Mnt thug


Long Time Member
So this jack wagon has been deleting pics on our trail cam and mobbing his razor off trail thru the mnts! What would you do if you showed up to find his mug shot well off the road and doing this in the screen of your trail cam? You can clearly see its the same razor and only 9 min in between pics. Just enuf time to delete a bunch of pics of ours! Any info on who this is would be great! Hey bess any tips on a tune up for this jack a$$? he needs a lesson!
As good as that photo is someone should recognize him and I'd proceed to turn him in to the authorities since I'm assuming you have coordinates for your camera that would show he's illegally running where he shouldn't be.

Seems to be Proud of His Gun!

It's JACK-ASSES Like this that You'll never catch away from their Wheeler/Side by Side!

I'd Set Some Beer Out(CHUM Him a little More!:D) & set another Camera Up where He can't See it & have a Warden just one time Do something about it!


There's some Real Handy Dandies out there!

I think I saw that guy in Colorado City on the AZ side during a severe flash flood. Hope you find him. Bess just informed me that for you, his high altitude tune up will cost you absolutely nothing. Sounds reasonable to me.
>Looks like the thug from the
>old The Hills Have Eyes

Hey FrontRange,

Leave Mr. Berryman out of this. I went to grade school with this guy! I was in his younger brothers class in grade school. He was actually a really nice teased a lot though!
Not looking to get him for anything. But like 2point said what he is doing is a felony! There is one way in and one way out if this spot and we will be spending a fair amount of time down that area in the next couple months. Hoping to run into the s.o.b. then we will find out what his major malfunction is!
The problem is, you can't reason with guys like that and it might bring a heap of trouble upon yourself.

If I were you, I'd at least pass all the information along to law enforcement so that you'd be on record if there was ever an issue.

There's always those bad apples wherever we go!

Good luck,
I would just like to let everyone know that this man is my father, he didn't break a law and he didn't ride the rzr anywhere illegal he was on a road so in my opinion monster muleys add the dumb ones here if you would like to see a monster muley out your game cam a little of the road at least, and to continue on about that "jack wagon" he's most likely a better hunter than anyone on here and if we wanted to damage that Camera it would be damaged but we didn't touch it we didn't delete any pictures off of it but if you would like report it to the law enforcement go had and do it then we'll see if we really broke any laws and remember this is coming from that man's son, my mother was a millard county ut sheriff's dispatcher so we're pretty knowledgeable about our laws here so please be my guest and report us. Have a nice day everyone.
P.S. I think monster Muleys should probably hire someone that's willing to do a little walking when placing game cams.
>I would just like to let
>everyone know that this man
>is my father, he didn't
>break a law and he
>didn't ride the rzr anywhere
>illegal he was on a
>road so in my opinion
>monster muleys add the dumb
>ones here if you would
>like to see a monster
>muley out your game cam
>a little of the road
>at least, and to continue
>on about that "jack wagon"
>he's most likely a better
>hunter than anyone on here
>and if we wanted to
>damage that Camera it would
>be damaged but we didn't
>touch it we didn't delete
>any pictures off of it
>but if you would like
>report it to the law
>enforcement go had and do
>it then we'll see if
>we really broke any laws
>and remember this is coming
>from that man's son, my
>mother was a millard county
>ut sheriff's dispatcher so we're
>pretty knowledgeable about our laws
>here so please be my
>guest and report us. Have
>a nice day everyone.
>P.S. I think monster Muleys should
>probably hire someone that's willing
>to do a little walking
>when placing game cams.

So Lyle?

Is He riding that UTV in Closed areas or Not?

Is that His Gun Pointed at the Trail-Cam?

I May Have Jumped the Gun a little!

I'm a little Touchy when it comes to Illegal Wheelers!

And If He's Not Breaking any Laws I Apologize for the Post up above!

Honestly couldn't tell you who pointed the gun, that Camera is on a highly used road, the camera was on a fence post by a galvanized stock trough.
No we were on a highly used road that went to a galvanized stock trough, the gun idk that was not us but like I said a highly used road so really that could have been anyone around here. I appreciate the apology, it's my father the man I have the most respect for in this world so if I can do something like this to Make sure his good name doesn't ruined then I'll do it but I'm not going to lie about it for him.
Your an idiot Lyle! I will get some pictures of where the jack wagon was on his bike with no road to the cam. What point was he trying to prove pointing a gun into the cam? Don't say it wasent him! Go ahead and say whatever you want we will see him down there sooner or later.
Just curious if you can see the odd nature of how this event unfolded?

8 minutes after the picture of your father was taken, someone driving the exact same make and model of side-by-side pulls up, from the same direction as your father drove in, and leaves a picture which I would call menacing or with intent to intimidate.

When you say, "the gun idk, that was not us", then you are stating that you were there as well?

Of equally odd nature is the fact that in the properties of the photos the first one seems to have had the original file name of IMG0049 while the one with the gun appears to have the original file name of IMG0048. Camera clock says the gun was 8 minutes after this first. File names say the gun photo was taken first.

Also the accusation is made that there were photos deleted from the camera yet the guy left the picture of himself?

The file names may not mean anything but why wouldn't he delete his own picture?
The file names where from the camera/phone the original poster used to take a picture from the computer screen I would wager (you can tell by the pixelation they are a picture of a computer screen), not from the actual game camera. But regardless interesting string of events.
>The file names where from the
>camera/phone the original poster used
>to take a picture from
>the computer screen I would
>wager (you can tell by
>the pixelation they are a
>picture of a computer screen),
>not from the actual game
>camera. But regardless interesting string
>of events.

Very good point. Duh! I knew they were pictures of a computer screen but didn't connect those dots. Thanks BBear
>>The file names where from the
>>camera/phone the original poster used
>>to take a picture from
>>the computer screen I would
>>wager (you can tell by
>>the pixelation they are a
>>picture of a computer screen),
>>not from the actual game
>>camera. But regardless interesting string
>>of events.
>Very good point. Duh! I knew
>they were pictures of a
>computer screen but didn't connect
>those dots. Thanks BBear

Pay Attention NVB!:D

LAST EDITED ON Jul-26-16 AT 03:53PM (MST)[p]Is this a "like Father like Son incident"? Some things are a little weird about this, but it doesn't look like that picture of the ATV/UTV is on a "well traveled" road and it certainly looks like the vehicle in the background of the gun picture is the same as in the other closeup picture.

I am as sick of the trail cameras and you are the ATV's, but I'm 150 years old and believe all hunts should be with muzzleloaders. :)
Haha ok try to start an argument see where that gets you but I don't need to explain to you. If you ready have a problem with it then report us I'll give you my address if you'd like ace you can cine take it yo with me but until then piss off and run your mouth all you'd like cuz it's not getting you anywhere.
If your camera is on public land and he deleted your pictures, tough luck that's everyone's ground and legally that could just as well be his camera when he found it, as far as I know. The gun pointing in the camera if it's legitimate, different story. I would be out there every moment I could with everyone I know waiting for that pile of ****.
More pics to come to verify my part of the story! Lyle is a liar or his old man is telling him a different story.
As far as I can see maybe he needs to stop smoking and get off his bike instead of mobbing it off road to mess with a trail cam!

. unless he is lightning fast and someone that looks just like him and has the same bike flew in there I'm calling you a LIAR lyle!!!! We really don't care about the trail cam being moved and messed with or deleted pics or turning you in for the gun! I really put these pics up to show how stupid some people can be. I'm not going to run up and start a fight if I run into him down there but if he trys to pull a gun on me or my brothers we have ever right in the world to defend ourselves! I really don't care who your mother worked for nor do i wish to bring her into this but maybe she should teach you guys a little bit more about the laws! Last time i checked guns drinking and driving are very much illegal!!! Sorry to ruin your good name but leave people's crap alone you never know where another cam may be or who is up on a ridge watching!
LAST EDITED ON Jul-26-16 AT 06:43PM (MST)[p]Looks like from the stupid posts this kid is putting up that his family is really teaching him what NOT to do or how to behave in the outdoors or anywhere else! He said he'd give you his address, so ask him for it and then take the pictures to the LEOs and let them visit them regarding the off road violations. He also said he was there with the old man in his comments, so they are really teaching him how NOT to be a good citizen.
Wow, I think those pics sure cleared up who had the gun and the fact that he's off road, I'm gonna call a spade a spade when I say this is exactly the kinda thing that ruins it for everyone else, probably threw his beer can out when he was finished
LAST EDITED ON Jul-26-16 AT 07:47PM (MST)[p]Hornkiller, I think you are over reacting.

Looks like he knows who you are and the gun was just a light harted attempt to mock your own pistol waving icon.

Besides,, one man's deer trail is another man's highway.

"Edit" Sorry I see your pistol waving icon is missing from your last post.
Lmfao I don't know the guy and he sure don't know me! My service sucked so old Clint didn't show up on that post.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-26-16 AT 08:12PM (MST)[p]But you do see my point, it is just one in-abatement object pointing at another in-abatement object.

Kind of like Clint pointing his pistol at the back side of my computer screen.

I fill no need to duck or call the cops or something.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-26-16 AT 08:29PM (MST)[p]>LAST EDITED ON Jul-26-16
>AT 08:12?PM (MST)

>But you do see my point,
>it is just one in-abatement
>object pointing at another in-abatement
>Kind of like Clint pointing his
>pistol at the back side
>of my computer screen.
>I fill no need to duck
>or call the cops or

I understand your point about one inanimate object pointed at another, but my question for you is "what is the intent?"

I have hunted areas where the locals (in their mind) "owned the mountains" or "owned that public land". They would often intimidate other people who tried to scout the area and to me that is wrong. Could this be a form of harassment or intimidation? If I found this on my camera, I would be concerned to a degree.

Back to your original point, I am not sure what I would do if I was the OP. I'm honestly not sure if the police would be the best course of action right now.
>AT 08:29?PM (MST)

>>LAST EDITED ON Jul-26-16
>>AT 08:12?PM (MST)

>>But you do see my point,
>>it is just one in-abatement
>>object pointing at another in-abatement
>>Kind of like Clint pointing his
>>pistol at the back side
>>of my computer screen.
>>I fill no need to duck
>>or call the cops or
>I understand your point about one
>inanimate object pointed at another,
>but my question for you
>is "what is the intent?"
>I have hunted areas where the
>locals (in their mind) "owned
>the mountains" or "owned that
>public land". They would often
>intimidate other people who tried
>to scout the area and
>to me that is wrong.
>Could this be a form
>of harassment or intimidation? If
>I found this on my
>camera, I would be concerned
>to a degree.
>Back to your original point, I
>am not sure what I
>would do if I was
>the OP. I'm honestly not
>sure if the police would
>be the best course of
>action right now.

Careful iccy!

When you take the Law in to your own hands around here you'll get Labeled as a TERRORIST!

>But you do see my point,
>it is just one in-abatement
>object pointing at another in-abatement
>Kind of like Clint pointing his
>pistol at the back side
>of my computer screen.
>I fill no need to duck
>or call the cops or

I think you were looking for the words "inanimate object" pardner!
Real intimidating doucher there! I can't believe his kid has learned to be a lying POS with the great example he's probably shown his whole life.
LOL. Besides seeing big bucks, these posts are the reason why I visit MM! Bravo! BRAVO!

Lyle, I understand the love of a father...but we all reach an age where we come to recognize that our fathers aren't perfect. Just chalk this one up as a life lesson and become a better person because of it.
>Lyle, your father's a POS, find
>another role model.

For sure! You can not only match up the gun and ATV in the background with the yellow emblem, but also the POS hand holding the pistol is definitely the same scrawny hand holding the cigarette while he's sitting in the ATV! The guy doesn't look like he's in very good health with his smoking and drinking! Great role model for the kid!
LAST EDITED ON Jul-27-16 AT 03:51PM (MST)[p]Unfortunately....I have seen/ ran into these types of folks on the mountain during hunting season before. On more than enough occasions.
Law breakers, tweakers, POS, what ever you want to call them.....
They give me more motivation to get deeper into the back country when the season starts.

My experience has been I either run into respectable, decent folks on my way in....or trashy, disrespectful folks who think they own the place.

Even when I've thought I was deep enough into the back country, I've still ran into these kind of people.

It's pretty sad if you ask me.

Wildlife and its habitat cannot speak. So
we must and we will."
Theadore Roosevelt
>Hey Lyle do you belong
>to SFW?

What is funny is lyles attempted cover up was more believable then the lies of the sfw supporters on here
This got good.... doubt we hear from Lyle again... but would like to hear his response to the other pics posted?
Ya know, he didn't steal or shoot your camera up. What do you want blood? Have you noticed this forum is drying up because of the trash extended comments made by some. Keep it civil please!

I agree that there is no need to lynch a young man for trying to defend his father. However, Lyle should take a little heat for posting what he did when his father was apparently ATVing off road, drinking and pointing a gun at someone's camera. Very poor behavior, and both father and son deserve to get their butts chewed. I highly doubt that this forum is going to dry up because a few folks got after Lyle and his father. Hopefully (but I doubt it) this will be a learning for them and in the meantime it has provided a little entertainment for the rest of us.

This kind of crap goes on all the time and it's to bad. As far as finding a honey hole and some local D bag try's to strong arm you and act like its his mountain. Game on every friend, forum, whoever will know where I found this new buck factory. Fortunately I haven't had to deal with that very often and most guys are pretty decent.
>Ya know, he didn't steal or
>shoot your camera up.
>What do you want blood?
> Have you noticed this
>forum is drying up because
>of the trash extended comments
>made by some. Keep
>it civil please!

Keep it civil that was out the door when he broke the law.
People like this need to be put on blast no matter how harsh it is
I am pretty sure Lyle knew all along that was his pops he knows what kind of gun his dad has. he was probably right there with him by the looks of things and he came on here trying to lie about it.
Keep it civil no don't be so soft people like this give sportsman a huge black eye and need to be called out
The gun and the booze is one thing and if he destroyed the camera that would be another, but he didn't. Frankly boys I'm a little bias on the camera issue - - I hate them. During the hunt sitting around a waterhole, thinking how fun it is to be out in the wild alone - - - THEN LOOK UP and a camera is staring back at you. I wouldn't break the law or even touch a person's camera, but I sure wish they would open season on trail cameras as soon as the hunt starts. You can't even relieve yourself in the wild anymore without looking for a camo'ed camera in a tree. It's like somebody taking pictures of you in your motel room without you knowing it.
>The gun and the booze is
>one thing and if he
>destroyed the camera that would
>be another, but he didn't.
> Frankly boys I'm a
>little bias on the camera
>issue - - I hate
>them. During the hunt
>sitting around a waterhole, thinking
>how fun it is to
>be out in the wild
>alone - - - THEN
>LOOK UP and a camera
>is staring back at you.
> I wouldn't break the
>law or even touch a
>person's camera, but I sure
>wish they would open season
>on trail cameras as soon
>as the hunt starts.
>You can't even relieve yourself
>in the wild anymore without
>looking for a camo'ed camera
>in a tree. It's
>like somebody taking pictures
>of you in your motel
>room without you knowing it.

I can see your point if where you hunt is like that. I have never used one and don't ever plan to. I've also never seen one anywhere I've hunted in Wyoming, so is this more of a Utah problem?
I would have to agree with cannonball on the camera issues. I dislike them and it's said you can't get outdoors anymore without having technology watching everything you do.
Well... maybe because of what I do for a living.... it wasn't hard for me to find the ID of the person. And there wasn't a lot of info to go off of.. Amazing what google can do for ya.. As for being a Millard County Dispatch Employee/relationship whatever... Answering calls does not necessarily make them an expert on the law or knowledgeable to the law... heck I work with attorney's that need to pull out the code to 'interpret' it.. If I'm seeing the picture correct... and my eyes aren't playing tricks on me... there aren't too many soda cans that look like that.. well coca cola had a can like that some years back.... but you can probably find a similar can... but I'm not sure the can in the picture is opened... for it to be an open container violation.. hence the possible DUI if above the legal .08 (aint gonna know that lol) and the possible possession of a firearm by restricted... ie alcohol in system making them restricted... then you probably would have a fairly good case for an officer to follow up on.. BUT.. arguments sake... just a can... can't see road... yes possible intimidation.. and happened last year... with out other details.. officer would probably talk to the fellow and say 'Best not let Us catch you in the moment.' Because people of this nature 'NEVER' do this kind of behavior on a regular basis... Heck I bet you this guy open carry's when ever he is out in the field. Anyways, if you feel like contacting the Local LEO.. shoot me a PM.. and will tell the officer how to find this fellow. Wasn't hard... and actually found a pic of him some where carrying a pistol on his hip... lol.. good luck.. but these folks do need the local LEO to speak with them. This behavior only will get someone hurt... most likely the individual holding the gun.
>If your camera is on public
>land and he deleted your
>pictures, tough luck that's everyone's
>ground and legally that could
>just as well be his
>camera when he found it,
>as far as I know.
>The gun pointing in the
>camera if it's legitimate, different
>story. I would be out
>there every moment I could
>with everyone I know waiting
>for that pile of ****.

So if I find your truck parked on public land it could be my truck?and I could just take it cause as far as you know it could be mine! Think about it like it really is yours !

You a Basinite?

>Hey, I took business law in college. Can I join your group? We can make a real big thing out of this!! }>

Did you stay at a holiday Inn express last night?
Yep I did.
So can I be of any help, with the case.
Sorry but the guy did a very dumb thing acting the fool with him drinking and playing around with a weapon.
I know sometimes the guys that live next to a mountain sometime look at it as their own hunting private grounds, H#ll if I lived next to a good one, I mght be feeling it belongs to me too. The fact is the kid came on like gangbusters saying it WASN,T them and bang the cam pic show he was a liar, I bet if you put up another cam to watch that first Cam you will see them again breaking or stealing the first cam.
Playing that his MOM was a part of LEO was a card he should never have played.
I would always ride in those hills packing, you never know what crazy guys you will meet up in those hills.
REALLY the hills have eyes"

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Like a lot of guys I hate these cams.

So I am highjacking.

#1. Maybe only a couple enforcement or lawyers would know, but technically, if you leave a cam on public ground, is that not littering? What seperates that from a beer can?

#2. I know whenever I find one, there is at least one pic of my azz, pecker, or something. They aint' mine so I don't touch them, but the lazy azz that scouts via a camera deserves to see my 9" of manhood(we don't have tape measures at my house so yeah, 9")

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
"but the lazy azz that scouts via a camera deserves to see my 9" of manhood"

Hossblur, havn't you heard? You don't start measuring from your butthole.
I see your point with the cams. but when you live 5 hours away from the unit would you rather see a cam on a water hole or 200 guys on MM asking for a handout? I will take the cams down if someone local scouts for me!
>"but the lazy azz that scouts
>via a camera deserves to
>see my 9" of manhood"
>Hossblur, havn't you heard? You don't
>start measuring from your butthole.

A lot of folks think I'm all "butthole", so then it would be 6'5!

Lazy ass was a poor phrase, but without getting in the whole"you use a scope, or gun, or....." argument, I have always felt the cams were cheating. And I am really serious about the littering part. If I leave my trailer for 15 days I get a note on it. If I leave my Keystone can, and indian sheds a tear. I cant build a permanent blind, so I am wondering how leaving a cam isn't littering.

As for the other part, I know for a fact I ain' t the only one that includes pics on them. Like I said, I don't mess with them, alothough I did find one of Doyles on the island that had tipped over, and I put it back up, it was watching a trough. But I figure that first, you should know I was there, and most likely will be again. Second, I have one of those magnificent azzes that is just a continuation of my back with a crack and I know it photographs well, and three, that you don't have some top secret location, so come opening morning when you come trotting in there and see me, you don't throw the "my spot", or "pumpking patch" tantrum.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"

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