MM Hounders Pretty Boy Contest



There has been some speculation on the "prettiest boy" on this site. I've taken the liberty of selecting some pictures of the contestants. Please take time to review all pictures before selecting your favorite.


Hound Dawg, or "Dawg". He has a habit of making an arse of himself and all his jokes stink, Imagine that :eek:


Grax Fox took a little time off his job with Calvin Klein to enter our contest :eek:


Kevin stood still long enough for us to shoot this pic. He knows this is the "New Look" for the Cashe :eek:


Ed in his relaxed mode, trying out some sheepskin speedos.

Your choice amigos, feel free to add some additional photos.

the thing i am worried about is old ed here taking his time to find a guy in his undies. sounds like u got to watch old ed when out hunting with him. and the worst part of all is that is me in the picture and ed lives far away so he most be stocking me. maybe i got to get off this site for a while and stop turning him on so much
Sorry Ed, but you've got to pay to post my image on this forum. I've had a big problem, because my manly good looks, of people pirating my photos for their own unauthorized purposes. That's why there's never been a picture of me posted on this forum, not because I'm too stupid to work a computer as most of you thought.

BTW, what's with the hairless look you've got going?? You still in puberty??? I've got more hair growing out of my ear canals than you do on your whole body!!
I'd post my picture but my wife hates it when women start coming out of the woodwork. Bottom line is we are probably the best dressed, best looking people on the entire MM forum.

However, we are probably the crudest as well. But to actually declare a champion, that would be impossible. It would depend on who was wearing what, where and when and how much everyone had to drink.:)
I don't know about your computer, but mine doesn't open the pics of Dawg, me, etc. Just Ed...If you want to see a good one of the Dawg, check out the "cougar guides" thread. The original post has a picture that is a dead ringer for the Dawg. Pictures of me will just get censored and quickly! This is a family site!

"The scenery never changes unless you are the lead dog."
Sorry Gray Fox, them pictures were so ugly the computer won't display them for more than a couple of days. They were dang good while they lasted.

Stuck thinks I'm a little left handed but all them California boys are a little left handed. Whoops, I forgot you are from up North aren't you.

Happy holidays boys,

I am new to the site and I was going through some of the interesting Messages, and personally I think this is the best PIC YET!!! thanks boys

New to this Hunting thing and Your making me love it <wink>
Prettiest Houndogger? Kind of like being the smartest monkey at the zoo isn't it? I have seen the profiles...errr...I mean pictures of you guys down at the post office and I think it is going to be a very tight race.

Goodness Ms. Outdoors, you sure had to go back a long way to pull up that photo. That was before I started wearing a bear skin thong and howling at the moon in bear camp.

I have been doing alot of reading since I started and this subject caught my eye :D
Well boys, I must confess. It was in bearcamp and I was drunk. Ole Ed bet me I wouldn't put on a speedo and I needed gas money to get home. Then that sick sucker pulls out his camera and took my picture. I knew that would come back to haunt me. Beer and hunting camp don't mix, especially when those crazy Arizona boys show up.
Interseting Bear Tree Quite your day Job and Give us Girls some more to look at <wink>
BearTree, where you hunting bears? From your appartment? Man if that's bearcamp, I've been missing out. (I'm talking about the room, NOT Ed) lol

Michael~All Gods creatures welcome, right next to the mashed potatoes and gravy.
Alright dillholes,

I'll settle this once and for all. Clearly for years on this forum their has been an understanding that I am clearly the most handsome pretty hound dogger ever.

There have been some pretenders to the thrown show up from time to time but I've always been able to hold my ground and my rugged good looks and fame have even spread to other forums.

But now Ed is getting cocky and challenging for the throne again. So I'm challenging him head to head.

I am posting a picture of both me and Ed, side by side. This is a photo of us two headed for bear camp last month. I'm driving, and Ed is the passenger.

Clearly I am the most handsome but I'll let you guys decide it once and for all.

OK Dawg YOU are Really scaring me at this point, Just keep posting those Pics of the guy above, and what where the pics that are now Gone....Did they have to remove the those cause they were scaring ppl off.

OMG you guys are TOO FUNNY .. I LOVE IT
I'm scaring you? Huh? That's a new one. I've had women tremble and shake with desire and lust in my presence, but I've never scared a woman before.

Well, I've had a few come up to me in bars and clubs and tell me, "Are you Tom Cruise? Cuz if you aren't you look so much like him it's scary!!"

So perhaps that could count as scaring women. ;-)

OutdoorsChick, I don't come to this forum very often but when I do try to control yourself. Like with Ed and CB 20 years ago, many women have succumbed and caved into my rugged good looks and hounders charm, and continue to do so.

I don't want you to be another victim. Be strong because this power I have is beyond my control. :) And be careful with Ed and CB. Years ago they had it, now they are just dirty old men.
Kevin is just a harmless internet stalker but his house arrest will prevent him from anything.

Well gotta run... Dry cleaner just called and my hot pink and flourescent orange speedos are done and ready. Nothing keeps deer camp lively like a guy in a bright orange thong doing some dutch oven cooking.

OK thanks for the Heads Up. I will try my best to be strong, but its going to be hard. You know what they say one day at a time :D
I'll try and get Dawg to post my picture for you to decide for yourself. I'm bald as hell but rumor has it I lost all my hair doing U-turns under the covers. Need I say more?
Here is another pic of bear camp. This is a real one. I won't mention names but the guy on the left is a legend in his own mind, center is a legend of the cur kind and the guy on the right is a legend in his own time. Enjoy

I never thought Dawg would come back and haunt us outdoor chick. You're overmatched with him, in fact I've seen him talk the squawsh blossoms off 3 women in Shiprock at one time. As for me, I like my women just like my dogs and guns...big, black and trashy. Kevin and CB are all blow and blow. I've seen the sheet tracks on CB and he dang sure didn't get them on a Navajo blanket.


PS, this is what I'm talking about

And one final pic of Ed in his bear skin thong.
OK ED a Legend in his Own time Must be you! LOL and I am Happy for that I Can give Dawg a Run for his money, I do a better job in person :D!!!! Since I am new you will have to give me Names for the pic. LOOKING good in those Briefs Boys

I don't know about you OutdoorsChick, but that photo of the 3 guys with their arms around each other looks a little too affectionate to me! I heard HoundDawg originally tried to register on this site under the name MuleyQueen but, unfortunately, that name was already taken. ;-)

As for Ed, one of his favorite sayings has always been "why settle for six-pack abs when with me you can have the whole keg!!"

Now concerning the charge that I am under house arrest for being an internet stalker, nothing has ever been proved in court, the trial is still weeks away. Which reminds me, do any of you kids out there want some candy???
Kevin, the only reason that nothing was ever proved in court is because that little boy and girl were too scared to testify.

Outdoorschic - let me warn you about the bull crap that is coming your way. I have seen pictures and videos of these guys (and no, it wasn't a porno flick) and you would be best advised to run like mad in the other direction. Sure, HD and ED have their thongs, and Kevin can talk the paint off the wall - but all of them have more problems than you can shake a stick at. Let me give you an idea.

Have you ever heard of someone that can't go into a town without being seized immediately by police for unpaid child support? - well, Ed has that problem in 5 different towns spread over 2 states - over 22 cases!

Have you ever seen a picture of someone hung in a bar of club warning others that the individual in being pursued by the Center for Disease Control for spreading STDs? Well, HoundDawg has his mug posted in 45 bars, strip clubs, and brothels at last count.

And finally, have you ever seen a drunk, sleeping under the highway overpass tightly clutching his last bottle of cheep rum? Well, then you have probably seen Kevin.

Be careful out there.

Oh and BTW Ed - where are you coming up with those pictures of men in speedos? What sites have you bookmarked?
Quail Boy, the little miss's took that snapshot when we were in Mexico a few weeks back. If I was into that stuff I wouldn't have time to come here and give you crap.

Outdoor Babe, the married side of me would suggest that this ends right now but as you can tell from the previous post the hounder side always wins out, how about a beer at Hawns?

I would Love to Have A beer at Hawns... Just One questions Who or where Is Hawns?

These guys are basically right about me and each other. But you never get the entire story with them. With Kevin it's always, "Nothing has ever been proved in court"... well, not counting the 3 felony convictions he's had the past 10 years. But I can say this with conviction (no pun intended)... you won't meet a nicer more pleasant thrice convicted felon than Kevin!! If I was going to be in Gallup trying to pick up Hookers I can't imagine anyone else I'd rather have along for the ride.

With CB, ya he's missing a bit of hair which he claims are from U turns under the covers. I suspect the hair loss is more from the worries of trying to make the monthly paternity insurance payments. They had to build that big Geneology center in Salt Lake city just to keep up with him and keep track of his posterity. You run with CB and you're just another victim in a very long list of names. Mick Jagger once called him for pointers.

QuailHumper is harmless. He can only type what his wife will let him type. His leash is too short for him to pose a threat.

Ed is one to watch. He's vulgar, foul mouthed, trashy, vile, repulsive, arrogant, mean spirited, depraved, perverse, degenerated, smelly, sadistic and slimy... but enough compliments. I've gushed on enough about his strong points. I won't get into his weaknesses.

With me, what you see is what you get. Sheer, unrelenting, raw animal magnetism. I've never been able to control this power and attraction I have over women. It's often a curse but I know I have to just live with it. All I can really do is warn the helpless ladies to run and run fast. I can't be held responsible for your actions.

I've tried everything to break the grip I have over the hapless female species. I even went so far as to take up hound dogging, even buying blueticks and some walkers. That is how far I've sunk in my attempts to stave off the weaker sex. But alas to no avail.

And my most recent efforts to try and just repulse women away from my lusty magnetism by hanging out with guys like CB, Kevin and Ed have apparently also failed... As now Outdoorschick is quickly falling under my spell.

Boys, the only solution I see is for me to just leave this site and never come back. For upon my arrival, the throngs of chiquitas are always close behind me.

Be strong Outdoorschick for alas my heart is given to another. A brown eyed lass down in Shiprock. Oh wait, it wasn't my heart she stole it was my damn wallet!! So perhaps my heart isn't given to another but Ed's visa card sure is cuz it was in my wallet. Sorry Ed. :)

I really Don't think I will have a problem resisting you Dawg! Although My hear does not belong to anyone at the moment, and as tempting as it is I would have to pass. I am young and Like to Look but overall I am A good Girl <evil Grin>. And No I would Not Like Any Candy KEVIN D :p

SO what is this Hawn's Place is Anybody??????????

Pardon my snickers and my mocking laugh at your comment "I shouldn't have any problem resisting you"...

But that is what they all say!! :) Boy, if I had a nickel for everytime I've heard Kevin's wife say that.

So you're a nice young girl huh? Perfect.

Like CB always says, "Find a nice young girl that has never had a bad experience.... and then give her one!" ;-)

But alas you won't have to worry because fall is upon us and thoughts of females are way down the list for me right now. I'll start thinking about the opposite sex again after lion season, which ends next June.

If you don't believe me just ask my wife. She has already bid me farewell until next summer. :)

You better go play around with Ed at Hawns... the biggest, baddest, best bar north of Avon and south of Nibley!!!!!

I know of a couple of cases where young innocent Cache valley girls lost their innocence just driving past Hawns. Didn't even go in!!

Yeah, I am on a short leash - in fact, at times it is hard to tell where I end and the whip begins. However, I can smell bull crap a mile away, and it stinks in here. Let's just settle this straight away - HoundDawg, that animal magnitism you talk about only reveals itself when you start flashing pictures of Dead Presidents. And Ed, if that is you on a recent vacation in Mexico, then I have got to have a talk with you personal fitness trainer - the change from your video to that picture is extraordinary! You must be on some type of steriod - it also must be the first time the drugs you have been taking are prescribed. And finally, I have heard quite a bit about Hawns since coming to this board, in fact, I think cb and Kevin were married there. Both were small, in fact I think the bartender himself performed both ceremonies. Those marriages lasted about 2 weeks - that's how often each sobber up. That alone tells me that Hawns is not a place to triffle with.

Outdoorschick, I would advise you stop walking on the edge with these fellas - sure they're funny; they can even be semi-gentlemen at times. But, just when you think you're safe, you wake up naked in a smelly tent, with a burning sensation down below, and a bastard child on its way. Get out while you can.

Oh, and Cass - you are too young to be drinking.
My line about U-turns has never, ever failed me......until now. I guess I'll have to go with my second best line.

Hey, did I mention that I can touch my forehead with my tongue and breathe out my ears??

(See what these hounders have done to me. I used to be semi-respectable)
I dont know about all you stinky old hounders, but I think its about time to see what Chick looks like huh?

You're in the wrong place to be acting all innocent and coy there chic! You have already consorted with hounders here so you by virtue are guilty,,poste them pics up.....

Okay I dont know how to Post a PIC on here. I saved one on Hunt101...Now how do I get it to appear here :D
Through my years I've learned that my imagination of what Outdoor Babe looks like will be much better than the reality of what she does look like, keep the picture posting in private and let a mid-aged man enjoy this fantasy. After all, Ms. Outdoors, do the guys at hunting camp blow your skirt up like the hard bodies in speedos? I hope not.

If you are young seek wisdom from an older man, if you're middle aged you already have lost much of the raw sexy look that these young, hormone crazed boys so desire and if you're over the hill and just playing with us I'm sure you'll find a suitable picture on the internet that will give the youngsters just what they need to dream about while freezing their small cod sac off this winter.

So there it is, wisdom from Ed. I'm still wanting that beer though. You'll have to give me some time to get there, I'm 12 hours South of Hawns but that will give Dawg time enough to tell you 1/3 of his stories, Kevin will be pouring and CB will be doing "U" turns under the out for that tongue.

I think I am leaving it the mystery. I am Very young and I Originally joined this group to learn more about Hunting and so far I have learned alot Outside of this post. Maybe someday We will get that beer but for now I will stay where I am and be a secret, besides would not want you guys to fall in love <wink> Just kidding. Happy Hunting guys and I hope you have a great season!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D
Alright, sorry to blow your cover but I've decided to post your picture Outdoorschick!!

Boys, she already caved into my charm and we had a little rendevouz the other day. I ended up crashing Ed's car when I saw her at our rendevouz point. The police took this photo of the wreck and outdoorschick is the gal in the foreground of the photo.

I'm also posting another photo of Kevin's recent legal troubles. Nothing has been proved in court yet, but this photo snapped of his "crime" will be hard to defeat in court. So Kevin may be a bit scarce on this site for awhile. But here is the photo of Kevin recently released by the Cache Police.

Sorry Kevin but I figure if it makes all the local news stations it's OK to post here on the MM. A question, did little Stevie paint that on your back?

I'm falling off my chair laughting Dawg, you rotten bastard. Now that 1st pic is exactly what I pictured Ms. Outdoors to look like, mystery over and fantasy intact.

That is a classic pic of Kev. Reminds me of bear camp. Dawg was on one that night. Came running up to the fire with nothing on but a smile and some wood. He had "Bear Meat" painted on his cheeks. The next day he left with some mountain bikers in pink spandex and never has been the same.

You filthy bastards!!! I get 5 minutes a day on the computer from the time they let me out of my cell until my ride picks me up for work in the morning and I log on to see my backside plastered all over the web?? What some weenies!

The real tragedy, however, is that my oversized putter that I'm holding in my right hand is obscured in this photo.;-) Next time too, instead of having "19th hole" written across my back, I think I'll leave the arrow and have little Stevie write "HoundDawg" in its place!!

BTW, I tried a similar stunt a couple years ago at the tabernacle on Temple Sqare in Salt Lake City. Yep, after they chased me around for an hour they finally got me cornered and caught me by the organ :eek: :eek: :eek:

You're gonna half to clarify that statement of having "HoundDawg written on your back with an arrow leading downward. That can be interpretted a couple of different ways. I always figured you for someone who was a little light on his feet, but I hoped I was wrong. So please tell us what you meant by that statement. Are you giving directions?

As far as seeing the pictures, Outdoorschick looks different than I thought she would. I pictured her pretty much the same, but carrying a rifle. Isn't that how most women go hunting? A form-figured dress, heels, and a rifle?
I see Kevin still have that running up the mountain stride, Maybe that is what they mean about him being the fastest one in Bear camp.

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