first deer with it, when she was 7. Wouldn't take for it. I like it better than my AR's.
I have had good luck with mine. I put a scope on it and have killed lots of coyotes and prairie dogs. No accuracy problems whatsoever. Great rifle to carry with you when out in the field.
Bill Ruger was a genius.

I've read a lot about the man, and he was way ahead of his time.

Bill was right there with Samuel Colt, Mr.Browning, and Mike Walker at Remington.

He will never be equilled.
I scored a bunch of used magazines today, 30 bucks for 5 mags of various capacities (none of which exceed Colorado?s magazine limnits, ;)

I scored a bunch of used magazines today, 30 bucks for 5 mags of various capacities (none of which exceed Colorado?s magazine limnits, ;)

What magazine limit? There is no magazine limit in Colorado as long as the seller disassembles the magazine. When you reassemble it you can use it legally. These laws can only apply to transfer not possession otherwise they would be unconstitutional. Even California found magazine bans to be unconstitutional and they set the bar for overreaching gun laws.
Most of the AR rifles I have shot the last 5 years could give about 1 1/2" groups at a hundred.
The cost varies from one manufacturer to another. Some were $500 others $7-800.
I see the same brands now going for $1000.00+.
Lots of bolt guns still selling for less than $500 and shooting 3/4" group is pretty common. Some can even do better with good loads.
I think I can live without an AR.
I sold the mini 14 I had years ago about 4 days after I shot it.

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