Mmmmmm, pork chops!


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A Pet Pig Got Loose in Arcata. Hours Later, Someone Slaughtered Her

A local family is devastated after their pet pig Princess got loose and was killed for meat by an opportunistic community member. Now that person could be facing charges.

?She's very sweet,? Princess?s owner Carrie Hogan told the Outpost, still referring to the animal in the present tense. ?She's not aggressive. She likes to be around people.?

An officer from the Arcata Police Department was eventually summoned to try and figure out what to do with the pig. The animal carried no identifying tags or markings. No one in the area knew for sure where the pig had come from, so the officer struck some sort of deal with a man who?d been monitoring the scene who agreed to watch the animal for a period until a responsible party could be located. It's unclear what the exact terms of the exchange between the officer and the man were, but within a few hours Princess had been taken onto a nearby property where she was slaughtered and cut up for meat.
lol....isn't that what pork is for???

We had an escaped Vietnamese Potbellied pig take up refuge on the research farm. The owner came and tried to coax it our of a corn field. After he left assuring us that he would come back tomorrow and try again it showed up at the edge of the field. The researcher whom I worked with whispered to me, ?do you think you can hit it from here?? One shot with my 10/22 between the eyes and it was no longer a worry about disrupting our research. The Guy did come back two more days to look for it but it must have moved on to greener pastures. He never did find it.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-30-19 AT 10:47PM (MST)[p]lol....that's how you handle those things...did you cook it on that backyard BBQ beaner?....I bet Sparky enjoyed the


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