Monarch TV show


Long Time Member
Any of you folks watch it?

Trace Adkins is in it, plus some guest appearances by other country stars.

Its not that good.

I did learn that Nicky, played by Anna Friel, does her own singing. Shes easy on the eyes.
Yea, I watched two episodes.

It is still better than thinking of Karen Fairchild, and taking care of business with your image popping up.
Interesting Feddoc , haven't watched it but I might. Year or so ago I encouraged folks on MM to watch Limitless Outdoors as it's a Christian based series with wonderful filming and story lines, lots of kids involvement...I got shut down by Founder and the Moderators ( No Free advertising allowed) Hope your promoting this program fairs better than mine. Some folks question WHY!!
Not trying to high jack your thread.....just still frustrated how my input was shut down because 1 God Hater (SS) went ballistic and intentionally spouted vitriolic junk to garner Founders attention..
On a more important note , Thank You for your service Sir .
Interesting Feddoc , haven't watched it but I might. Year or so ago I encouraged folks on MM to watch Limitless Outdoors as it's a Christian based series with wonderful filming and story lines, lots of kids involvement...I got shut down by Founder and the Moderators ( No Free advertising allowed) Hope your promoting this program fairs better than mine. Some folks question WHY!!
Limitless Outdoors is a good show. Simple hunting, not always perfect shots.
Not trying to high jack your thread.....just still frustrated how my input was shut down because 1 God Hater (SS) went ballistic and intentionally spouted vitriolic junk to garner Founders attention..
On a more important note , Thank You for your service Sir .
No one wants to hear your God BS. No one. Even limitless outdoors doesn’t want to hear it. I can’t believe you quit so easily. Looks like satan has you by the hand.
I'll let the MM faithful judge your comments SS . What I said was true. You purposely injected hate in the attempt to garner Founders attention to shut down that thread . You PM me stating such , as Founder is anti- Christian like you sir. You accomplished your mission but will not win the war . That much i can Promise you. The message of the Gospel is foolishness to those who are perishing.
No one wants to hear your God BS. No one. Even limitless outdoors doesn’t want to hear it. I can’t believe you quit so easily. Looks like satan has you by the hand.
Not true SS, it is you in the minority on MM not me. At least 80% of the comments regarding Limitless Outdoors were in Support. Once again the tail wagged the dog and you shut down that thread, MM faithful are by and large God fearing and value/ cherish His Creation. I spent time in worship today, He Radically changed my life in 1997....I can do nothing but Praise Him.
Not true SS, it is you in the minority on MM not me. At least 80% of the comments regarding Limitless Outdoors were in Support. Once again the tail wagged the dog and you shut down that thread, MM faithful are by and large God fearing and value/ cherish His Creation. I spent time in worship today, He Radically changed my life in I 1997....I can do nothing but Praise Him.
You don’t get it. All of us were fine with limitless outdoors. But you pushing your make believe Jesus crap is what no one wanted. Stop labeling people as anti Christian when you don’t know them or their beliefs. I’ve never seen someone who gets so upset when someone disagrees with them like you do. Do you really believe I alone was able to get your thread shut down? Or that I even attempted to? I was having too much fun pushing your buttons.

Show some respect to the original poster and stop hijacking threads you religious poser.
Not trying to high jack your thread.....just still frustrated how my input was shut down because 1 God Hater (SS) went ballistic and intentionally spouted vitriolic junk to garner Founders attention..
On a more important note , Thank You for your service Sir .
Can't believe you left me out. Really disappointed.
Not true SS, it is you in the minority on MM not me. At least 80% of the comments regarding Limitless Outdoors were in Support. Once again the tail wagged the dog and you shut down that thread, MM faithful are by and large God fearing and value/ cherish His Creation. I spent time in worship today, He Radically changed my life in 1997....I can do nothing but Praise Him.
80%? You mean the people who like your religion like your show? Shocker

If I see a jeebus fish or a cross on the marketing, I don't even bother. The Kool aid being drunk and the religious undertones are not going to be for me.

I love how Christians always play the victim. It almost like it's the entire basis of their religion. Almost. Minus the fantasy stuff.

Not surprised a Christian is whining about persecution and people not likeing them for their beliefs. Weird how their entire religion is based on doing just that. My favorite type of Christian is the one that I don't hear whimpering about injustices against him. #waronchtistmasiscoming
Scammers love to see Jesus fish and crosses. It means those people are gullible and can be swindled easily.
I'll fall back on the words of Jesus himself, ( paraphrase) if they persecuted Me they will persecute you. The vitriol of those who don't know Him is of no surprise. Trust me , I'm never falling into a woe with me mindset as a believer in the Gospel of are misrepresenting my views.
Jesus also stated that (paraphrase) the path to destruction is wide and that most will choose it, the path to me is narrow. I'm praising God every day that He revealed Himself to me in a way that was profound and life altering. He changed my life Radically in going back for me.
We are all appointed once to die then there is judgment. As each of us will stand before God on that day and there is only one question of which He already knows the answer " What did you do with my Son ? Reject His accomplishments on the cross or reject Him? "

You make the choice for your eternal destiny...Full stop.
I'll fall back on the words of Jesus himself, ( paraphrase) if they persecuted Me they will persecute you. The vitriol of those who don't know Him is of no surprise. Trust me , I'm never falling into a woe with me mindset as a believer in the Gospel of are misrepresenting my views.
Jesus also stated that (paraphrase) the path to destruction is wide and that most will choose it, the path to me is narrow. I'm praising God every day that He revealed Himself to me in a way that was profound and life altering. He changed my life Radically in going back for me.
We are all appointed once to die then there is judgment. As each of us will stand before God on that day and there is only one question of which He already knows the answer " What did you do with my Son ? Reject His accomplishments on the cross or reject Him? "

You make the choice for your eternal destiny...Full stop.
That book of fables works for you. Quit assuming everyone believes it or you for that matter. Some of us didn't need some deity to somehow conjure up some belief in ourselves to do what is right. You need a guidebook to help you make decisions in life because you can't judge right from wrong by yourself. Admit it.
Not everyone needs it or wants to hear you spout about it all the time. Find that guy that kept asking other dudes on here to call him and y'all hook up. That is legal in some states now anyways.
whine to fondler then instead of posting to such an evil thread....
I worked in a factory in the heart of the Bible belt. There were Amish, Mennonite, Baptist, Methodists, holiness, and probably others. And different churches within most of the denominations. I belonged to one of the most conservative. At breaktime and lunch we debated who was right and who was wrong. It was disgusting to me. I eventually was in charge of the place. One of the things I did was ask that we not debate religion in the gathering area. I 100 percent believe in a higher power. I try my best to live by it. I try to raise my children to respect and recognize it. It's an incredibly divisive subject. I wasn't trying to condone or condemn in my response.
I worked in a factory in the heart of the Bible belt. There were Amish, Mennonite, Baptist, Methodists, holiness, and probably others. And different churches within most of the denominations. I belonged to one of the most conservative. At breaktime and lunch we debated who was right and who was wrong. It was disgusting to me. I eventually was in charge of the place. One of the things I did was ask that we not debate religion in the gathering area. I 100 percent believe in a higher power. I try my best to live by it. I try to raise my children to respect and recognize it. It's an incredibly divisive subject. I wasn't trying to condone or condemn in my response.
Well deercy, something that you might want to better understand. All these denominations you listed are creations by man, if you're familiar at all with the Bible there are no denominations...PERIOD. Every church has flaws as they are filled with flawed folks, however Jesus said "I AM" the way , the TRUTH, and the Life. Its the Bible sir that is the North Star for those who are new creations in Christ or Born Again. I encourage you to seek Him , don't look to people or the creation... Seek the Creator, He loves you more than you understand. Blessings sir
Well deercy, something that you might want to better understand. All these denominations you listed are creations by man, if you're familiar at all with the Bible there are no denominations...PERIOD. Every church has flaws as they are filled with flawed folks, however Jesus said "I AM" the way , the TRUTH, and the Life. Its the Bible sir that is the North Star for those who are new creations in Christ or Born Again. I encourage you to seek Him , don't look to people or the creation... Seek the Creator, He loves you more than you understand. Blessings sir
The born again or found jesus types are the worst.

Hail, Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.

Sweet! God forgives me! See you in heaven! ?
Oh man I just thought really dirty thoughts about taylor swift and I'm a happily married man.

Our Father, Who art in heaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy Will be done,
on earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen.

Wahoo! Still heaven bound!
Oh man I just thought really dirty thoughts about taylor swift and I'm a happily married man.

Our Father, Who art in heaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy Will be done,
on earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen.

Wahoo! Still heaven bound!
She’s like 6’ tall. :oops: Something about her……

And it’s wild to think that God made you in his image :oops:;)
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Well deercy, something that you might want to better understand. All these denominations you listed are creations by man, if you're familiar at all with the Bible there are no denominations...PERIOD. Every church has flaws as they are filled with flawed folks, however Jesus said "I AM" the way , the TRUTH, and the Life. Its the Bible sir that is the North Star for those who are new creations in Christ or Born Again. I encourage you to seek Him , don't look to people or the creation... Seek the Creator, He loves you more than you understand. Blessings sir

Look! Two fools giggled at what you had to say. Regular little twinkies!!

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