More Clinton Hypocricy


Long Time Member
"This commutation sends the clear signal that in this administration, cronyism and ideology trump competence and justice." - Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y.

This is what she had to say about Liby's pardon. Now take a look at her Husbands pardon list. Unbelievable.
What its like 450 Pardons from that sex addict. Check it out.

Alls I am sayin is folks in glass houses should not throw stones.

Did you ever get the feeling the Liberal Media is somewhat biased?

You will probably regret posting this because Georgie's term isn't up yet which means he can and will dwarf Clinton's pardon list. I can't wait to see it. Osama will probably on it. You guys amaze me.
ZIG, You obviously missed the point, (or were to blinded by your undeniable hatered of bush) he said and I quote "people in glass houses shouldnt throw stones" Now lets get into the meaning of what 202 was saying, Billary has NO ground to stand on when she says "This commutation sends the clear signal that in this administration, cronyism and ideology trump competence and justice." When she is maried to some one who lets "cronyism and ideology trump competence and justice."

ZIG, you amaze me, DU DU DUUUHH

P.S. You can dream all you want about Osama being pardoned since thats what a lib would want.

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
Hmmm! Far as I know, Sen. Clinton hasn't pardon'd anyone. Of course I'm sure you knuckle heads would accept responsability for everything your spouses have ever done .... even if they deny it ... right??

And by the way ... I can see it all now!! li'l george & chenny in the oval office ... chenny says " common georgie .. ya ain't going to let ol'e scoot take a fall are ya?? got this red lable on my lap & i've had a couple of beers" li'l george says "PARDON ME??"

Uh RUS, you do realize Libby was NOT pardoned don't you?

As for the hypocrisy of Hillbilliary, she stood by her man and not only helped attack SEVERAL women who accused her man of unseemly sexual conduct, she also has been SILENT about the people pardoned by Billhilliary, people who did much worse things than Libby. But, I guess social progressives can do anything and get a free pass from the media AND the kool-aid drinkers who blissfully hide under the stained blue dress of liberialism. While conservatives are held to a higher standard and can do no good in the world as far as the afore-mentioned folks are concerned.

Don't kid yourself we all know Libby will be pardoned before Bush leaves office. along with Cheney and the rest of the goon squad in this administration, that is if someone finds a way to go around his executive privilege cover tactic. you say the conservatives shouldn't be held to a higher standard than the libs? then why do you lay claim to the high ground? talks cheap and you're broke.
I don't recall laying claim to the higher ground, but if you wouold like to admit we DESERVE to be placed higher than you SP's, I'll gladly accept the offer.

Pray tell, what does Cheney need to be pardoned for exactly?

I got plenty in the bank, do you want a loan? Of course I am referring to logic and reasoning, you seem to be drastically low on both.

Fear the Yenless Yang as much as the Yangless Yen. Whos the bigger A-hole Anne Colter or George Carville? Same kind of Jerks. Us conservatives should be able to admit when "our" guy doesn't live up. It's cronyism and it sucks- almost as bad as the Pardons-R-Us get-out-of-jail-free cards that Clinton was selling. I respect the liberal view more when it's coming from someone who can recognize when their guy doesn't fly right either(or is hypocritical about it).

I probably shouldn't get into the political discussion on here, hope no-one took this as some kind of personal attack- seems like folks get their backs up pretty easy, it's all in good fun right?

NM Operation Game Thief 1-800-432-4263
?I want as game protectors men of courage, resolution, and hardihood, who can handle the rifle, ax, and paddle; who can camp out in summer or winter; who can go on snowshoes if necessary; who can go through the woods by day or night without regard to trails" Theodore Roosevelt-1899
"they were not fired for political reasons"

"we never said they were not fire for political reasons"

Ah, Mr. GHWB, your being recorded. . .
Who is GHWB?

Libby should never have even been prosecuted to begin with.

How many days in prison did Billhilliary spend for the same offense? Ya, you're right, there is no double standard.

You're right Cheney doesn't need pardoned,....yet. if Bush can make an end run around the justice system with executive privilege then he won't need to. why would you need to pardon someone you would'nt allow to be investigated or tried?

You're somewhat right on Scapegoat Libby, but he's as far up the totem pole as they could get, sure he's innocent, sure he is and we all know if it looks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck, it's a chicken.

I never said you deserved the higher ground I said you lay claim to it. it seems all you strive to do is not be any worse than the Clinton administration and that makes you better, setting the bar pretty high there aren't you? for a bunch of Dudley do right captian America's I'd think something a little more impressive would be in order.
It amazes me that there are still those dismiss America's contempt of this current administration. Both Bill and Al can go to any public speaking event without worry. Yet George and Dikk only appear at military bases or GOP speaking engagements.

One would think that if Bill was such a terrible, incompetent, and corrupt President the public would dislike him as much as George.

After George leaves office where will he be welcomed at? What cause will he champion and who would allie themselves with him? Loyal Bushies just can't fathom how such a great leader as George is greeted with such disdain, while that horrible womanizing scumbag Bill is so loved.

When it comes to pardons, Nixon gave a full pardon of Jimmy Hoffa but you don't hear any loyal Bushies speak of that. Oddly enough Hoffa delivered alot of union money for Nixon's election.

Was Scooter the mastermind that revealed Valerie Plame's identity? No. Did Scooter's testimony serve to protect higher-ups in the administration? Yes. Has George ruled out a full pardon of Scooter? No. Should Armitage, Libby, Rove, and Cheney be held for treason for disclosing the identity of Plame and all those associated with Brewster Jennings? I think so. Do we know the full damage of revealing Brewster Jennings and how it has damage our ability to gather information on tracking black market radioactive materials. No.

When George and Dikk are out of office and senior republicans and the military can speak freely it will be very interesting to hear their perspective of our current administration.
Furthermore... I concur with TimbWard's opinion that all administrations should be held under the microscope. So many act as if the administration they voted for can do no wrong. Worse yet, when you question "their" administration you are immediately placed as an opposition supporter.

Is it possible to not approve of our current administration without being a Bill supporter?

Is their a difference between lying about marital infidelity and disclosing one of our most coveted intelligence gathering organizations?

Which of the 2 events has had more of an impact on our national security?

I voted for Ronnie twice and George Sr. once but decided that the corruption with our South American policy did not serve our national interest. So I made a party change and voted for Bill twice. After Bill, I was not pleased by some of the backdoor deals that were made with China or NAFTA so I changed party affiliation again to Independant.

Party affiliation should not dictate the amount of scrutiny we place on any administration. After all, administration are here to serve We the people, not just those that voted for them.

I'm done, I will return to the asylum now.
Plame was NOT covert, therefore she was NEVER 'outed'. Stop listening to NPR and CNN. Libby was part of a witch hunt by the left, with the leftest media's blessings and aid.

How did that vote for an Independant Party turn out for you? A wasted vote, and that's it. But, I am sure it makes you 'feel' better, even though it was a thrown away vote in the grand scheme of things. Brilliant.

Bush is in a position where the social progressives hate him so bad, they are willing to cause harm to America in order to bring him down or make him look guilty. The 'main stream' media is part of this pathetic movement that gets it's talking points from George Soros and his cronnies. If Bush were as dumb as you all proclaim, he would have been nailed for something by now, or been foolish enough to allow his true enemies, that would be the libs, to access info that NO other President has been expected to turn over. The left is so filled with hate for Bush and the fact he has #####-slapped them over and over again while they claim to be so much smarter than him, they allow that hate to dictate EVERY thing they do. I dare say, many on the left hate Bush more than Bin Laden and those who are true enemies of our way of life. What does that say about them? Politics before country, NICE!

PRO ... and your kindness, compassion and understanding of other points of view are truly appreciated .... no hatred in your camp!!!

At least Bush and Cheney are hunters, that can't be bad for the image of sportsmen in America.... Oh wait, Cheney... Shot.... a guy..... in the face....

Nah, I'm still an Elephant-slapper from way back. just looking for an excuse to comment on my last post (James Carville not George- too late to edit) so you all didn't think I was a total dipship.

Won't miss Bush, scared to death of Hillary The problem is you CANNOT succeed in American politics without being a crooked SOB.

NM Operation Game Thief 1-800-432-4263
?I want as game protectors men of courage, resolution, and hardihood, who can handle the rifle, ax, and paddle; who can camp out in summer or winter; who can go on snowshoes if necessary; who can go through the woods by day or night without regard to trails" Theodore Roosevelt-1899
Pro your emotionally triggered response is predictable and misses the issue completely regarding Plame. You act as if Brewster Jennings was a one person operation. What you've missed is that Brewster Jennings has been in operation since the early 50's. How many NOC's whose names are not public aired were revealed when Brewster Jennings was exposed?

As far as being an independant, just because your registered as an independant doesn't subject you to only voting for an independant candidate. Joining the independant party is a choice to state that the (r) and (d) no longer represents ones political beliefs.

I do agree that George along with 109th congress has laid the smack down on the Dems. I also feel that Dems have no solid message or solid backbone when it comes to dealing with our current administration. The Dems blew the 2000-04 election then blamed it on the system when Gore couldn't carry his home state.

Like most who will defend this administration you have failed to answer a single issue in my initial post. Just because I personally do not approve of this administration, it does not mean that I would support a incompetent dem administration either.

If the Dems win in 08, I will be just as critical of them as I am of our current administration. Afterall isn't that truly what should be expected of all Americans?

From your response, apparently not.
Well said Forthwall.... Unfortunately in politics, no one has clean hands or a clear conscience.

Forthewall, what issue(s) would you like answered? I must of missed your questions amongst all the sewage flowing in this thread.

As for RUS, I agree with 90% of what Forthewall's last post stated, so I fail to see YOUR point, if you have one. Or, is "ya, what he said" the best you can do?

I am stuck out in the desert 10 miles from Wendover today on this Country's birthday, thanks for all you social progressives for atleast giving me somw humor to pass the day away with. My holiday would be much less enjoyable with out you guys!

Pardoned - Marlena Francisca Stewart-Rollins N. D. Ohio 1989 Conspiracy to distribute cocaine, 21 U.S.C. ? 846

Pardoned - Gregory Lee Sands D. So. Dak. 1990 Conspiracy to distribute cocaine, 21 U.S.C. ?? 841 and 846

PARDONED - Richard Wilson Riley, Jr. D. So. Car. 1993 Conspiring to possess with intent to distribute and to distribute marijuana and cocaine, 21 U.S.C. ? 846

PARDONED - Vernon Raymond Obermeier S. D. Ill. 1989 Conspiracy to distribute cocaine, distribution of cocaine, and using a communications facility to facilitate distribution of cocaine, 21 U.S.C. ?? 846, 841(a)(1), and 843(b)

Ol' Billy has thing for blow pushers, but he never inhaled.
So 6 years and counting and this is all they can get on this admin...................just shows how clean these guys are...........(and I don't mean clean in the Biden sence of the word either LMAO)

I still do not understand how Libby was prosecuted for this. Number 1 Plame was not covert, everyone in Washington knew it, number two the special prosecuter allready knew who so called outed her long before he ever interogated Libby. I mean come on, don't you haters see the witch hunt here. Good grief.

The Lefties are seething with hatred and are very pissed they can not get Bush on anything.

Reason is Bush aint done nothin wrong. Either that or he's slicker than old Slick him self. LMAO
PRO,It was the best I could do .... sorry you have to work making $50 or $60 bucks an hour. Smart as you are I'm sure you could do much better in politics or something.

If pro makes $50-$60 per hour then somebody is throwing good money away. Charity case maybe? "Who is GHWB"............WHAT????
You won't know who Bush is going to pardon until the week he leaves office, you're calling the race before it's over.
Wow Zigga, good to see you know how much I am worth. Since RUS works for the same Co as I do, I would trust his assestment on what I get paid for my 'knowledge'.

I am smart enough to not be a politican on the national level, but not smart enough to make a living like I want. I have been elected to local offices, although I fail to make the connection between smarts and politics. Most politicians fall into to categories in my opinion, 1)They crave power, 2)They are willing to do what others are not willing to do.

I would make a lousy US Senator or US Congressman because I wouldn't be able to restrain from telling the idiots in both parties what I think of all the pork and waste going thru DC. I also would not be willing to ignore my princibles in order to get elected/re-elected. But I am smart enough to work on a holiday getting double time plus holiday time for 12 hours work. Sweet, I need a few items before hunting season!

Charity is for those who can't/won't take care of themselves, I ain't never needed charity nor pity, sorry to disappoint ya though zigga.

Those are the ones he pardoned while hoping to get re elected, the best is yet to come he's got nothing to lose now. they're all fine upstanding citizens who were " framed " no doubt.

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